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The Beast Arises


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@ Dark C the audio book is up. I need to buy it soon since I'm not sure when I can get to my ebook copy. Grrr, really wish I shelled out for the audio book subscription as December :(


--Here's the interview with David Annandale for book 4: The Last Wall ep 141 Combat Phase. It's also on iTunes. This book is my fav so far in the series & my new fav Annandale book. As we talk about David's upcoming work he gives us some information for the first Primarchs series book with Guilliman. If you have questions for author Guy Haley for his interview on Throneworld in 3-4 weeks please let me know and I'll ask him during the show.



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I actually was expecting some kind of conflict to appear due to the genocide scene. The BT i like are quite horrible. They are hypocrites, and not the good guys.

This was refreshing.

Leave the Salamanders to save everyone. smile.png

These are the BT i like.





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I liked a few points:


The Eldar stated that the Eldar had defeated the Orks, Necrons, DAoT Terrans, Iron Men and Cythor. Basically saying how advanced they were compared to Humans.


I've never heard of the Cythor though so wasn't aware they were a Galaxy spanning power.


It was also good how they made it obvious that The Emperor was clearly very much around in sense of Psychic power. Being referred to as a "void whale" in his death throws with the "sharks" of the Chaos Gods circling him.


Also proving that Terran psychic wards are useless and could be usually overcome by Eldar children.

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I actually was expecting some kind of conflict to appear due to the genocide scene. The BT i like are quite horrible. They are hypocrites, and not the good guys.

This was refreshing.

Leave the Salamanders to save everyone. smile.png

These are the BT i like.





Yes, the dystopian Astartes. Although it makes one wonder why we like these people... wacko.png ph34r.png msn-wink.gif

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I actually was expecting some kind of conflict to appear due to the genocide scene. The BT i like are quite horrible. They are hypocrites, and not the good guys.

This was refreshing.

Leave the Salamanders to save everyone. smile.png

These are the BT i like.





Yes, the dystopian Astartes. Although it makes one wonder why we like these people... wacko.pngph34r.pngmsn-wink.gif
"Oh no, the Orks are burning our world the the ground"

Space marines show up and slaughter the Orks, burning where they were to prevent them from coming back, AS ORKS ARE KNOWN TO DO.

"Oh, those terrible space marines! I feel bad for the Orks, I hope the space marines never come back! Ever!"

It just reminds me why I hate humans.

"Devils are terrible by nature, but should Space Marines be terrible too?"


Ungrateful sods.

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I like Vulkan. And im eager to see him in the books.

I just used salamanders because they are the oposite of BT in ideology. (Somewhat)

Its a work of fiction. I also like Sauron.

Does that mean I will make an army and conquer the world? Maybe ;)

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To be honest the whole religious dreadnought thing got a bit boring.


I'm not sure the whole side plot of them was actually relevant or even required "story filler"


Not bothered too much though. This is still so far the best series I've read.

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And obliterated pretty much everything else with nary a "sorry it had to be this way." 


I'm not saying it's unreasonable or not in character, I'm just saying they were dicks. 


EDIT: also my comment was largely facetious. Dickish Spehss Mehrines are the best variety.

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Really? It looked like the Orks were destroying everything to me... Just checked, it did say that the Orks burned the fields and the cities already.


Again, ungrateful humans and their, "Hate the guy that saved us" attitudes. "BUT THEY WERE SO BRUTAL, we should be better than that brutality!" Was the argument of the farmer.


This is the stuff that makes me wish Horus would have won.

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Book 5 is turning out to be one of my new favorite of the series, and i'm barely 100 pages in! It's pretty good... Also they are finally showing more stuff about mars! and Vangorich is a badass again! and there were some genuiningly funny moments! 

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I greatly enjoyed the book...until the Black Templar Iron Warrior alliance. that pretty much killed my good times




An alliance of necessity, which was uneasy from start to finish and only ended without the IW's annihilation because the Templars stuck to their oaths of truce and would not dishonor themselves for simple vengeance - which shows development from them, as before they'd have thrown everything away for that personal feud.


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the BLACK TEMPLARS, who piss zeal and breath religious platitudes, led by a Hero of the Heresy, ally with Iron Warriors because their lives are in danger???

Sorry, religious fanatics are religious fanatics for a reason. Dropping parts of their core belief structure just to live longer does not compute.


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Really? It looked like the Orks were destroying everything to me... Just checked, it did say that the Orks burned the fields and the cities already.


Again, ungrateful humans and their, "Hate the guy that saved us" attitudes. "BUT THEY WERE SO BRUTAL, we should be better than that brutality!" Was the argument of the farmer.


This is the stuff that makes me wish Horus would have won.


You aren't an illiterate peasant brought up peacefully to believe in a benevolent and protective Emperor watching over you - then find His Angels and 'deliverance' is just as terrible in visage and violence as the demons, and just as uncaring of your individual fate.


Besides, the Black Templars and the Imperium don't care about gratitude. What matters to them is that they put the fear of the Emperor into that farmer, and he is now more loyal than ever.

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The level headed castellan managed to convice the zealous Marshall to live another day to fight. And they are warriors first and foremost. And at least that marshall honourable to a fault. He will still hunt his old friend to the end of the galaxy. But he will die by his own hand. Not some filthy orks.

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'Throneworld' is actually the best TBA book to date. After the horrible 'Slaughter' and 'Last Wall', mediocre 'Predator, Prey' - it was like a breath of fresh air, except for the first 3 chapters:


8 eldars slaughtering hundreds of Custodians???? REALLY????? Alliance of zealots with heretics comparing to that is nothing to worry about


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It wasn't hundreds, I thought it was dozens.


It was perfectly believable including the point where the Eldar thought they could parlay with the word friend even though they were killing at the same time. It was very "Eldar-ish" and arrogant.


The Black Templar part was pretty terrible though in hindsight. Also totally unnecessary from a plot point.

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I thought it was precisely a dozen, with one Eldar casualty. I didn't think it was too outrageous, these Custodes presumably don't ever do much fighting and they're going up against specially picked by Eldrad for this purpose. They're pretty elite

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It wasn't hundreds, I thought it was dozens.


It was perfectly believable including the point where the Eldar thought they could parlay with the word friend even though they were killing at the same time. It was very "Eldar-ish" and arrogant.


The Black Templar part was pretty terrible though in hindsight. Also totally unnecessary from a plot point.


I wouldn't judge the Black Templar part as "totally unnecessary from a plot point" until the end of the series. It contributes to the overall picture, just how the demise of Undine or Incus Maximal/Malleus Mundi were. It is one of hundreds of battlegrounds in the Beast's Waaagh.


Nevermind that the Black Templars will more likely than not join with the Last Wall, seeing how insistent their castellan was. The Iron Warriors, too, are being set up for more than this. This whole conflict between the two also started in The Last Wall, with Kalkator being assaulted by Orks on Klostra and the Templars from the other side.


The whole conflict also showed more hands-on how the faith of the Black Templars conflicts with the Imperial Truth, and we know that even the other Chapters of the Last Wall are uncomfortable with it. This was an opportunity to be much, much blunter about the topic and criticising one of their Marshals, than Koorland and co would have had in their alliance with Bohemond.


In the next novel, Echoes of the Long War, we once more get to focus on the Iron Warriors, this time with the Fists Exemplar. We'll see how that goes, as a LOT of the uneasy alliance between the BTs and IWs in Throneworld came down to Magneric's utter obsession with Kalkator, who he once held deep friendship with and considered one of his closest brethren. Heck, the book itself tells us that the two were THE example of how the IWs and IFs could be able to put their differences aside and work as brothers, in unison. It isn't at all unlikely that these two, who both want humanity to survive, even if for different reasons and through different means, would work together for a time for the greater good, even if neither is happy with it.

And let's face it: The Iron Warriors are pragmatists, and Kalkator has been the embodiment of that throughout both books he appeared in. On the other side we have honor-bound Templars who trust in the Emperor guiding them through all.

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Did anybody else notice a subtle, roundabout nod to a certain someone(s) in that scene where Vangorich kept on noticing how beautiful the shadow seer was?


The Lord of the Assasins...was struck by the shadowseer's beauty...


An Assasin... And a Seer...

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