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Company Banners


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So I'm new to B+C and in fact have only very recently got back into 40K.


Last collected, played, and painted around 1997 / 1998 so very much a Rouge Trader era bod.


Anyway things have obviously progressed a lot since then, and what the introduction of the Codices, painting guides, and even changes to how the paints themselves work, everything now seems a lot more structured / regulated / uniform. With this in mind I want to make sure that my new Blood Angel army conforms to the markings / schemes laid out in 40K universe Canon. So on to the question...


Is there a definitive list of what iconography / heraldry should go on each companies banner? 1 through 4 are available online. The backing colours (yellow / gold and red) and shapes of these colours are also available online (1 through 10). What doesn't seem to be listed anywhere is what image should go in the middle of the banners on the single wing. Any one know what symbols should go with which company (as far as I can work out 5 through 10 are undefined).


Any help would be appreciated!

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Welcome back to the hobby! It's great to have you here :)


As far as I know, outside of the ones you mentioned there isn't any documented. But someone may well know more than me!


If anything I'd base it around the name of the company, so the 5th company for example is the "Daemonbanes", so have a desecrated daemon head, or an angel smiting a warp creature etc!

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Knocked up on the lap top. Any thoughts?


8th has a power axe image as the Lord Executioner Model / Assault Captain model comes with a huge one and it seemed to make sense to carry that over to the assault reserve company.

9th has a heavy bolter image as that's the reserve devastator company and nothing screams Devastators like a heavy bolter.

6th features a helmet as I think I read somewhere that one of the companies had this as its iconography, and as 1 through 5 banners are already defined 6 was next in line.


What do you all reckon.

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Come to think of it, its odd that there are so few, if any, canon banners I can think of that include any bolter imagery. Its mostly swords, angels, knights crosses, fists, hands, upside down Roman symbols... you would think with the bolter being an iconic SM weapon, both in lore and real life, they would do some.
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The image on the company banner will match that of the current captain - he replaces the chapter badge with his own insignia, repeated on his back banner, and then on the company standard.


Therefore, the (current) company standard will actually change depending on who the captain is. They generally seem to be a clawed wing holding something: crux (1st co) grail (2nd co) claw ripped off (Tycho's 3rd).


ALSO: Welcome! 

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