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About to start a Guard Army - a few questions...


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You can't do much to counter assault with vehicles. There are things like deep striking that deliver the enemy right to your door, flying stuff and jump troops all of which will close the distance quickly. The only true protection is distance - you must keep their units as far away as possible. Ideally you do this by removing them from the table entirely msn-wink.gif After that it's about managing the enemy when they do close, which they almost certainly will at some point. That's things like how you intercept them or what units you choose to bait with or sacrifice.

A tank list is viable you just need to use it properly and be aware of the weaknesses, as all lists have. Ultimately you're sacrificing some durability for fire power so make the shots count and load up on them thumbsup.gif

If you want to run a large tank list the best bet is to spread out and thus force your opponent to take out one tank at a time. Individual tanks are almost always better than units except in killpoint games as you can utilise your shots more effectively and not have excess damage wastage.


Or in some situations castling can work. Take those few infantry you have and bubble wrap your tanks. Generally this was more of a 5th ed tactic.

Yeah, use every FOC slot as squadrons just make your opponent's job easier. Of course that's easier said than done as you can run out of them fairly quick but don't forget a tank list doesn't have to just be Russ tanks. The Fast Attack choices in particular offer some very good additions. Hellhounds and variants can run some great support and add vital mobility and Sentinels can add some cheaper units to a list as well as performing some of the protection roles that infantry would do.

I certainly wont be using just russes, i like the look of the sentinels and the fast attack tank variants too. Once I get this first game played I'm hopeful Ill have a better idea of what I want.


On the plus side, a friend of mine has some guard models he doesnt use and is dropping them round tonight. Its a bit like an early christmas waiting to see what might arrive!!!

You're doing the Emperor's work rescuing models and putting them into service :) I like the Hellhound variants, the classic is great but the Banewolf has melted a special place in my heart. A couple of them zipping around solves a fair few problems ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

So I had my first game yesterday. Ill try to relay it here but apologies for any mistakes, i didnt take notes, all from memory.


I was allied with 1250 points worth of blood angels against 2k of orks.

We were playing with tactical objectives and we rolled the layout with the long table edge deployments so not much distance between us!

My ally took 10 scouts and lots of angels with Dante and a Sanguinor (think thats the name). I had a wyvern, 2 chimera with vets in, yarrick, a commisar and a leman russ eradicator (took advice of poster on here, better against orks)

My opponent had a battlewagon, dread, lootas, a herd of grots, a unit of bikes a unit of deffkoptas and 3 large units of boys. There were liberal sprinklings of bosses, meks and nobz in the units. the wagon had a psyker and a big mek in it. He was also using a formation which allowed some units to deep strike, so 2 units of boys and the bikes ended up in reserve.


On the first turn i rolled the chimeras up to 2 objectives and shot a few koptas with the lasers and bolters.

The leman russ laid a fat pie plate on the dread getting a lucky glance and killed a nice handful of boyz. The wyvern aimed at the lootas but missed (i think i forgot to reroll my bad scatter with twinlinked) The valiant angels hid behind my tanks while the scouts fired of some missiles at the battle wagon to no avail.


The orks piled forward, the battlewagon zzaped the wyvern to bits and the dread and boyz took a hp off yarricks chimera. The lootas then rolled high and blasted the other chimera to pieces, forcing the veterans out into the open.


In our turn 2 yarricks chimera stayed on the objective and the angels moved up around us. The combined fire from the chimera and the leman russ took care of the dread and a few more boyz. the scouts fired some shots into the koptas and took them down to 1, he rolled heroic on his leadership test.


in the next ork turn the reserves started to arrive and a huge blob of boyz and a unit of bikers tellyported in our deployment , the scouts were now in big trouble and took a few casualties from shooting. the grots were running down the flank to secure an objective and the boyz assaulted the leman russ, power klawing it to bitz in no time. the battlewagon then tellyported via the psyker from one side of the board to the other, positioning itself between the flanking grots and the angels. 


in turn 3 the angels sprang into life, shredding the boyz that destroyed the russ with ease. The remaining chimera didnt have much room to move and so fired some shots in to the newly arrived boyz to little avail. The veterans , ordered by the commissar to double their fire still didnt help to lower their numbers sufficiently and it started to look ominous for the heroes of the imperium.


The remaining deepstriking boys arrived leaving the angels, chimera and veterans circled in the center of the battlefield. The orks sent the grots down the flank again securing a feast of objective points. The battlewagon teleported away to the other side of the board again ( we'd drawn an objective to kill his warlord so i assume he wanted to save him from the angels) the bikes and boyz mopped up the scouts. Another feast of objective points were secured as he had 3 units in our deployment zone.


At this stage we had to call it time, but the orks were 8-2 up on objective points, outnumbered the imperium and in control of more objectives and better cards in hand!


It was a fun game to play. I learnt that i really like the chimeras but that i cant just rush them around the field. I need to have more firepower to support them. Im hoping to have a 1k game this week on my own, and think I might learn more from that than playing with the angels!


Any thoughts or suggestions welcome, cheers :)

You can learn a lot from playing alongside others, I had such a game yesterday too :) I'm not that familiar with the Ork stuff, I wasn't aware vehicles could be teleported too sounds like your opponent had good scatter rolls. Against the green skins numbers of your own works but we can deliver a punishing amount of fire power that can turn them into little chunks - it's all a matter of making the most of it and thinning the horde.


Target prioritisation is always important of course but all the more so against assault armies as every turn you delay the hit is vital. Look into some cover ignoring stuff if you want to really teach the xenos a lesson ;)

One thing to note, taking the Big expensive HQ options at low points is a waste. You could get much more use out of those points by taking other things. I like the Hellhound and Bane Wolf as well, as chimeras and sentinels. I really like the Fast Attack options we have, unfortunately we don't get enough slots to really take advantage of them. 


Yarrick's model makes for a really BA Commissar with power fist, so think about that next time you play. Armored sentinels with Plasma cannons are a great addition to any force, particularly a mobile mech force. 


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