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+++Call of Chaos VIII+++

Captain Semper

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I think I'm going to loose last year's title of Warmaster and be rewarded with Spawnhood this Call of Chaos. I'm sorry guys, but my Chaos fire has burned out after three consecutive years of constant Night Lords, World Eaters and Daemons. I'm far more into the cowardly Imperial Fists right now - so I'll focus on that in the coming months.


BUT NOT TO FEAR. I am thoroughly corrupted and will save all my vowed units (which together are worth over 1200 points) for next year's ETL, where we have to defend out title a second year running!!! With any luck, I'll have completed all my Imperial Fist models by then - so all those points will be denied to those Codex schmucks! ;)


Good luck and I'll keep lurking here for inspiration. :tu: Gotta keep my heart impure ;)

I think I'm going to loose last year's title of Warmaster and be rewarded with Spawnhood this Call of Chaos. I'm sorry guys, but my Chaos fire has burned out after three consecutive years of constant Night Lords, World Eaters and Daemons. I'm far more into the cowardly Imperial Fists right now - so I'll focus on that in the coming months.

BUT NOT TO FEAR. I am thoroughly corrupted and will save all my vowed units (which together are worth over 1200 points) for next year's ETL, where we have to defend out title a second year running!!! With any luck, I'll have completed all my Imperial Fist models by then - so all those points will be denied to those Codex schmucks! msn-wink.gif

Good luck and I'll keep lurking here for inspiration. thumbsup.gif Gotta keep my heart impure msn-wink.gif





Terrific progress I see... Anyone thinking of taking on this guy?


Looks kind of irritated...


Well how else would a Khorne demon look after being made to wait?



After spending the past few hours painting everything red I'm starting to look a bit like that as well :/



My vow is finished. Pictures courtesy of Dragonlover on Friday!

I MindOfMetal answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 1 Chaos Lord from the Daemonkin codex before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


This is very much a 'before' shot. Plan on adding green stuff. The idea is to base him around the start of the World Eaters fall to chaos, so still enough of the old legion there.

Close up of my BT. Hope this provides some inspiration!







Personal lifes getting in the way but intend to get started on painting for the call soon. More updates soon.

Awesome looking BT!


That's almost the exact colour I'm looking for to paint the wings on mine. What shade / colour is that? :)

Terrific progress I see... Anyone thinking of taking on this guy?


Looks kind of irritated... tongue.png

Will be doing the update soon, in the mean time any more Chaos Lords willing to join? Remember there is no cut-off date here, you can do this at any time!

I will be building / painting that model for sure! He's the namesake of my Chaos army!

Close up of my BT. Hope this provides some inspiration!



Personal lifes getting in the way but intend to get started on painting for the call soon. More updates soon.

Awesome looking BT!

That's almost the exact colour I'm looking for to paint the wings on mine. What shade / colour is that? smile.png

Thanks :) It's the same colors used to paint skin. So I started with Bugman's glow, followed by a layer or two of cadian flesh shade leaving the bugmans untouched towards the edge of the "fingers"(I dont know what they are called). I think i then put on a wash of reikland flesh shade. Then dry brushed cadian again followed by a light dry brush of kislev flesh.

I hope this helps :)

I'll be blatantly stealing that method for my BT, Ansel. smile.png

Also, I just noticed your location 'Hivetown of Amsterdam´... Dunno where you are, but compared to where you live, my hood in the centre is indeed a slum. Ask Kurama. msn-wink.gif

Feel free to copy mate, you'll probably better my BT, so looking forward to see it.tongue.png

Well slum town... whatever :P

First part of my vow finished!


I'm working on the Noise Marines as my next unit. As these will be the most time-consuming part of my vow, I decided to get them out of the way quickly. You'll find a picture of their current painting situation in my WIP-thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/199456-kythnos-iron-warriors/?do=findComment&comment=4184819

I have been lurking on this forum for far too long, so time to give something back!


I Apparition answer the Call of Chaos. In the name of Khorne and the glorious 8th legion, I vow to complete:

  1. Maulerfiend - converted and magnetised so it can also be a forgefiend
  2. Helbrute - magnetised for most weapon options
  3. Helbrute - Dark Vengeance conversion
  4. 5 x Chosen 
  5. 1 x Chaos Sorcerer

All this shall be completed before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Pics to follow.


Death to the false emperor!

I bring updates!


Firstly, my Blodletters are assembled and spray painted with the Chaos Lord. I'd have pictures but it's hard enough to get a focus regularly. Getting one that makes pitch black models stand out is impossible on my phone.


That said, I do have updates! Firstly, I changed the base on Iron Brother Ivo with what is now the standard, and will do the same for the Slaaneshi Herald soon.




Next are the five Chaos Spawn I promised. 




The Hallowed Word Warband are extremely devout and openly accept possession and mutation with glee. But even so for a Chaos Warband they have an unusually high amount of Spawn. Some of these such as pictured on the far left and right are experiments done by the Sorcerers of the Warband and their allies, of which they can boast a surprising amount. Some of these, pictured left and right of the middle, are humans who attempted to reach the same heights as the possessed members of the warband, creating unbound Daemonhosts. But the most infamous of the spawn is the Orkbomination pictured center. This is one of Ivo's experiments with the Obliterator virus and, he claims, his most successful result beyond himself.  The Orkbomination is the result of a Champion of Khorne who was a rival to Ivo fought a hulking Ork and a foolhardy human sergeant nearby witht he foul technosorceries inflicted upon them.


And finally, the sorcerer leading the Thousand Sons.



I, Brother Mayhem, answer the Call to Chaos and vow to complete 18 Bloodletters (10 man and 8 man units) and a Bloodthirister of Unfettered Fury before December 15th 2015. If I do this successfully, I will recived the Mark of Spilled Blood and continue to the path to ruin. If I fail, I'll wear the Mark of the Lost and expect no mercy on my soul! 




Let the games begin! (Progress can be seen in my Log linked below)


Really getting close to finishing these guys now, a few final details, paint the tyres then final weathering. Bosh! Onto the Flesh Hounds.....

That lord's sword...fantastic!!!

And now I look closer, those Raptor heads look excellent on bikers.


Some WIP on my Slaangor.

13 now have the base black of their tattoos done. I should be able to finish the other 7 tomorrow and then next week get on to highlighting the tattoos in grey, then on to hair...

I'm thinking of doing their fur natural brown tones, but their head hair/beards pastels (a-la the topknots of my noise marines and the hair of my daemonettes).



Pardon the small images quickly snapped at work.

The only one I'm not happy with is the second from the right in the bottom row there. I should have just left the black around the eyes. Not sure what made me do round his mouth and join them along the cheeks. I'll change it tomorrow as it keeps bothering me.


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