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Mars Pattern Warhound


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You might also want to consider getting your CAPS LOCK key checked out msn-wink.gif

I have to shout, how else will you guys hear me from up here? (Yes, it was a mistake...)

what your thoughts on 2x plasma blastgun? Its going to be magnetize, but I think its a good start.

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It's not bad. Not terribly great at taking on armour but gets the job done if your dice don't decide to betray you. It'll splat MEQs and worse no problem, and fair pretty well against TEQs, too.


Edit - Typo.

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Plasma blastgun and turbo-laser. It's not worth the points without at least one D weapon. The plasma blastgun is the official standard armament (the plasma is supposed to be vented directly from its reactor), and it's more flexible with a mix. Also less likely to result in stroppy opponents than 2x turbo-lasers.


The Vulcan mega-bolter looks cool, but it's arguably outclassed by even the Knight-class gatling cannon now. In background terms its primary purpose is supposed to be overwhelming void shields, which it is pretty good at, but you won't be doing that very often. The rest of the time it's probably the most underwhelming super-heavy gun in the game.


The Inferno gun is good at what it does, but I'd need to have a lot of problems with massed infantry in cover to consider taking it over plasma/turbo-laser.


If you want the arms to be swappable, I think you should be thinking "bolts" rather than "magnets". It has been done with magnets, but that's a very expensive, very heavy thing to be trusting to the size of magnet you can fit in the shoulder mount. You also need to consider what you'll do with the power cables.

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