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Ad-mech novels?


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Hi all


I've read the Priest of Mars novel and really enjoyed it and hope to get the rest of the series. So im wondering is the Tech Priest and Skitarius novels any good? :) i really enjoy reading up on the ad-mech lore or background.

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The two new books by Rob Sanders are fine - but not great. Skitarius and Tech-Priest are. as Commodus say, primary focused on the new miniatures. The books fail to offer the reader with an idea of the immense diversity of the Adepts Mechanics. A true adept of Mars ought to read them anyway...

It would be hard to compared the two books to the Mars triologi - which was a joy to read. 

I suggest you read Mechanicum. It may be set during the Horus Heresy, but it offers a nice insight into the glory days of Mars - and its fall.

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Ive read mechanicum and enjoyed, but that was a while back so might re-read it, got Lord of mars on order looking forward to continuing that series :)


Did thank the rob sanders ones were just to sell the models so i stayed away from them.

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Ive read mechanicum and enjoyed, but that was a while back so might re-read it, got Lord of mars on order looking forward to continuing that series smile.png

Did thank the rob sanders ones were just to sell the models so i stayed away from them.

well, tbh the only bad thing about Mechanicum was how the Knights were described, but that was way before we got 40k models, so i'm ok with it :)

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Personally, I found Skitarius pretty bland. If you read the codex descriptions of the skitarii units, you already know most of the battle parts. The short story about the kataphron breachers was even worse, just repeating the codex described weaponry blasting apart stuff (stuff that always has a model) and no real story arc. After that, I didn't even read the other short stories...


The Priests of Mars trilogy was great, Mechanicum too, and Techpriest I haven't read yet.

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Personally, I found Skitarius pretty bland. If you read the codex descriptions of the skitarii units, you already know most of the battle parts. The short story about the kataphron breachers was even worse, just repeating the codex described weaponry blasting apart stuff (stuff that always has a model) and no real story arc. After that, I didn't even read the other short stories...


The Priests of Mars trilogy was great, Mechanicum too, and Techpriest I haven't read yet.


Thats a shame, was hoping more lore and a real idea of what they are like beyond the codex descriptions.

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