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The Beast Arises


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We all know 40k will get a reboot just like fantasy did. The Emperor will be a god like the other one and there'll be storm cast externals all over the place.




Dorn lives?!



Vulkan seems to think so


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We all know 40k will get a reboot just like fantasy did. The Emperor will be a god like the other one and there'll be storm cast externals all over the place. 


I hope it doesn't come to a re-boot and that they continue to develop 40k... i'm not a gamer (do enjoy a spot of painting the odd kit when time allows though!) but in terms of setting & lore i find the universe that Games Workshop has created to be utterly fantastic!

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I'd like it if they got rid of the grim dark and turned it into a happy place full of rainbows.

In your dreams biggrin.png The question is - Imperium is dying being eaten and enslaved by orcs. And Vulkan (A PRIMARCH) seating his ass at Caldera, and Inquisition knows about that. And..... do nothing.

Really? REALLY????

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The Inquisition is manipulating all over, but thing is, they are divided in creed just as much as the High Lords or Chapters. The Ordos do not even exist yet, and we know how bad that will get with all the subfactions killing one another.

We don't know why Vulkan chose exile, or why he isn't with the Salamanders. I doubt anybody in power would be happy with a Primarch taking the reigns again or gaining too much influence. We know that Wienand at least saw the Beast coming, but even she underestimated it and acted slowly.


There's more to learn about Vulkan and his situation in the grand scheme of things, before we can make a case for anything.

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Vulkan seems a bit alzheimery. Takes a few seconds to remember that successor chapters are a thing, thinks Dorns alive. Most of his conversations were hesitant. Like he was trying to remember, couldnt, then just played along.

Im not sure if dying a lot has warped his fragile little mind or he when ever he is reborn, his memories take a while to catch back up with his body.

Who knows. Yet.

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Vulkan seems a bit alzheimery. Takes a few seconds to remember that successor chapters are a thing, thinks Dorns alive. Most of his conversations were hesitant. Like he was trying to remember, couldnt, then just played along.

Im not sure if dying a lot has warped his fragile little mind or he when ever he is reborn, his memories take a while to catch back up with his body.

Who knows. Yet.

Somehow I just pictured Vulkan and the Nameless One from Planescape: Torment brofisting.

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Vulkan seems a bit alzheimery. Takes a few seconds to remember that successor chapters are a thing, thinks Dorns alive. Most of his conversations were hesitant. Like he was trying to remember, couldnt, then just played along.

Im not sure if dying a lot has warped his fragile little mind or he when ever he is reborn, his memories take a while to catch back up with his body.

Who knows. Yet.


Well I would imagine that he forgets everything every time his body is destroyed. Seeing as all knowledge is held within the physical brain.


Unless of course knowledge and personality are held in the soul in 40k, and Vulkan were psychic ... then that would make sense why he can remember things after his own destruction.


I suspect no answers would be given. That's not the way of things.

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Vulkan seems a bit alzheimery. Takes a few seconds to remember that successor chapters are a thing, thinks Dorns alive. Most of his conversations were hesitant. Like he was trying to remember, couldnt, then just played along.

Im not sure if dying a lot has warped his fragile little mind or he when ever he is reborn, his memories take a while to catch back up with his body.

Who knows. Yet.


Well I would imagine that he forgets everything every time his body is destroyed. Seeing as all knowledge is held within the physical brain.


Unless of course knowledge and personality are held in the soul in 40k, and Vulkan were psychic ... then that would make sense why he can remember things after his own destruction.


I suspect no answers would be given. That's not the way of things.


Probably not, but If forgetting everything happens, doesnt bode well if the Emp comes back.

It was more the feeling that he was like a exarch and his mind was trapped some time around his ressurection.

Im also beginning to think Vulkan was supposed to be the one on the throne. Throwing out happy rainbows and vibes. Only a perpetual < urrgh could manage it. Or theres a cloning STC in a volcano.

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From Vulkan Lives:



‘This might be the only chance I get to contact you. After this, I may not be able to return. You must live, Vulkan,’ the alien told me, ‘you must live, but stand alone as a gatekeeper. You are the only one who can perform this duty. You alone are the hope.’

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Small rant about Hunt for Vulkan. Must every single Mechanicus model be identified in the text???? What happened to the complex variety and suggestiveness of Titanicus or Mechanicum, the Mars books or indeed Malleus or Shira Calpunia .... It's almost as if giving the Mechanicus models has limited author imaginations about them! It was beyond annoying. 

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Small rant about Hunt for Vulkan. Must every single Mechanicus model be identified in the text???? What happened to the complex variety and suggestiveness of Titanicus or Mechanicum, the Mars books or indeed Malleus or Shira Calpunia .... It's almost as if giving the Mechanicus models has limited author imaginations about them! It was beyond annoying.

I recall ADB commenting on this awhile back when Volkites first started appearing in the novels. He said it had nothing to do with author creativity, that they could come up with all sorts crazy vehicles and weapons, but that when choosing between detailing something that has a model versus something that didn't, it was very much in GW's interest to go with the one with a model.
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So im up to chapter 5 and im loving this book so far kudos black library with the exception of the HH series I've not been bothered to read imperial centric books before.


BTW am i the only one who thought of the star wars senate meeting room when the room where the room where the high lords are was described

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Small rant about Hunt for Vulkan. Must every single Mechanicus model be identified in the text???? What happened to the complex variety and suggestiveness of Titanicus or Mechanicum, the Mars books or indeed Malleus or Shira Calpunia .... It's almost as if giving the Mechanicus models has limited author imaginations about them! It was beyond annoying.

I recall ADB commenting on this awhile back when Volkites first started appearing in the novels. He said it had nothing to do with author creativity, that they could come up with all sorts crazy vehicles and weapons, but that when choosing between detailing something that has a model versus something that didn't, it was very much in GW's interest to go with the one with a model.



I think ADB names-drops one or two things, but this was a few mini-chapters where concentratedly every single model in the codex (bar the generic magos HQ) was namedropped. I was waiting for a non-GW model description, mention, allusion... Nope. It's disappointing, especially compared to how every other force in the series has been described (i.e. not a codex adherent listing of names, entries and abilities). And Annandale doesn't do this elsewhere in the book, which makes it more surprising. Is this meant to suggest mechanistic lack of imagination in the AM? Really, that was disappointing. I preferred the old Mechanicus of Titanicus days, which was a big old mix.  


Otherwise, it's a nice novel(la), but too many stupid battles (including the one I'm complaining about). 

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That's been happening all over with most releases across the board. Incidentally, that became most obvious with the Mechanicus releases for 40k. In some books you had authors describe horrors of tzeentch and flamers etc in terms of appearance and warpy stuff, nowadays they're usually declared by name, especially in Age of Sigmar fiction. There was a big shift in policy when GW proper took the reigns, and it leaned more towards direct product placement / marketing ever since. I wouldn't blame the author for it since it seems more like a general editorial thing.

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I hope the expand the Mechanicus lines then. No transports, no tanks, no reconaissance units, no skitarii elites or HQ, no flyers, etc. the kits out now are great for basics but codex =\= reality of how these armies actually function.
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Dorn lives?!



What would give you that idea?



i believe that Vulkan dips in and out of the warp when he's not needed. The primarchs are made of the warp so why wouldn't the dead ones be floating around in there without being consumed? Vulkan could have a chat with Dorn next time he's in the area


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Dorn lives?!



What would give you that idea?



i believe that Vulkan dips in and out of the warp when he's not needed. The primarchs are made of the warp so why wouldn't the dead ones be floating around in there without being consumed? Vulkan could have a chat with Dorn next time he's in the area


Because Warp beings are being consumed constantly. Say, "daemons". Even the souls of the dead end up devoured by daemons. The Warp sort of is the afterlife of the setting. And it's a grim one where souls are swallowed by a sea of hungry daemons.

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