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2000 Pt Salamanders Tournament List - HELP.


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Hey all,

I'm currently looking to build a 2000 pt Salamanders list that would be competitive for tournament play.


The specific tournament I have in mind is a 'Doubles' tournament, with 2000 pts per player, essentially allowing you take take a LoW for 25% of 4000 pts, per player (if you wanted to).


I have around 5000 pts of Salamanders in which to choose from.


After doing a little bit of research online, I've not really found too many Tournament lists to build from.


Here's a list of what I currently own.




Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy'tan

Cassian Dracos

Legion Preator (With and without Terminator Armour)

Legion Centurion(s) (Legion Champion, Master of Signal, Librarian)




20 Tactical Marines

20 Tactical Support (10 with flamers, 10 with magnetized weapon options)

4 Legion Rhinos




2 Apothecaries

1 Contemptor (/Mortis) Dreadnought (Magnetized weapon options)

3 Legion Rapier Laser Destroyer Arrays

5 Legion Tartaros Terminators (Power weapons / Combi Weapons)

5 Firedrake Terminators (Thunder Hammer / Storm Shields)


Fast Attack:


None yet.


Heavy Support:


1 Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (Magnetized Hellfire Cannonade / Aiolos Missile Launcher / Anvilus Pattern Autocannons)

1 Legion Basilisk

5 Legion Heavy Support (Lascannons)

1 Land Raider Phobos

1 Land Raider Proteus

1 Land Raider Spartan

1 Legion Vindicator (Demolisher Cannon)

1 Legion Whirlwind Scorpius

1 Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (Mangetised sponson options)

10 Pyroclasts (2 Sergeants with magnetised weapon options


Lord of War:


Legion Glaive Special Weapons Tank




I've got those to work with, also happy to buy additional options if the argument for owning them is good enough.


A few idea's I've had so far are as follows:




+++ (2000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++

+ HQ +

Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Psychic Mastery Level 2]
Consul [Librarian]

+ Troops +

Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Extra Armour]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Extra Armour]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

+ Elites +

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher, Heavy Conversion Beamer]

+ Heavy Support +

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [Auxiliary Drive]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XVIII: Salamanders]

+ Lord of War +

Firedrake Terminator Squad [4x Dragonscale Storm Shield, 4x Firedrakes, 4x Thunder Hammer]
Firedrake Master [Dragonscale Storm Shield, Master-crafted Thunder Hammer]
Master of the Legion [The Covenant of Fire]





+++ (2000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++

+ HQ +

Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour]
Master of the Legion [The Covenant of Fire]

+ Troops +

Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Extra Armour, Twin-Linked Bolter]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Extra Armour, Twin-Linked Bolter]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Support Squad [4x Legion Space Marines]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Auxiliary Drive, Extra Armour]
Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

+ Elites +

Apothecarion Detachment
Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Havoc Launcher, Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer Array]
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer Array]

+ Heavy Support +

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Aiolos Missile Launcher]

Legion Whirlwind Scorpius

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XVIII: Salamanders]

+ Lord of War +

Legion Glaive Special Weapons Tank



Thanks in advance!

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Hi, as a newer player take my advice with a grain of salt but:

A) No transport for Vulkan & Friends. You gonna footslog those guys? They'll get blasted to pieces before they close. With CoF you can't deepstrike, fyi. I'd only really want to run a lot of armour with that RoW as well, due to Obsidian Forge. You'll get your rhinos some survivability but with only 9 tacs they're not going to be working miracles.

cool.png Not sure the Glaive is worth it, that's a lot of points in one unit and the only really scary thing. It will get focused down hard. Not sure what the Tactical Support is for, with HBs to boot? AFAIK Hbs aren't the best choice for 30k games. They just aren't a good MEQ killer. The two Rapiers also are out of place, I'd want to run at least 3. The rate of fire on LDAs is low, 2 aren't going to do much. If this is competitive, you will likely be facing down Spartans (I know I can fit a Spartan with a Firedrake 'Screw you with angry 2 wound Terminators' squad. Nothing on that list (except maybe El Glaivey) can stop that!

Also CoF again, the main strength of that is buffing metal weapons and giving your vehicles extra durability. I'd either want to be taking all the melta or focusing on an armour heavy list. They also allow Pyros as troops, which you haven't taken any of.

Hope this is helpful!

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I thought about the Spartan deathball, but it takes up about 1000 pts, if kitted out, which is alot of points for a unit that will get focused down.


In terms of the Glaive, it's 12 HP, 14 F, 13 S, 12 R, so it's pretty hard to drop quickly, while the rest of my units move up and take care of the threats to it.


Pyroclasts are good, another idea i had was a Scouting Proteus Mini-deathball. using armour to support it, but again they get focused and it's a big investment lost.

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Well, thing is, if you want Vulkan and Firedrake companions, you're pretty much pigeonheld into running them as a DeathTaxi since 30k Terminators can't, by default, deepstrike and risking a Primarch to get shot up out in the open is a bad use of one.


Instead of Firedrakes, however, you could give him Pyroclasts as Bodyguards and use a different Transport, say, a Dreadclaw, Caestus, Proteus/Phobos LR or other such stuff though your safest bet is pretty much a Spartan since you're already Slapping down 425 for Vulkan.

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Agreed, however I'm thinking that a Vulkan Deathball may not be the best idea.


As you say, there's a big investment of points in 1 unit.


Just not 100% sure what I'd take otherwise.


I have a large amount of things to chose from and I am willing to expand my collection if I feel there's a justifiable reason to buy more.


I'm just struggling to create a competitive list, with multiple threats that each have a purpose to achieve.

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