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To make Scruffy's troops 7th worthy

Brother Scruffy

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Greetings Brothers. As some of you have noticed, I have returned from my long 6-9 year hiatus from B&CS and much has changed. Back in the day I was a sage of knowledge and sound advice(give a shout out if you remember some good times we had!), but sadly those days are over. Long over. After all last I played a real game, I had to roll to see how many of my troops turned to the DC! To get to the point, now I am the one that needs advice.


I implore you all to gaze upon my listed collection and ponder the possibilities of a worthy 7th Edition army. What of the following would make for a good 1,650 point force? 2k? 1k? A kill team?(is a killteam still a thing?) How about a 55 point mini team? Sounds fierce. And what would you add to supplement my very MEQ lacking army?


I want to make it clear that what follows is not my BUILT collection but more of my army organized by what I have BOUGHT. I am very much into conversions and thinking outside the box. Heheh. I look forward to seeing the creativity of my fellow Blood Angels and seeing all the different lists and ideas that stem from one collection.


Tl;dr, what would you make with this?


1 Dante

1 Memphiston

1 Corbolo

1 Space Marine Commander

1 Terminator Chaplain (haha)

1 Terminator Librarian? I think this was a gift


5 Honor Guard (yeah, the old ones)

5 Command Squad

5 Veterans MK1 metal (sorta 4 as I don't like baldy)

5 Assault Terminators (plastic)

1 Terminator w/Assault Cannon (metal)

1 Furioso Dreadnought (metal)


15 Tactical Marines(5 from combat Squad + 10 from shooty space Woofs)

12+ snapfit Marines(from paint set & Maccrage)

11 Death Company (old metal ones)

2 Angels of Death (REALLY old metal ones)

10 Scouts (plastic)

5ish Sniper Scouts (metal)


10 Assault Marines

1 Assault Veteran Captain (metal. Good deal too!)

10 Stabby Space Woofs

5 more Stably Woofs?! What was I doing, collecting a Space Wolf Army??

2 Attack Bikes


10 Devastator Marines (5 old plastic & 5 even older hybrid set)


Other notes of conversation:

- I was collecting in the midst of the Assault Marines fad(as is evidenced by my collection). Now it seems jump packs are nerfed? Tell me about this. Are they still worthwhile?

- What's up with Grav weapons. Are Grav cannons important to have? (I want to avoid buying ANOTHER set of dev Marines if I can)

- What are the popular load outs for Scouts? Are Sniper Scouts still frowned upon for BA? Is a HB or RL worth it?

- I'll update with more questions here when I think of them.

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