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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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Ahriman demanded it. He told me that I should not post until they were all done. Until the Servants of Tzeentch numbered 10. He was pleased when I found that I had obtained arrival of a new case, paints and brushes for my birthday on the 7th. He demanded that he ber garbed in some of these colors. On all that... I obliged. No story for them beyond the knowledge that they are fast allies of the group, and this may be linked to the higgh number of sorcerers both within and allied to the group








I, Leonite, who pledged forth 7 units and models, who demanded his painting be stretched. Who painted servants of the four Chaos Gods, as the Spawn are primarily assigned to Nurgle. I claim my title as WARMASTER! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! AND LET CHAOS FOREVER PROSPER BROTHERS! FOR THE HALLOWED WORD CLAIM THEIR VOW COMPLETED!

Did the last ink wash on my marines, just need to drybrush the bases and they are done. Now all i need to do is finish my vindy, land raider and ten cultists. They are basic table top standard atm so might just tidy up and call them done tbh.

And we are complete! All 13 vows:

1. 3 Renegade Sentinels – with three Autocannons– 75pts

2. 3 Renegade Sentinels – with Missile Pod, Lascannon, and a Multilaser – 80pts

3. 3 Renegade Sentinels – with Lascannon, Multilaser, Plasma Cannon (as Lascannon), with Heavy Armour and Smoke Launchers – 180pts

4. Five man Khorne Berzerker Squad w/ Plasma Pistol – 120pts

5. Five man Khorne Berzerker Squad – 105pts

6. Five man Khorne Berzerker Squad– 105pts

7. Five man Khorne Berzerker Squad – 105pts

8. Eight man Khorne Berzerker Squad w/ Plasma Pistol – 177pts

9. Six Noise Marines – Blastmaster and Sonic Blaster, with Power Weapon – 160pts

10. Six Noise Marines – Blastmaster and Sonic Blaster, with Power Weapon – 160pts

11. Six Noise Marines – Blastmaster and Sonic Blaster, with Lightning Claw and Icon of Excess – 190pts

12. Sorceror with Mark of Slaanesh – 75pts

13. Lord with Mark of Slaanesh and Power Weapon – 95pts

1627pts – 13 Vows.

Pleased to have completed these - definitely something a bit different from the usual Death Guard contingent!

Here's a group shot:


The right side:


And the left:


Apologies if the light isn't perfect - should hopefully give a nice clear indication of it all though smile.png Any issues Captain, just shout!

Well done to everyone taking part - and cheers to Dragonlover for continuing to drive me on, finishing not long behind you is pretty good I feel!

Great to see so much progress in the closing moments of the Call! Please everyone, make use of this weekend as much as possible - on Tuesday everything will be over. 


As I said before, the official close will be on Wednesday 16th (my time) so people can use the 15th to work across all time zones...


So steel your resolve, the end is drawing near - let's see this completion rate increase!!! 


Also Chaeron? 




You will be rewarded by the powers that be...




Going to call it here, I simply won't have enough free time over the next 48-72 hours to finish the remaining 8 miniatures, not to the quality I would consider finished.


Here are two completed of my three terminators, it took too much time to finish the Word Bearer with the flamethrower.  I could finish the guy in the center of the set, but I decided compared to the other two, he is not yet a worthy enough offering.  I am going to add a ton more green stuff and make him really look like he has been reaving the skulls of his enemies for 10,000 years.


Unfinished Terminators

23349723022_3e8a386d20_z.jpgTerminators_PrePaint by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


Finished two of three;

23630071232_bc951b7fe3_z.jpgIMG_20151214_011859187 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

23111778653_25cda05a49_z.jpgIMG_20151214_011923262_HDR by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

23112001023_e2feb4130c_z.jpgIMG_20151214_013732248 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

23110662394_314a674f3c_z.jpgIMG_20151214_013743664 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


I have failed the Dark Gods, and to spawndom I am doomed...though I will continue to spill blood for the blood god!


I will do much better for next Call of Chaos.

I, Dreadclaw answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete before December 15th 2015, the following 8 units : furious.gif
1 Kytan Daemon Engine
1 Khârn
8 Berzerkers
8 Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Khorne
3 Chaos Bikers dedicated to Khorne
3 Chaos Bikers dedicated to Khorne
5 Flesh Hounds
1 Soulgrinder of Khorne
If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul !

Wow completed !

The big boys...



... and the Horde !





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