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Decals, unit ID and the Dunecrawler

Captain General

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Each War Cohort is identified by a cohort numeral displayed on the hull of their Onager Dunecrawler vehicles. Each cohort has three maniples, so up to nine dunecrawlers can have the same designation.


In the Skitarii codex, the symbol is generally represented as a number inside a cog.  The decal sheet only has the '17' and '74' large numbers available.


If you don't use the decal sheet, maybe you can find a substitute with a Greek Symbol or similar.


I'm not sure if the larger AdMech decal sheets GW has would offer any other possibilities.




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Decide your War Cohort: 1, 2, 3 or 4. That's represented as a digit inside a cog. The standard sheet doesn't include any of these. You could combine one of the empty cogs with a number, or there are a bunch on the Skitarii Transfer Sheet you can buy from GW.


Then decide your maniple sigils. That's a greek letter, you'll need to pick two, one for each of your maniples, with each sigil shared by 3 vehicles.


Then pick a number for each vehicle. These seem to be two digits and several examples run into the 70s, so they're presumably not simple sequential from 1.




So you'll have:


1) Six times a single digit 1-4 inside a cog representing the cohort, which will be shared by all six vehicles.


2) Six two digit numbers, which will be different on each vehicle.


3) Two sets of a greek letter x3, which will be positioned at top right of the vehicle number.


The decal sheet only has the '17' and '74' large numbers available.

That's the vehicle number and maniple sigil, not for the cohort.

Each cohort has three maniples, so up to nine dunecrawlers can have the same designation.


Not necessarily true. A Battle Maniple only has one squadron of Onagers, but there are many different types of maniple. See the bottom of the organisation chart.

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