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XIV Kataris : WIP, fluff and stuff


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Tonight progress


All Veterans wearing greatcoats are done. White and red, and a bit of yellow, are officially my contrasting color. I think this scheme will be definitive for the entire army. Now, the other half of the squad need a bit of painting, in order to be able to strike those renegade on Lutum.

Oh, and some bases pic will be posted in here shortly, you tell me what does fit this brown-brownish scheme.

They are certainly looking good. I cant disagree with the Commissar that urban or sandy base would work. But a further option would be to martian ironearth, to give cracked red earth effect, I think it would further complement your scheme.

Hello dudies and dudettes!

No model painting tonight, but a bit of experiment... Basing based on Mars... Or my own conception of Martian earth. So three bases, each with its own color scheme and texturing. But mostly inspired from this thread : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/308306-gorthaurs-mars-basing-guide/


For this test, I used Fimo instead of GS. I first thought this was really censored.gif, especially for modeling, this experiment didn't change my mind ! GS will be back for the real bases.

For the Mars scheme... Not sure what to think, C&C welcomed.

They look too thick for a base, makes the model look lop sided somewhat.

You mean the base should be thinner ? Those are actually looking weird. Maybe PVA glue, sand and a few rocks might be enough. Still working on it.

And working even harder on the Vet Squad. Only one Veteran and the sergeant to go ! I won't disappoint Commissariat ! ;)


  • 3 weeks later...

In China, today is the day people use all their remaining fireworks... When the explosions wake you up and the first thing you think is to grab you lasrifle and shoot "For the Emperor", you know you miss your IG models. ;)


One week without painting nor even having one tiny little model to play, that's hard ! And there's still three weeks waiting... So I'm going to look for third parties models, as GW does not operate in China mainland. Does anyone in the barracks live somewhere in North China, or know a place there where they sell 28mm figs ?


Anyway, I got plenty of time to lurk in the B&C and watched amazing works. Made me think of my own painting and how I can improve it :


1. Lavish for the faces, need hint for the ink I shall use.

2. More contrasting colors... For the main infantry corp, maybe a slightly different color scheme, green breastplates and shoulderpads, cream details... What do you think, fellow Guardsmen ?

3. Definitely buy those Neobrits Trenchers heads from Maxmini !

4. Bases...

5. Where are the tanks ???

Improving is always a good thing, contrasting schemes is something that can look nice but needs some planning to make sure they all still bear similarities and such. Similar thing with bases, planning the scheme is essential for success! As for more tanks... only one way to do that ;)

  • 1 month later...

One more mini to go... Need a few hundreds more and the army's done ! No, the Imperial Guard's never done, always need more boots... must...paint...more...boots

With no further introduction, Lord Commissar "count as", Lieutenant Harris Torhteim...


A better pic...


Okay, he's not over yet. Obviously he need some painted gun and walking stick. Shoulderpads too. The problem is: i've no idea what color the boltpistol and the pads should be painted. The first idea was brown for both of them, but that's not totally convincing. So maybe leave it black (and highlighted and weathered, of course)... Mmmmh... I'll probably let the Barracks decide ! What should I do with him ? What would you do, fellow Guardsmen (and Guardswomen) ?

Vow complete for Assault on Lutum and first base done happy.png Should I keep this Martian Ironearth base for the entire army ?


Coming soon... Father Larkyn and Father Argos


"Sergeant, I mean no disrespect but... ain't Father Larkyn carrying an Evicerator ?"

"You're right, private Bum, he is actually carrying an Evicerator."

"But, sir, isn't it a bit risky ?"

"What do you mean, soldier ?"

"Humm, he is blind, sergeant, won't he hurt some of us in the melee ?"

"Do not worry, lad, his hand is guided by the Emprah Himself ! He only slays His foes."

Aaaand some Ogryns early WIP... maybe they're going to wait until the ETL... my first ETL ! laugh.png


Guilloom, I love your commissar! 


Yes, I'd say keep the Martian Ironearth bases.  They look great!


Some people might complain that the red hue in the base is too strong and dominates your more neutral greatcoats.  However, I would disagree.  I don't think the color overpowers your neutral main color (on your greatcoats) because you actually have 3 points of red in your color scheme.  The red in the base nicely echos the red in your lasgun casings and the red in your officers/sergeants' red headgear/  Consequently, the eye is drawn to 3 points on your model (rather than just one).  Three points of interest in a model is a good goal to shoot for (arguably, too many more and the model becomes too busy and, arguably, only having 1 or 2 dynamic color points risks boring the view (although it would be perfectly OK for many people, especially military modelers). 


P.S.  Plus your troopers' brown greatcoats have some nice very subtle red shades so the red in your base (and weapon cases and some headgear) really complements your main color scheme very nicely.  Complementary colors such as yours (your brown is arguably the blend of mixing the two color wheel complementary colors red and yellow) really pleases a viewer's eye psychologically.

Thanks a lot, Tallarn Commander, that’s really some encouraging words ! happy.png

Nice you noticed the red shade in the armor. Due to some technical problems (censored.gif homemade color mix and censored.gif camera), it did not appear on the early model… At least not as strong as expected. I added some red to that brown mixture lately, in order to strenghten the shade. Anyway, I shall test some new colors schemes as I plan to make some Inquisition/Rogues/Heretics/Bad guys project sooner or later. It could be an opportunity to try sth new.

The main problem I’m going to face will be weathering… made some try on a few Orks greenskin xenos scum using the same bases. The result is rather « poor » if I try only a light layer of red dust, or made the model shame busy (suddenly more than three colors) when I paint Ironearth-like dirt on their clothes. May be a simple question of dosing and layering… Or perhaps I shall use weathering powder… Still need to figure it out.

  • 2 weeks later...

Father Argos is done (for a few days, should post more often on this thread). He's not totally over, but I won't touch him for month (years ?) as I still need to figure out how am I going to paint/sculpt an Ecclesiarchy symbol. Father Larkyn is next on the line.


Oh... and I bought this little blister... Last one in my local GW Store. Let's say that I am rather impatient to begin with those tanks (Chimera conversion incomin') msn-wink.gif


  • 2 weeks later...

Short update, I didn't have much time to paint lately, due to work and real life. Though I could progress a bit on Father Larkyn. Skin, brown parts and base are done. Still need to do the face's details (especially the hair) and to finish the backpack and the scroll. C&C welcome happy.png


Good kit bash, he looks very characterful thumbsup.gif

This Flagellants kit... wub.png Now I need some Ghouls... Not that I fall into Chaos but its conversion capabilities seem endless. Maybe some =][= project.

I've finished him yesterday evening. I will upload some new pictures when I get home.

  • 1 month later...


This cute little Ogryn is nearly done, he’ll get some highlights and a properly painted base (btw, what Chaper’s color should this SM backpack be ?).

Two more to go before first vow is complete. but I need new paints. Actually, i’m currently using a lot of cheap and … acrylic paints, which are catastrophic for the bright tones. So I’ll buy some GW paints, especially Cadian Flesh, Bugman Glow, maybe a yellow tone, and a few washes, Agrax and Nuln… That should be enough to do a better work with the remaining ogryns.

When first vow is over, I plan to go with

1 Leman Russ (magnetized ?)
1 IG squad charging/running
1 IG squad firing
2 HWS (mortars and autocannons)
1 PCS (with medic, radio and standard)
1 Chimera

Still waiting heads and others bitz from Maxminis and Madrobot. Especially this :


  • 2 weeks later...


Mister Bone ‘ead is almost done (C&C welcomed)... One month to paint two Ogryns, that's quite slow. But I got every paints I need, so the last one might be done a bit faster.

For the first time since I began painting minis, I stopped using only cheap acrylic paints. Wow, that's a huge difference, especially for the bright parts of the minis. The skin looks satisfying compared to the first Ogryn, and it took me only three or for layers (wash and drybrushing included) when the first one got at least six layers.


I'm just a bit disappointed on how I painted the LR tracks on the Bone'ead. It is probably too bright and it catches the eye competing with the skin. Could a Agrax wash tone down the color. I do not know if it's worth the try.

So, let's complete this first vow, armor can't keep wainting any longer msn-wink.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if I should post it here...


Did someone try to buy sth on Maxmini.eu recently ? Did you succeed ?


I tried to buy a few Neobrits Trenchers Heads but cannot pay by PayPal. Seem to redirect me to an older version of PayPal, with an error message. Did you experienced the same problem ?


That's a bit annoying as I plan to build my entire force around those heads... And my plans for the ETL seem screwed as well :(

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks !

Coming back from the deads (litteraly, I was working on home-made Ghosts models for HeroQuest and musing about Inq28 as well) !

Here they are, after one month getting paints, new brushes, patience and terrible yellow light...



The infamous Ogryns enjoying a light-therapy cool.png

I'm really satisfied (for the first time maybe) with how they looks: good paints can produce real miracles sometime !

Otherwise, I'm awaiting reinforcements from Madrobot Minis and found a way to get those Neobrits Trenchers Heads msn-wink.gif

Next in line, a LBRT, two HWS, two Inf Squads and one CCS or PCS !


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