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Dosjetka's RTS Blood Angels


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Hello brothers of the IXth!

I usually don't show my face around these parts, but my foolish (and failed) participation in this year's ETL as part of the Blood Angels, and Jolemai's prodding and shoving concerning my failed vow (no hard feelings ;)) have made me reconsider my projects. What this means for you, is that I'll be posting here for the next few weeks/months until I get my vow out of the way.

Talking about my vow, here it is:

I, Dosjetka, Son of Dorn, Member of the glorious VIIth Legion, Overseer of the Phalanx, do pledge to fully assemble, paint, and base two Blood Angels Tactical Squads, each with its own Rhino APC, and a Blood Angels Captain. This, I shall accomplish before the deadline ordained by Frater Jolemai, and blessed by both the Primarch Sanguinius and the Emperor of Mankind.

If I succeed in my task, I shall return to my brothers in the hallowed halls of the Phalanx with much honour, and a bond-eternal with the brothers of the IXth. If I should fall during this endeavour, let my corpse go unburied, and be eaten by the carrion birds that flock over the field of battle.

For the Emperor!

Now, it doesn't seem like a real big deal, does it? Truth is, I've never painted so many models before. And I've been in the hobby for... eight or nine years now. Go figure.

All of this is a bit overwhelming and intimidating, especially since I've made a vow for the Call of Chaos, and am planning on making a vow for the Imperial Fist Expansion (if interested, click the image in my signature) and for the last Regiments of the B&C challenge over in the Imperial Guard subforum. So, I did what any intelligent human being would do and went mad with hysteria sat down to write it all on paper. It's my thing to help me make decisions/plan things more effectively. The result:


I guess what might be interesting for you people is what's on the bottom part of the scribbled on sheet, which details my basic plan for each model in the first Tactical Squad I'll be assembling and painting.

The idea is to split the squad into demi-squads, and model them both to have some small narrative within them (but don't expect anything too fancy. I don't do fancy), such as having one demi-squad advancing while the other sets up suppressive fire.

Something else I'm keen to include is the role of 2nd-in-Command within each squad (I'm guessing that the British Army rank for this would be Lance Corporal? Please correct me if I'm wrong), which will probably materialise as the second demi-squad's leader directing the suppressive fire with a pointing finger and having a comms array or something along those lines.

Another thing that I'm keen to add to the models are various sights or scopes, depending on their role. In the case above, I've planned for reflex sights on most of the boltgun-armed models. While I realise that the Space Marines have targeting reticules and other kinds of advanced targeting systems built into their helmets, if they choose to remove these or if they (for whatever reason) fail during battle, these simple sights would be their backup. However, Bolter Marine #2 from the second demi-squad will be getting a boltgun with telescopic sights and a suppressor, for long-distance precision fire.

You might have noticed that there is a Banner Marine and a Flamer canister Marine in the squad. The idea behind the Banner Marine is to have him carry the squad's banner mounted upon his power pack, as a mark of honour for whatever deed(s) the brother in question has accomplished. The Canister Marine is the one who carries around a spare heavy flamer canister around and who helps the Heavy Flamer carrier reload his bulky weapon when it runs dry.

Hopefully, these little additions will add character to the squad and make the painting more enjoyable for me, but also make them more interesting to the viewer!

Anyway, if you've managed to drag yourself through all of that text, congratulations to you! Feel free to point out flaws, suggest new ideas, or just mention how much/little you like what I've got planned. Any and all comments are appreciated :)

Oh, and the next update will have pictures with models in them. I promise ;)



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I'm playing around with the Veteran Sergeant.


I'm not satisfied with the model as it is now, but it's a start and I believe there's some potential. Just needs a few tweaks.

Now, replies!

i cant wait, and I love reflex sights on bolters

Thanks, brother! It'll be the first time I try to add any to boltguns, so we'll see how it turns out smile.png

I'm curious what you're using for the reflex sights.

As Quixus mentioned, Anvil Industries make some, and I've ordered a set of those, along with a few other bits and pieces.

Good luck mate!

Thanks smile.png

This is going to be good!


Thank you, I hope so!

I'm curious what you're using for the reflex sights.

Anvil Industry has some.


I love this kind of stuff, I'm always impressed when people go the extra hobby mile like this. Very much looking forward to seeing your progress!

Thank you, much appreciated! I very much admire your work, so it means a lot smile.png

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Tough crowd :P


Pictureless update for today, as I'm away from home and don't have any decent pictures (photographing red is a pain).

Currently, I'm working out what paints I'll be using to paint my red. The idea is to use the two Mephiston Red spray cans I bought last year, as they have been sitting on my hobby shelf since they were bought.

I tried undercoating black, basecoating Mephiston Red, washing Argax Earthshade, layering Meph Red, highlighting Evil Sunz Red, highlight Troll Slayer Orange (I think), glaze Baal Red (new equivalent is Carroburg Crimson), glaze Bloodletter Red, final highlight Troll Slayer Orange.

It didn't work out, but I've learned a few things that I'll keep in mind when painting the next test model (perhaps tonight).


In other news, the Web Exclusive Captain that GW had a year or so ago arrived on my doorstep today and will be the basis for my Captain (unless I find a suitable alternative).


The Veteran Sergeant posted above has been dismantled and will be reassembled using a new power fist and head (still hunting down a suitable one).


Lastly, I'm hoping to have the first demi-squad assembled and ready for paint by Friday evening, so the next update should be around that time aswell.

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It took me a while to get my red style down. My early attempts were very much dark red, sorta like a Flest Tearers scheme.


I think I'm happy with where I am moment, my current recipe is


Khorne Red

Mephiston Red

Nuln Oil

Bloodletter glaze

Evil Sunz Scarlet

Wild Rider Red


Which gives the following result



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whilst i suck at actually getting stuff finished... I like the result for the red recipe i use (given to me by Dimi - who now works for forgeworld)

  • mephiston red basecoat
  • shade with thrakka green wash in recesses
  • shade with riekland fleshtone in recesses
  • touch up with mephiston if needed
  • highlight with mephiston/evil sunz mix
  • pure evil sunz highlight
  • evil sunz + vallejo brown rose fine highlight
  • maybe pickout some stark ones with pure brown rose.


on a different note, i rather like the head you used on the sergeant above, you should stick with it IMO

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Got another Blood Angel built this morning. I've spent about 1.5 hours building this chap, tweaking the pose to make sure it made sense and reflected what I had in mind. Almost drove me mad laugh.png


A side view, with boltgun temporarily added:


And, just because I love the picture and am proud of the pose I managed to give to these two chaps, some good ol' suppressive fire:


Blindhamster: Cheers, mate! I'll have another go with a recipe I have in mind, but if it doesn't work out, I'll have a go at yours! :)

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Solid poses, but, I've got to say, that head doesn't feel very BA to me. It's absolutely a personal thing, I recognise that, I just never see them as having facial hair and if they've got hair on their head then I see it as being full bodied and luxuriant. Never shorter than covering the forehead. That feels more in keeping with their 'angelic'-ness.

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How else would you describe Sanguinius' hair? As such, it's what I always envision his sons having if they decide to grow it rather than shave it off. Mohawks and other stylised hair always strike me as requiring more upkeep and attention than superhuman warrior monks would spare.

I can't stand the plastic page-boy heads either.

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How else would you describe Sanguinius' hair? As such, it's what I always envision his sons having if they decide to grow it rather than shave it off. Mohawks and other stylised hair always strike me as requiring more upkeep and attention than superhuman warrior monks would spare.

Well the Blood Angels are known to be artists. Maybe one or two have elevated hair cutting to an art form. msn-wink.gif

More seriously though, the mohawk does not fit too well with the Italian/French Renaissance style the BAs usually have, IMHO.

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I received a padded envelope yesterday containing a few small things from Anvil Industry. I ordered some reflex sights and various ammo mags. I got to work this morning cleaning them up and have tried out the reflex sights on a boltgun. I'm happy with the look but am unsure of the orientation it should be in (as I have seen them put both ways after searching for pictures). Anyway, here's a couple of pictures to illustrate what I mean:


I think that the left one looks better and might make more sense, but I'd like a second opinion smile.png

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Looks good - gotta love the kneeling legs with a bolter msn-wink.gif

Indeed ^_^ Thanks!

Solid poses, but, I've got to say, that head doesn't feel very BA to me. It's absolutely a personal thing, I recognise that, I just never see them as having facial hair and if they've got hair on their head then I see it as being full bodied and luxuriant. Never shorter than covering the forehead. That feels more in keeping with their 'angelic'-ness.

Thanks! Yeah, the head isn't very conventional for Blood Angels, but I really dislike the heads they currently have in their kits. I also really liked Blindhamster's Tactical Marine with the same head, so I pinched the idea and am happy I did ;) But as you say, each to their own, and I respect your preference for another style of head.

I used the same head for one of mine, they're all still individuals afterall, to each their own for sure

You're the one I pinched the idea from ;)

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Instinctively, it feels like the more correct orientation is in the second photo. It also feels like it should replace that ridge behind it. Love Anvil bits, those drum mags are freaking excellent additions to a bolter.

Solid poses, but, I've got to say, that head doesn't feel very BA to me. It's absolutely a personal thing, I recognise that, I just never see them as having facial hair and if they've got hair on their head then I see it as being full bodied and luxuriant. Never shorter than covering the forehead. That feels more in keeping with their 'angelic'-ness.

Thanks! Yeah, the head isn't very conventional for Blood Angels, but I really dislike the heads they currently have in their kits. I also really liked Blindhamster's Tactical Marine with the same head, so I pinched the idea and am happy I did msn-wink.gif But as you say, each to their own, and I respect your preference for another style of head.

I totally get that. The plastic BA heads are generally down.gif. To be honest I don't think there are many ready-made examples of how I envision bareheaded sons of Sanguinius, all the best ones are converted/sculpted eg. Blindhamster's Dante. Fair enough, obviously over the years there have been countless thousands in the Blood Angels chapter and hundreds of thousands in the Legion, a few may well dabble in facial hair. If they were going to, then it would definitely be that sort of swarthy, Mediterranean goatee. Feels quite Italian/Renaissance. Mohwak's though, I can just never escape "Brother, it is time for bolter drills" "Give me a minute I have to shave the sides of my head" tongue.png

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