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Where Does it End?


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Intrigued? Well don't worry, this isn't a complaint thread or anything like that. I was just wondering how far you are planning on going with your BA collection.

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For me, I'm very much in it for the long haul. I want to be able to field everything in our Codex, every Formation (regular and Apocalypse) we can do, every method of playing we can do, and field every 40k Imperial Armour option available at our disposal. I also want every Blood Angels model there is, which means getting the 30k stuff too (which I should be able to use in my group's annual Apocalypse games, provided I have the rules, etc).

As far as I'm concerned, an army is never complete and I probably need to seek professional help sweat.gif

What about you?

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Well the plan is to build the entire second company, entire first company (using the new FW stuff and more to come to act as veterans hence the armour), loads of FW goodies.


Then add a homemade AM force based on a Baal PDF, an oathsworned Knightly house and a Mechanicum/Skitarii/cut mech/Titan exploratory force.


I cant imagine how many points it will be when its finished but its already a lot painted

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See I'm at the impasse of my old models are (mostly) somewhat thickly painted in the wrong scheme by my dad, they look cool but I can do better now, plus they're all on 25mm so I'd like to avoid using them.


I have a lot of stuff like this, especially heavy weapons Marines but again I look at them, then the new Dev kit and get a little sad...


I've been slowly rebuilding my army after about a 4 year or so absence, really wanting a force that is my own. I'm not building to a certain list but just buying and painting what I think will be cool/ effective etc so for example I have only one Tac squad as that is all I'll ever need, but I built two Meltacide because they're awesome!


When will I be done? That's a tough one, I'll always love BA. A younger me started Nurgle Chaos/ Lost and The Damned and even a Vet based Guard army, but beyond a cool chaos Lord conversion and a squad of plague Marines / bearers It didn't go far, which I'm glad of because the Chaos Dex now is not too cool...


I think once I've painted my current inventory and played some games I'll know what I need/ want to finish off BA and then I might move onto a 30k army or even Ad Mech, as I love both of these!


But I'll deffo not be finished until I have kit bashed versions of most of the Special Characters ;)


Oh but if I do know one thing, if I do anymore imperial armies they'll all be tied to my successor fluff! I already have the Knights, Ad Mech and possible PDF worked out...

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I'm currently debating just this, when I started my blood angels I had a very clear way of how I wanted to play my army (jump packs, jump packs everywhere). but with the new codex and the need for a non jump pack troop (unless I use squad Rafen) I have found myself playing right into gw's hands and buying different units to be able to play my army in a detachment. 


my whole point is that I believe I'm at the point with my army where I don't need any more blood angel units to play my army the way I want too (having them all painted is a whole different can of beans) at least until Gw  brings out a new unit or shifts the goal posts and requires me to take a unit I'm not overly fussed with. this a mainly because I like trying to use the blood angel only models as much as possible so I don't own devastators, vanguard vets etc..... 

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My collection still has some room for expansion, but I'm not all that far away from the end. My friends and I are very liberal when it comes to proxying models, so I don't feel the need to purchase models towards a specific army list or to own every Blood Angels model under the sun. Instead, I've been keeping a wish list of units I'd like to purchase based on what I tend to use in game and what I think are just plain gorgeous. 


Though the list is always subject to change, it currently stands at:

  • Blood Angels Assault Terminator Squad x1
  • Blood Angels Terminator Librarian x1
  • Devastator Squad x2
  • Assult Marine Squad x2
  • Land Speeder Storm x2 (I wrote a homebrew Blood Angels Codex which allows BA scouts to take landspeeder storms as dedicated transports)

I think after I've added these to my collection, I'll be satisfied with what I have. I still have a ton of painting to do on the models I already own, so it'll probably be another year before I've both acquired everything I want and have it all painted.

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I've always wanted to do the reactionary invasion hero forces of a sector before. So my Blood Angel Successor chapter in reserves and pods, a militarum tempestus force in reserves, and an inquisitorial warband supposedly calling all these forces to bear. I want them all set up in flyers, drop pods, terminator armor where appropriate, and a couple of "air dropped" vehicles, all kitted out for war.


Right now I'm assembling the last few terminators to begin a massive 30 terminator painting project that will complement the 10 to 15 tactical terminators I already have. I want a 2 archangel detachment force of 40 terminators with Karlaen, a librarian named calistarus, a chaplain, an Amit proxy I made out of a Calgar model, and possibly another terminator librarian.


So it ends somewhere around 7000 points of invasion forces, including 6 more drop pods, the mentioned terminators, a third stormraven, 4 Valkyries with stormtroopers, and an inquisitorial land raider and retinue. Ive got 2500 or so painted power armor, HQs, 3 drop pods, 3 dreadnoughts, two stormraven, and a few misc tanks. Most of that is either riding in drop pods, stormravens, or jump packs.


I was in the American Army (albeit, not in a combat role) and I was raised on stories about war, so the quick insertion, quick mission, quick extraction style of fighting on the tabletop really appeals to me.

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as I am full of sanguine zeal right now, I don't see a defined end. plus I have to factor is the Horus Heresy. you know Sanginius is gonna be Boss.


but realistically,  I am shooting for a PLAYABLE army for now, then I'll got bonkers.


After all, you can't have a "Sanguine Hordetm." without the horde!

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I have so far resisted the heresy (other than a pack of graviton guns to use as grav guns in 40k and some hand flamers from eBay...) but hot damn, I just KNOW the BA will get me. Especially with the plastic mk4 and supposed BA legion rules both due before the year end :O


Proxies for days.

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I just got an Imperial Knight Crusader for my BA and told myself that I'd stop buying models for the rest of the year. I'm already waiting on a SIcaran battle tank and some Centurion Devastators for an allied SM force hahaha, it's a sickness of the mind but I'll gladly suffer it :D

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I agree with your first statement jolemai. My collection is never complete. My ultimate goal is the Whole Chapter pictured (of the Ultramarines) in the new apocalypse book but of course Blood angels 20 LRs 20 Preds 30 Land speeders 10 full companies etc. But im going to branch out as well so i dont get too used to the blood angels you know?

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I'm done. I have a whole battle company plus lots and lots of extras and a Thunderhawk.


But I use so little of it for gaming. Lots of it sit in boxes. Hell, Three of the Tactical squads have never been assembled. I really don't need this much crap and 7th is one of my least favorite editions of 40k. Thus I find myself having little motivation to continue giving GW money. My plan going forward is to fill up my BF 720 with the models I actually use and some extra options, so I can play any edition I feel like. Keep my Thunderhawk, a hand full of models I'm fond of to put into the display case, and make the rest go away.


The only future purchases I know I'll make are Sanguinius and the necessary FW book to use him.

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I likewise have a company, plus a demi company, thunderhawk, various members of 1st company, bikes, attack bike, All the sanguinary guard, command elements, a few predators, 2 ravens, an eagle and a raptor plus a number of dreadnoughts.


Don't see an end in sight, I just enjoy building even if I don't get to game much.

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For now, just what I have vowed for RTS and a few extras to make it a playable army. I'll probably add more in the future, but for the moment, I'm trying to get a playable army on the table (something that I've failed to do for the last 9 years in the hobby :sweat:).

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Even though I am currently playing C:SM and dark angels, I paint all my marines red biggrin.png (except for the ravenwing, which looks really cool in black). I also have 6 Blood Angel centurions, 2 stormtalons and a thunderfire cannon. I have no real intention of stopping somewhere, you can always need more models for those apocalypse games.

Angels Wings, ruby blood drops and lots of gold will always be the best paint scheme there is!

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In 1997 I had an ultramarine terminator squad and an attack bike. I got the Angels of Death codex and never looked back. Mephiston still isn't painted very well. Against my better judgment I got that third Stormraven to run that formation. I should have just gotten a fire raptor.


At the moment I've got a huge imperial guard force and a huge blood angel army (both are always in a constant stage of repainting). I like having two armies these days as I can get excited about new models a little more frequently.


The question for me really is forgeworld tanks and heresy. I still haven't bought that fellblade or typhon. Lately I've been considering going into a different legion for 30k, a new color might be nice. I don't think I'll ever stop BA but I'm not actively hunting new units on eBay everyday. Who knows, the next codex might make whirlwinds or techmarines auto include units and I'll have to go out and get three. Sanguinius is a guaranteed purchase however. 

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