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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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I Scion of Ferrus answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 2 Warpsmith's before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


EisenVater Kroll - Dornian Heresy Iron Hand's warpsmith on bike.


Maximillian DeWitt - Renegade Sons of Medusa, counts as Warpsmith




Edit: Date.

I Captain Sox, freshly converted to the daemons of Chaos, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete:


8 Bloodletters of Khorne

8 Bloodletters of Khorne

1 Skullcannon

1 Bloodthirster 

1 Daemon Prince




Before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on what's left of my soul!


Hopefully, I can add more to the list.


New pic added!


Stay tuned....

I TerraZero20 answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete


Chaos Lord of the Night Lords legion

5 man squad of Chaos Space Marines

10 man squad of Chaos Space Marines

5 man squad of Raptors

Hellbrute with close combat weapon and twin-linked lascannon


 before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I Carrack answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete

3 Nurgling Bases

10 Plague Bringers

Chaos Spawn

Chaos Spawn

Chaos Spawn (ha, that's poor sportsmanship ;) )

Chaos Sorcerer / Lord


On or before Dec 15, 2015. If successful I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood, and continue on the path of ruin. Failure, will result in being branded with the Mark of the Lost for a time, and will force me to hang my head in shame.

I Mactire of the Rout do vow to finish


5 Chaos Chosen

8 Chaos marines (could do 10, but 8 seems more appropriate)

5 raptors and 

1 Aspiring Champion


before the 15h of December 2015. Success will bring shame and damnation, failure will bring shame and damnation, but I really love the little banners.


I blame you Capt. Semper, bloody fallen calibanites.

I 1000 Sons vow to finish


10 Thousand Sons marines




7 Thousand Sons terminators




1 Thousand Sons chaos knight




Success will bring glory to the Thousand Sons and make me very tired, failure will turn me to an even more mindless rubric marine.

Dark Gods here my call!


I, Brother SP, swear my soul to the service of Aletheia and her mistress She Who Thirsts. I swear, along with my countless other hobby vows and commitments at the moment, to complete to her Perfect Truth:


- 10 Chaos Marines


These I swear to complete or fail, as per usual, by December the 15th.

I, Fenrisulfur, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete


1. One unit of three Bloodcrushers

2. One Maulerfiend

3. One Maulerfiend

4. One unit of 3 Khorne Bikers

5. One unit of 3 Khorne Bikers

6. Khârn the Betrayer

7. One Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage

8. An' ggrath The Unbound, Daemon Lord of Khorne


before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I, Surreal Cruelty, pledge to complete the following units on or before December 15th


1 Unit of 7 Khorne Berzerkers (have 8, but one is mostly finished, testing out the red)

1 Unit of 10 Chaos Marines

1 Unit of 15 Chaos Cultists

1 Unit of Raptors

1 Unit of 3 Chaos Terminators

1 Abaddon the Despoiler


If I do this successfully, I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin.  If I fail, I will wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect merciless ridicule and shame.


+++ Edit +++

I will be posting my work in progress in my thread here:


@ Kierdale: fixed it! Look forward for those tattoos!  :)


@ Akylas: Everything's registered (incl. the Rhino). ;)


@ Scion of Ferrous: Just to make sure, you do not have "before" pictures in the link, correct?


@ TerraZero20: Just to clarify the event ends on December not January... sorry for the mix-up. Feel free to alter your vow if you wish (but give me a heads up if you do so I can change the entry in the first page).


@ Augustus b'Raass: Good catch - fixed it now. Apologise for any inconvenience.







Alright, screw Khorne!


I Aasfresser answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 7 Units composed of:

- Mark of Tzeentch, Power Armour, Sigil of Corruption, Spell Familiar, Veterans of the Long War, Mastery Level 3
- Chaos Artefact (Burning Brand of Skalathrax)
- Force Weapon (Force Stave)

- Mark of Tzeentch, Power Armour, Jump Pack, Sigil of Corruption, Spell Familiar, Veterans of the Long War, Mastery Level 3
- Melee Weapon (Powerfist)
- Force Weapon (Force Sword)

2x Chaos Spawn
- Mark of Tzeentch

- Two sets of Lasher Tendrils

Chaos Rapiers Weapons Battery
- Laser Destroyer

Herald of Tzeentch

3x Screamers of Tzeentch

before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood Glorious Change and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!




May Tzeentch bless you all with Tentacles! 

Before-Pics will be provided later this weekend.

I thedarkprincesnun answer the call of chaos and vow to complete 5 units from codex chaos space marines before december15th 2015 Successs will see glory brought to the start of my Black Legion Warband and I will bear the mark of spilled blood failure will see me doomed to a eternity in the Inquisitons hold and i will beat the mark of failure.

My vow is

Chaos Lord Jurgal the Destroyer (chaos lord with MoK and Axe of Blind Fury)







Gawd... One day, one day... ( Good luck with the whip by the way ^^" )
So, just for saying i have update my black Legion tread with the before pick of 3 of my 4 unit of my vow^^


Though I show some photos of my Chaos Guards I've been painting for Call of Chaos during today.  Rest progress photos from today can be seen on my - Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company - army log before they got the Forge World weather powder added.

Still got a few things left to paint - Icon & squad marking.  Just wanted the models varnish today & add weather powder due to how long the MIG pigmint fixer can take to dry with each layer of weather powder.




@ Kierdale: fixed it! Look forward for those tattoos! smile.png

@ Akylas: Everything's registered (incl. the Rhino). msn-wink.gif

@ Scion of Ferrous: Just to make sure, you do not have "before" pictures in the link, correct?

@ TerraZero20: Just to clarify the event ends on December not January... sorry for the mix-up. Feel free to alter your vow if you wish (but give me a heads up if you do so I can change the entry in the first page).

@ Augustus b'Raass: Good catch - fixed it now. Apologise for any inconvenience.



@Captain Semper - No there are no pictures of Maximillian DeWitt in the link, his model never got made.

Akan's Reavers was a topic made by (1000heathens) Hyaenidae back in 2011/2012 but it got shelved just after the current Chaos Codex dropped. It's worth a look though, it was a good collaborative effort and a giggle.

Edit: Clarification and a mis-spelling of the name of The Moderati.

I Mard answer the call of chaos and vow to complete 9 Formations from the Vraksian Traitor Guard (NetEA 1.06) before December 15th 2015 Successs will see glory brought to the Vraksian Legions and I will bear the mark of spilled blood failure will see me doomed to a eternity in the Inquisitons hold or the flames of the sisters and i will bear the mark of failure.

Supreme Commander, 12 Infantry, Chimeras (7 Chimeras), Flak (1 Hydra)

6 Malcador, 4 Malcador Annihilator, Flak (1 Hydra)

3 Hydra

3 Minotaur Artillery Tanks

2 Deathstrike Missile Launchers

3 Valdor Tank Hunters

8 Alpha Legion Marines, 1 Alpha Legion Lord, 4 Alpha Legion Rhinos

2 HellTalon FighterBombers


3x Objective markers 

Oh yeah, this is all at gorgeous epic scale. Also I really have to have this done asap as I have tourney I want to take these bad boys too next month.
I'll edit in the pics tonight when i get back home (Some is still trickling in via post)

Editing with some pics

Box of goodies

More Infantry


Looking at base sizes


This is a complete test scheme #1 from last night, but i hate the red tanks... unfortunatly i sprayed them all red before starting, so they are all off in the dettol now being scrubbed


Much happier with scheme #2 so it's full steam ahead with this one


Tonight's job is to work on the bases while everything else soaks in dettol



Got my 'before' shots up for most of my vow over in my log.




No shots of the Possessed yet, not done modelling them but will post them up before they see the wet end of a brush.


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