Big Bad Squig Posted October 1, 2015 Share Posted October 1, 2015 (edited) Dune Serpents - XIVThe Envenomed Hunters They are a dark, terrifying Legion. Barely human at all. They view honour and bravery and kindness as diseases, to be excised from themselves and exploited in others. And they will stop at nothing to get what they want. –Diary entry of [REDACTED], Remembrancer attached to the 412th Expeditionary Fleet Numeration: XIVth Legion Primogenitor: Azus Bahmut Allegiance: Fedelitas Scindere Cognomen (Prior): Sightless Fourteenth. Observed Strategic Tendencies: Stealth Operations, Guerrilla Warfare, Terror Tactics, Use of Chemical Weaponry Noteworthy Domains: Dhul’Hasa and its orbiting space stations. The Emperor’s Fourteenth were often known as an honourless Legion. Of all that was whispered of them, that much, at least, was true. Operating from the shadows, striking only where they knew they could win, and fleeing before the enemy had a chance to strike back, the Dune Serpents’ way of war was described by their Primarch as ‘practical and practical alone, for war’s purpose is to yield results no matter the means’. If others had viewed the Fourteenth Legion as unpleasant and without boundaries during the Great Crusade, the Icarion Insurrection would escalate these views tenfold. The Legion splintered after news of the Stormlord’s betrayal, with nearing 40% of the Serpents casting off their Imperial colours and joining forces with the Insurrectionists, or simply making their own way in a galaxy of war. Their Primarch, however, stayed loyal to the Imperium, though whether out of respect for the Emperor or simply a need to survive is to this day murky. The Dune Serpents exemplify the belief of some that, to wage war against monsters, one must become a monster oneself. FLUFF CHAPTER Origins of the Dune Serpents The nascent Sightless Fourteenth was composed of recruits hailing from the barely-inhabitable salt deserts of Terra. During the Age of Strife, fighting here had been fierce, and this combined with the punishing conditions in which they lived had hardened the peoples of this region into warriors. When the Thunder Warriors of the Emperor entered these regions, they expected to find no trace of life. Instead, they were immediately set upon by highly mobile groups of marauders, and were at first even beaten back due to the shock of being attacked in a seemingly empty place. However, the Emperor’s chosen warriors were not to be halted, and the second time the region was invaded, this time in far greater force, the desert tribes stood very little chance. Due to the conditions of the salt deserts, the technology possessed by the tribes was almost exclusively scavenged, and no match for the superior armaments of the Thunder Warriors. Quickly, one of the larger tribes found itself surrounded. Acting as if surrendering, the Thunder Warriors were allowed inside the tribe’s camp, only to be ambushed by ranks upon ranks of tribespeople. After a brief skirmish, the Thunder Warriors emerged victorious, although only barely. While procedure dictated that the rest of the tribe should too be put to death, the Imperial Captain who led the Thunder Warriors was intrigued. Searching through the faces of those taken prisoner, he encountered the tribe’s leader. To the horror of the Emperor’s forces, instead of an execution, the man was granted an audience. One hour to explain why the tribes should be allowed to live. That man’s name was Jon Lawrence, and it was he who would become the first Legion Master of the Fourteenth. Under the leadership of Jon Lawrence, the Fourteenth Legion began to take shape. It quickly developed an aptitude for hit and run strikes, and so was often used in conjunction with larger forces of other Legions such as the Sixth and Tenth. Another reason for this was that the Fourteenth themselves were a fairly small legion; many aspirants did not survive the process of gene-seed implantation – in fact, the violent side effects of the implantation process (which often led to total blindness in the earliest candidates submitted to the process) are what led to the name ‘Sightless Fourteenth’ being adopted. Additionally, a tribal culture still existed among the Legion, meaning it was in effect divided into several almost fully autonomous groups, although in times of need these groups could be united. The Legion was left to function in this way, both due to the grudges and allegiances that Lawrence himself still held on to and because destroying the way of life that the recruits to the Legion had known all their lives would inspire nothing but bitterness. The Ghost of the Sands Far on the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy, a desolate, barely inhabitable world named Dhul’hasa was about to rise from obscurity. Once a hub of technology and scientific research, the Age of Strife broke Dhul’hasa, atmospheric pollution raising the global temperature of the planet so high that most of its surface turned to desert just as all contact with the wider Human Empire was lost. After this had followed centuries of territorial warfare between clans and factions, until almost all left on the world was dust. The one constant over this period of change and darkness was the ring of space stations and satellites orbiting Dhul’hasa, all scanning systems trained on the stars in the desperate hope that humanity would return from beyond the cloudless sky. Onto this background, the Primarch of the Fourteenth Legion landed, his pod lighting up the night sky. Whether by radios receiving data from satellites or simply by looking upwards, all the tribes near to the landing site saw descent of the spaceship and rushed to meet it as it rushed towards the ground. The Primarch’s journey had been long, and so he had already matured partially when he first made planetfall on Dhul’hasa. Stepping out of the pod, labelled AZU-5, he fled into the night before the amassed clans could investigate his arrival. In the aftermath of the skirmish to claim the Primarch’s pod, the Dhul’hasan clans each discovered the wealth of technology that this craft from the heavens had to offer and wanted more. So it was that search parties began to be sent out to trace whatever else had been in the empty pod, first only one or two per week, and then increasing in frequency until almost all the resources available to the clanspeople were directed towards this great search. The Primarch, who had taken the name Azus, could only remain isolated in the desert for so long. He soon heard of the amassed forces searching for him, and due to their ever increasing size, he could not avoid them for long. And so it was that the first humans that the Primarch Azus encountered attempted to take him prisoner. However, despite his lack of training, Azus was after all a Primarch, and so tore through his assailants with ease. After that, he became more careful. Staying far away from others, hiding and only engaging enemies at range when necessary, Azus was able to survive the assault of the clans for well over six months. However, one day, the inevitable happened. Well versed in the arts of stealth as Azus himself had become, Dhul’hasan warriors surrounded the Primarch at night, and although he killed near to one hundred in the ensuing struggle, he was captured, put in chains, and hauled back to the city of Kaobyrra, the stronghold of the Bahmut Clan, as a prisoner. There, this captured giant suffered months of research, his superhuman skin reknitting after every dissection, and bones healing after every marrow extraction. Slowly, the Dhul’hasan scientists outdated, malfunctioning medical equipment began to reveal the secrets of the Primarch’s advanced biology. Soon, the experiments became increasingly violent, all non-vital organs being removed and rudimentary brain scans being conducted in an effort to synthesize a compound nearing gene-seed. Eventually, battling through the mind-numbing effects of the concoction of tranquilisers that he was constantly drip-fed, Azus developed a plan. During a simpler medical procedure, the Primarch pulled so hard against the restraints holding his left arm that his hand was torn clean off. He proceeded to batter the nearest scientists to death with his bloodied stump, freeing himself and staggering out of the operating chamber in which he had been kept a prisoner. The few that dared to oppose Azus’ incandescent fury were blessed with quick deaths. After only about an hour, the people of Kaobyrra submitted to the Primarch in awe and terror. Azus’ coup was brutally efficient. The surviving scientists’ final task was to craft the Primarch a new bionic hand to replace the one he had lost, before they, along with the city’s existing governing body, were executed, leaving none to oppose Azus’ rule. His power within the city had become absolute within a week of his escape. Over the next seven years, Azus waged a bitter war of subjugation over the rest of the planet. Slowly, the Dhul’hasan clans fell to Azus of Bahmut, a figure revered and feared in equal measure due to his martial prowess and terrifying presence and morals respectively. To most Dhul’hasans he was rarely glimpsed, a hidden fiend who ruled with an iron fist. His elusive nature earned him the title ‘Ghost of the Sands’, a name he grudgingly appreciated. Eventually, the entirety of Dhul’hasa came under Azus’ rule, and he began to turn his ambitions skywards. It was then that fleet approaching Dhul’hasa was discovered. Dhul’hasa Under Siege Satellites began transmitting warnings that ships were approaching Dhul’hasa’s system for the first time since the arrival of Azus Bahmut. Needless to say that these signals were taken very seriously by the planet’s people, some fearing invasion, some hoping for a joyous reunion with the rest of mankind. Those hopeful few were to be disappointed. The fleet was revealed to be xenos in origin as it approached, and it was approaching quickly. Quietly, within his lair in the palaces of Kaobyrra, Azus began to plan. The few still functioning factories on Dhul’hasa’s scorched surface were put to work manufacturing large quantities of weaponry. Outriders were sent to inspect the ancient orbital defence platforms and ready them for war. Within a matter of weeks, Azus had readied the planet for the imminent incursion, with predicted landing sites being surrounded with troops, traps laid around significant settlements, and the populace armed and trained in basics of combat. It was then that the fleet arrived. It was nothing like Azus had expected. The ships careened towards the planet’s surface with little care for their own safety, descending too quickly for the orbital defence batteries to lock on to them. Ignoring flat, empty areas, the ships crash-landed in a random pattern, belching smoke and crackling with flame. It quickly became clear that this had not been an invasion, but an escape. Azus sent a delegation to meet the first ship to land which he himself accompanied, albeit in secret. While the Dhul’hasans were prepared to negotiate with the refugee xenos, the aliens opened fire as soon as they caught sight of the delegation, slaughtering it to a man. Azus watched from the shadows, and fell back to Kaobyrra. It seemed a war was to be fought after all. The clans were informed, and readied for battle. Warbands mounted on outdated, barely-serviceable jetbikes were sent to harass the xenos as they disembarked from their ships, striking so quickly that the attackers had barely any time to respond before the Dhul’hasans fled once again. Struggling to navigate the planet’s monotonous and harsh terrain, the refugees’ first attempts to make territorial gains were easily repelled. Quickly, however, the xenos began to breach the first lines of defence Azus had put in place, making targeted pushes for nearby oil refineries. It became obvious that the objective of the invaders was to refuel and depart as quickly as possible, rather than to take the planet. While it may have been easier to simply stand back and give the xenos the resources they needed, Azus’ rise to power had come via uncompromising strength and bitter justice, and in the act of invading Dhul’hasa, the xenos had slighted Azus personally. This was something that they would come to regret. Using hit-and-run tactics, Azus’ forces baited the xenos to collect in large numbers. At that point, chemical strikes were launched, decimating the invaders and damaging their morale. The reprieve for this was violent, with diversionary attacks being launched by the xenos into nearby settlements, while other forces desperately rushed to the refineries. The Dhul’hasan soldiers moved to defend the oil refineries, while incendiary bombing campaigns were launched against settlements in which the xenos attackers were most concentrated, with no concern for the lives of civilians. The fighting became so bitter that the arrival of a second fleet in the system went completely unnoticed. Fleeing desperately from their newly arrived pursuers, the xenos launched a final push to break free of the Dhul’hasans and escape. The clans mustered to retaliate as quickly as they could. Azus himself took to the battlefield, sensing that his men’s morale needed to be boosted. Seeing an opportunity to destroy the aliens outright, the Dhul’hasans fought with every weapon in their arsenal, no matter how unpleasant, cutting down xenos by the thousands. Although they fought back with terrified determination, the invaders were finally defeated in the ensuing pitched battle. The relief of Dhul’hasa’s liberation was palpable. So when Azus saw an amassed army of black-armoured warriors staring across at him from the other side of the blood-soaked battlefield, it came as a surprise. In the ensuing meeting, Azus was introduced to the leader of the xenos’ pursuers, a human larger even than himself. His name was Daer’dd Niimkiikaa, the Primarch of the Iron Bears Legion, who had been chasing the xenos fleet down after being ambushed in deep space. They had finally been forced to make planetfall on Dhul’hasa after their ships suffered colossal damage in a void engagement. Elated to have chanced upon another of his brothers, Daer’dd requested the presence of the Emperor himself on Dhul’hasa. When he arrived, Azus was offered the chance to join him in his Great Crusade, and he readily accepted, both seeing it as an opportunity to take the people of Dhul’hasa to the stars once again and fearing the wrath of the Imperium of Man should he refuse. AZUS BAHMUT, PRIMARCH OF THE DUNE SERPENTS Azus Bahmut – 405 ptsPrimarch of the Fourteenth, Ghost of the Sands, The King of DarknessWS: 6 BS: 8 S: 6 T: 6 W: 5 I: 7 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+Unit Composition:· 1 (Unique)Unit Type:· Infantry (Character)Wargear:· Armour of the Sands· Devil’s Vengeance· Anarchy· Frag, defensive and smoke grenadesSpecial Rules:· Primarch· Sire of the Dune Serpents· Ghost of the Sands· Lone Hunter· BulkyWarlord Trait:· Night AttackerArmour of the Sands: During the early years of the Great Crusade, Azus clashed with wyches belonging to the Cult of the Red Grief. He took note of the Night Shields with which the xenos transports were fitted, and charged his allies within the mechanicum with reproducing this technology and incorporating it into his armour. The Armour of the Sands confers a 2+ armour save, a 4+ invulnerable save and the Stealth and Shrouded special rules.Devil’s Vengeance: The Devil’s Vengeance is a large rifle, made to Azus’ specifications by the Techmarines of the Dune Serpents, and named after a legend of his homeworld. The rifle fires four types of unique ammunition, the most infamous being the Separator Round, named for both the smoke canister that detaches itself as the projectile flies through the air, and the bullet’s uncanny ability to separate head from body. Each shooting phase, the bearer of Devil’s Vengeance may choose which type of specialist ammunition it will use.Fleshburner Rounds: RNG: 30” S: 6 AP: 3 Assault 3 Deflagrate, RendingElectroscrambler Rounds: RNG: 24” S: 1 AP: 2 Assault 2 HaywireNervebane Canisters: RNG: 36” S: 1 AP: 5 Assault 1 Fleshbane, Pinning, Strikedown, BlastSeparator Bolt-Rounds: RNG: 72” S: 8 AP: 1 Heavy 1 Firing Calibration, Instant Death, Bone Crusher, Inbuilt Smoke CanisterBone Crusher: Against models with the Eternal Warrior special rule, each unsaved wound caused by this weapon multiplies to two.Inbuilt Smoke Canister: Extend a line between Azus and the closest model in the target unit, after firing. Place a smoke grenade marker 4d6” along that lineAnarchy: The same enormous scimitar Azus was given as a child on Dhul’Hasa, Anarchy has since shrunk in comparison to its superhuman owner. Upon making contact with the Imperium, Anarchy was given to the artificers of Terra. It emerged again having been hollowed out and fitted with a power field, meaning Azus could swing it as easily as if it were his own hand while carving through all in his path. Anarchy is a melee weapon that uses the following profile:RNG: - S: User AP: 3 Melee, Master-crafted, Duellist’s Edge, Rending Sire of the Dune Serpents: Having trained with almost all the ranged weapons under Dhul’Hasa’s two suns, Azus makes Precision Shots on to hit rolls of 4+, and at any point at which Azus is required to Snap Shoot, he does so on a 4+. Note that these Snap Shots may still not generate Precision Shots. All friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Dune Serpents) special rule gain Stealth if they are within 12 inches of Azus.Ghost of the Sands: Azus is a master of the art of stealth, and can melt away into the shadows at will, much to the terror of those opposing him. Once per game, at the end of the friendly turn, Azus may use this ability. This means that no enemy models may draw line of sight to him, and all enemy units within 12 inches that could draw line of sight to Azus must take a morale check as if they had just lost a combat. This ability lasts until the beginning of the next friendly turn.Lone Hunter: The Primarch of the Dune Serpents has conditioned himself to have few allies, and prefers his own company above all, as he has none that rely on him or slow him down. Azus may never join a unit, but may Run and shoot in the same shooting phase. If he does so, he may only fire Snap Shots. DJINN STEALTH SQUAD FAST ATTACK - Djinn (185 points) Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Djinn 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Djinn Alchemist 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Unit Composition 4 Djinn 1 Djinn Alchemist Unit Type Djinn: Infantry Djinn Alchemist: Infantry (Character) Wargear Power Armour Poisonbreath Launcher Smoke Grenades Special Rules Legiones Astartes (Dune Serpents) Noxious Fumes Infiltrate Options May take up to 10 additional Djinn for +28 points per model. The Djinn Alchemist may take one of the following: Sharibalddam ….. +15 points Power Weapon … +10 points Power Fist ……….. +15 points The Djinn Alchemist may upgrade his Power Armour to Artificer Armour for +10 pointsDedicated Transport - A unit of Djinn numbering ten or fewer models may take a Rhino Armoured Carrier as a Dedicated Transport Poisonbreath Laucher Firing Mode Range Strength AP Type Gas Saturation Template * - Assault 1, Corrosive, Gas Dispersion, Poisoned (3+) Gas Canister 18" * - Heavy 2, Blast, Corrosive, Poisoned (5+) Corrosive: When making save rolls against this weapon, models count their armour save as being one point worse than normal (i.e. a 3+ armour save becomes a 4+ armour save. - Gas Dispersion: Template weapons with this special rule only make one attack when firing Overwatch. Noxious Fumes: Shrouded. In addition, all enemy models in a unit charging or being charged by a unit of Djinn must take a Dangerous Terrain test after charge rolls have been made. DURSK RASSAN HEAVY ASSAULT SQUAD Taking their name from an ancient Dhul’Hasan war prayer, the Dursk Rassan or "they who rise" were formed from the Legion's assault companies, but bear striking differences from the likes of the XIXth Legion’s Phantoms. They are tasked with occupying key positions and holding them until reinforcements arrive, and as such are more heavily equipped than most assault companies. Besides melee weapons they also wield hand flamers and chem-munitions, and while most of their comrades use Mk IV armour, the Dursk Rassan favour Mk III armour. These suits, augmented with modern auto-sense and targeting systems, have enabled them to endure the grinding battles that often follow their lightning assaults. They are also adept users of gas weapons, favouring substances which induce or intensify fear in their enemies. Unlike the Shamshir, they embellish their armour extensively, seeking to frighten their enemies.Initially considered an oddity by their peers, under the leadership of Kalhu Nachash they have earned a reputation as bold, tenacious warriors. Nachash is revered by his brothers for securing a bridgehead on the walls of the Thabosian High City in the battle against the so-called “Emperor” of that system. The imposter’s forces had been severely depleted on the plains of Thabos III, but nonetheless he retained hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed with technology that was a match for the Imperium's. Despite this, Nachash and his men seized their objectives, holding the enemy at bay until the main Legion force joined them. As the defenders were driven back, the Dursk Rassan assaulted the palace and slew the pretender. FAST ATTACK - Dursk Rassan Heavy Assault Squad (285 points) Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Dursk Rassan 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Dursk Qal 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Unit Composition - 9 Dursk Rassan - 1 Dursk Qal Unit Type - Dursk Rassan: Jump Infantry - Dursk Qal: Jump Infantry (Character) Wargear - Power Armour - Jump Pack - Chainaxe - Hand Flamer with Chem Munitions - Frag and Krak Grenades Special Rules - Legiones Astartes (Dune Serpents) - Hardened Armour - Implacable Advance Options - May take up to 5 additional Dursk Rassan for +20 points per model. - The unit may take Melta Bombs for +50 points. - For every 5 models in the unit, one Dursk Rassan may replace their Hand Flamer with a Flamer with Chem Munitions for +5 points per model. - For every 5 models in the unit, one Dursk Rassan may replace their Chainaxe with a Power Axe for +10 points per model. - The Dursk Qal may take one of the following: § Sharibalddam ……… +15 points § Power Weapon ……. +10 points § Power Fist …………… +15 points § Thunder Hammer … +20 points - The Dursk Qal may upgrade his Power Armour to Artificer Armour for +10 points KALHU NACHASH, ARCH-CAPTAIN OF THE DURSK RASSAN HQ - Kalhu Nachash (135 points) Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Kalhu Nachash 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 2+ Unit Composition 1 (Unique) Unit Type Jump Infantry (Character) Wargear Artificer Armour Jump Pack Qatal Hand Flamer with Chem Munitions Frag and Krak Grenades Special Rules Legiones Astartes (Dune Serpents) Implacable Advance Independent Character Hardened Armour Warlord Trait Take And Hold: Kalhu and his unit gain the Stubborn special rule when holding an objective Qatal Range Strength AP Type - +2 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Master Crafted ZULFIQ FAL'UAK, SHAMSHIR PRIMUS to be completed SHAMSHIR RAIDERS to be completed VENERABLE JON LAWRENCE, LEGION MASTER OF THE DUNE SERPENTS to be completed AL'LARRAMAD OUTRIDERS to be completed DHUL'HASAN DICTIONARY (for my benefit as much as anyone so I don't accidentally develop inconsistencies in my naming convention) Afeahamra = Type of venomous snake found on Dhul’hasa Aist = PoisonAistin = Poisoner/Destroyer Akharin = Legionary from a world other than Terra or Dhul’hasa, foreigner Al’ = Of, belonging to, akin to (prefix) Alha = WestAlharin = Legionary of the western horde Alrrabeshr = The fourteenth legion Alrrabeshram = Serpent-king of the Afeahamra, mythical creature from Dhul'hasan cultureAlrrabeshrin = A Dune Serpent Ard = TerraArdin = Terran legionary Az’ = Possessing (a quality), of (prefix) Badis = Great Badisin = Clan leader, extrapolated from badis meaning great Dirah = Contempt Dhul’hasin = Legionary of Dhul’hasa Dur = He who Dursk = They who Eazim = EastEazimin = Legionary of the eastern horde Faylaq = Legion Faylaqin = Legionary Haj = Dagger worn on ceremonial occasions Hashd = Horde, the largest unit of the XIVth legion Iralsm = Breath Janu = SouthJanurin = Legionary of the southern horde Kaobah = City Larramad = Ashes Rassan = To rise Sada = Ceremonial carpet upon which you kneel for a feast/celebration etc Sahir = LibrariusSahirin = Librarian Shaba = NorthShabarin = Legionary of the northern horde Shari = Blade Shayash = A pipe smoked at ceremonial occasionsShutuj = Regicide, chessNabid = A beverage favoured by Dhul’hasan legionaries Qan = To kill Qatal = Butcher, killer Yrra = Endurance Edited November 28, 2017 by Lord Thørn Hesh Kadesh 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted October 1, 2015 Share Posted October 1, 2015 Great symbol, although I wish it was that one^^ you would be my god Big Bad Squig 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simison Posted October 7, 2015 Share Posted October 7, 2015 I swear, before the end of this month, I'll have my own emblem! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted October 7, 2015 Share Posted October 7, 2015 Jade General would be easy;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Bad Squig Posted October 10, 2015 Author Share Posted October 10, 2015 Way of the Desert PRIMARIS: Sandstorm – WC 2 Sandstorm is a malediction with a range of 48”. All models in the target unit suffer -1 ballistic skill until the start of the next friendly psychic phase, and must immediately take a pinning check. 1: Burning Heat – WC 1 Burning Heat is a witchfire that uses the following profile: Burning Heat: RNG: 18 S: 6 AP: - Assault 1 Blast, Ignores Cover 2: Serpent’s Venom – WC 1 Serpent’s Venom is a focused witchfire with a range of 24”. The target must immediately take a toughness test. If failed, the model takes a single wound with no saves allowed. 3: Mirage – WC 1 Mirage is a malediction with a range of 24”. Any unit targeted by the target unit counts as having the Shrouded special rule when determining cover saves. 4: The Land Recedes – WC 2 The Land Recedes is a malediction with a range of 36”. The target unit immediately receives -2 to their cover saves until the start of the next friendly psychic phase. 5: One With The Darkness – WC 2 One With The Darkness is a blessing with a range of 24”. The target unit gains the Shrouded and Fear special rules. 6: Fire of the Sands – WC 2 Fire of the Sands is a witchfire that uses the following profile: Fire of the Sands: RNG: 24 S: 5 AP: - Assault 1 Large Blast, Deflagrate, Soul Blaze, Ignores Cover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Bad Squig Posted October 24, 2015 Author Share Posted October 24, 2015 The Warden – 175 pts Slaanesh’s Chosen, Nameless, The Changeling WS: 6 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 6 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+ Unit Composition: · 1 (Unique) Unit Type: · Infantry (Character) Wargear: · Artificer Armour · Refractor Field · Plasma Pistol · Frag, krak and smoke grenades · Daemon’s Gift Special Rules: · Independent Character · Changeling · Zealot Options: · If using Legiones Astartes (Eagle Warriors) as per the Changeling Special Rule, The Warden may purchase A-type drugs for 15 pts Daemon’s Gift: RNG: - S: +3 AP: 4 Melee, Concussion, Rending, Duellist’s Edge Changeling: The Warden may never be taken as a part of a loyalist Dune Serpents army, gains Hatred (Dune Serpents), and enemy models with the Dune Serpent Faction gain Hatred (The Warden). Additionally, The Warden and all friendly models with the (Traitor) Dune Serpents faction may choose to use Legiones Astartes (Dune Serpents) or Legiones Astartes (Eagle Warriors). If the latter is chosen, all Independent Characters with the (Traitor) Dune Serpents faction (including the Warden) may purchase A-type drugs for +30 points (see Eagle Warriors). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphariusOmegon108 Posted October 24, 2015 Share Posted October 24, 2015 hehehe, I like the eagle warrior part ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted March 2, 2016 Share Posted March 2, 2016 (edited) “Maintain formation. We are 2km from where they were sighted.” The great block of men and machines trudged along the road. These strange men who came to them with lies of another Emperor were out here, following the execution of their seditious delegation. Their heresy would be expunged under a hail of righteous gunfire. Then the Terran Empire would set out to bring these renegade worlds to heel. These were the finest, most ruthless troops the Emperor could muster, led by a cadre of his prized Invisibles. The dawn light gleamed on their guns and armour, immaculate in majenta and silver. Their weapons had ground dozens of weaker worlds into submission. Nothing had stood before them, nor ever would. The major glowed with pride as his mind turned to the subsequent conquests and the glory yet to- Geysers of bile green erupted among the platoons. Men fell to their knees, as corrosive gases ate away at their skin. Panic engulfed the army as soldiers fumbled at their bio-sec gear and officers tried to maintain the formations. The major realised that the gas wasn't spreading far, despite the horror it had inflicted. This wasn't the main attack. “To arms! To arms!” He screamed, but his words were lost in the storm of gunfire as volleys stabbed into the formation with hideous. Every shot saw a man's head or chest blasted open. Suddenly armoured giants were all around them, between their formations, mowing them down and closing rapidly. In one synchronised motion they let go of their guns and drew wicked, curved swords. Then, with the same chilling precision as before, they dismembered the platoons. More puffs of gas, but colourless- small bursts of neurotoxins, which destroyed any remaining discipline as men dropped like flies. The giants walked through the dispersing fumes without any apparent trouble. The Major turned and ran to his tank, but tripped over something on the ground. A man's lower torso. He recognised the armour. They kill Invisibles. He made to crawl away, activating a vox-link to his superiors. “General, the capital must be fortified! They are butchering us, they-” something hard and heavy set itself down on his back, and a vast hand pulled his head back. “General,” a deep voice growled into his mic as a knife slid under his throat, “my name is Azus. I believe your subordinate has informed you sufficiently of his situation. Now he will tell what we are going to do to you, and your false Emperor.” The knife twisted to stab up, and the major’s last message came as a series of gurgles, as he drowned in his own blood. The last thing he heard was “Azus” issuing orders. “Tell 2nd, 5th and 11th companies to commence. The capital falls at dusk tomorrow.” ----- The Compliance of what, in another lifetime, was called "63-19". Edited March 7, 2016 by bluntblade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Bad Squig Posted March 28, 2016 Author Share Posted March 28, 2016 (edited) I painted a thing! Edited March 28, 2016 by Big Bad Squig bluntblade, Kelborn and simison 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikhalLeNoir Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 Cooooool. I like the color Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted May 21, 2016 Share Posted May 21, 2016 (edited) We have a scimitar-wielding legion champion on the way. One Zulfiq Fal'uak, dervish of the fourteenth. I did take a cursory look on /tg to be certain that we're not accidentally nicking from their Middle Eastern-flavoured homebrew chapters. Surprisingly enough, only one of theirs involves scimitars. A couple more thoughts- if we're going with a ghazi, stealthy jetbikes should be pretty well represented. Also, is there any chance they or some Successors might get some of those fancy bows from the Interex? Edited May 21, 2016 by bluntblade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted June 5, 2016 Share Posted June 5, 2016 (edited) Two Legion elites. +++++ While the Dune Serpents lean more heavily on ranged tactics than many of their fellow Legions, Azus Bahmat also recognised that they would need warriors with a talent for hand-to-hand combat. To this end he founded the elite Shamshir and Dursk Rassan companies. ----- The Shamshir are made up of the Serpents' most lethal warriors, and typically deploy in squads dispersed amongst their brethren in combat. Identifying weaknesses in enemy formations or dangerous opponents, they move in surreptitiously to intercept, striking quickly before vanishing again. On occasion the Shamshir are deployed in larger groups, holding enemies back so their comrades can strike with massed volleys of gunfire. Consequently they have become masters of feints and fighting retreats. This reputation has only grown since Zulfiq Fal'uak, a superlative blademaster even by Astartes standards , assumed leadership of these warriors. This prowess was demonstrated to lethal effect when the Serpents conquered Scabra IV. The insectile xenos which occupied the planet fielded warrior forms which were immensely strong but unintelligent, requiring leader forms to direct them. The Shamshir took the field against them, isolating and killing the leaders to destroy the enemy's cohesion and initiative. Fal'uak is said to have slain a dozen such mosnters in the space of thirty minutes with his unique power sword Su'en. Unlike most elite bodies among the Legiones Astartes, the Shamshir largely forego displays of individualism and are marked solely by a sigil on their left vambrace. This extends to their wargear; they are almost universally armed with scimitars and volkites or las-rifles. This allows them to close with and slay unsuspecting opponents; it is said that by the time you recognise a warrior of the Shamshir, you only have to time close your eyes. ----- Taking their name from an ancient Dhul’Hasan war prayer, the Dursk Rassan or "they who rise" were formed from the Legion's assault companies, but bear striking differences from the likes of the XIXth Legion’s Phantoms. They are tasked with occupying key positions and holding them until reinforcements arrive, and as such are more heavily equipped than most assault companies. Besides melee weapons they also wield hand flamers and chem-munitions, and while most of their comrades use Mk IV armour, the Dursk Rassan favour Mk III armour. These suits, augmented with modern auto-sense and targeting systems, have enabled them to endure the grinding battles that often follow their lightning assaults. They are also adept users of gas weapons, favouring substances which induce or intensify fear in their enemies. Unlike the Shamshir, they embellish their armour extensively, seeking to frighten their enemies. Initially considered an oddity by their peers, under the leadership of Kalhu Nachash they have earned a reputation as bold, tenacious warriors. Nachash is revered by his brothers for securing a bridgehead on the walls of the Thabosian High City in the battle against the so-called “Emperor” of that system. The imposter’s forces had been severely depleted on the plains of Thabos III, but nonetheless he retained hundreds of thousands of soldiers armed with technology that was a match for the Imperium's. Despite this, Nachash and his men seized their objectives, holding the enemy at bay until the main Legion force joined them. As the defenders were driven back, the Dursk Rassan assaulted the palace and slew the pretender. Edited September 22, 2016 by bluntblade Big Bad Squig 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted June 14, 2016 Share Posted June 14, 2016 (edited) Just wondering, do you have any particular naming conventions for the Serpents? Gonna need a name or two for their part in the Shrike battle. Edited June 14, 2016 by bluntblade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Bad Squig Posted June 14, 2016 Author Share Posted June 14, 2016 Most names are usually just anglicised corruptions of Arabic words. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted June 15, 2016 Share Posted June 15, 2016 Cool, I can roll with that. I haven't written much stealth stuff from the attacker's POV, it'll be interesting to see how the Shamshir end up fighting. I know Azus isn't compassionate towards his enemies; would the average Serpent feel the same? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Bad Squig Posted June 15, 2016 Author Share Posted June 15, 2016 While there are always anomalies, the majority of Serpents (especially those from Azus' homeworld) would either be fairly detached, or hold the enemy in Night Lords style contempt. I've always thought of them as unlikely loyalists to say the least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted June 15, 2016 Share Posted June 15, 2016 In that case the Halcyon Wardens Legate and Icarion will stress the importance of the planet's (human) resources rather than that it'd be bad to to butcher the Avenians into submission. With the Wardens and Army attacking from below and the Serpents striking up top, I need to figure out what the Lightning Bearers will be up to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skalpynock Posted June 26, 2016 Share Posted June 26, 2016 Just one question: what is the name of the traitor Serpents leader? I kinda want to read or write a war council with him, Malis and Mashyan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Bad Squig Posted June 26, 2016 Author Share Posted June 26, 2016 The Serpents operated in lots of small groups scattered around the Galaxy, and when the insurrection happened each group pretty much decided on their loyalty independently based on which would benefit them the most. Because of that, there isn't one leader that stands out so far, although nothing's stopping you from having one traitor Serpent leading a significantly larger group than most others. Essentially, I don't have one yet, so go wild. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelborn Posted June 29, 2016 Share Posted June 29, 2016 Hm... I might have a potential successor chapter for the Dune Serpents at hand. Or at least a blackshield force, depending on how they will developed. I'm currently working on a loyalist Alpha Legion chapter, and regarding your last post, they could fit the Serpents' theme quite well. :) Interested? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 (edited) It's been suggested to me that in one campaign, the Dune Serpents could weaponise bath salts. Apparently smoking them causes some seriously gory side effects Edited August 30, 2016 by bluntblade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chief Captain Redd Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 Yeah that or Flakka are both terrifying to see someone on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 Flakka? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chief Captain Redd Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 Another drug; it's sort of like a combo of PCP and Bath Salts, though I don't know its chemical properties. If Bath Salts turn people into face eating walking dead zombies, Flakka turns people into 28 Days Later style zombies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bluntblade Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 Somewhere in the shadow of the hood, Azus' eyebrows rose. "I am intrigued." simison, MikhalLeNoir, Nomus Sardauk and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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