Paikis Posted October 8, 2015 Share Posted October 8, 2015 (edited) Hi folks, figured I'd start a thread where I dump my WIP and finished pictures, rather than spamming the BA Today thread. First up is my WIP Astorath, which I've decided to do a little more golden than normal, the pictures show base coats and a single wash only, but so far I'm liking him. This is the first model I've used Vallejo Liquid Goild on and I highly recommend it. GW's golds have got nothing on this stuff, though I'm a bit miffed that I can't clean my brushes in plain water anymore. Anyways, here's the pictures (sorry for potato quality, mobile phone cameras are of the debil!) Edited January 2, 2017 by Paikis Dolchiate Remembrancer and Silverson 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted October 8, 2015 Share Posted October 8, 2015 Looks cool! I love the gold on him - looks awesome. Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Scruffy Posted October 8, 2015 Share Posted October 8, 2015 That second pic makes him look like he's cloud gazing. I can just imagine him bellowing ".. and that one looks like a bolter, and that one looks like a xenos, and that one looks like SANGUINIUS IN HIS LAST MOMENTS OF LIFE... ....that one's a bunny..." Charlo, Silverson, Adeptus-Alaska and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted October 29, 2015 Author Share Posted October 29, 2015 (edited) OK folks, after much procrastinating, here's the finished product! This image shows Astorath from the side. I didn't like how he looked just placed on the base, it looked like he was jumping straight up and not forwards. I've used corkboard for the base, and if you look very carefully, you will see the extra little wedge I cut in order to angle Astorath to appear to be jumping more forwards than up. This image shows Astorath's front. There was a lot of gold (Vallejo old gold) that went into this model and I think it looks much better than the one on GW's website where Astorath is majority red. I've left the larger strips of parchment a darker tan, almost brown, in order to make the purity seals pop out. Incidently, the large strips of parchment are absolute cancer to paint. I really didn't enjoy painting this model. This shot from the side shows the gold off again, as well as the wings (grey dry-brush on black) and the purity seals. If you look closely (and have a good imagination, thanks phone-camera!), you can see the hilights on the 'muscle' parts of his armour... they were an absolute nightmare to paint as well, picking out every single little fibre with my smallest brush was an excercise in patience. I think the end result is worth the effort though. Edited February 25, 2016 by Paikis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted October 29, 2015 Share Posted October 29, 2015 (edited) Kind of looks like a crime scene, haha. Very nice gold you have there! Edited October 29, 2015 by Xenith Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted October 30, 2015 Author Share Posted October 30, 2015 Time to start my Command Squad! First up, the Champion. I've decided (thanks for the input folks!) to use only a few parts from the command squad kit for the champion, namely the shoulders, combat shield and power-sword arm. The legs and chest of my champion comes from the Death Company kit and I used the BA upgrade kit for the head, with a piece from the brass-upgrade kit thrown on the shield. You can see the parts in all their semi-basecoated glory in the spoiler below. For the shield, I hacked the skull off the front with a hobby knife and then green-stuffed the gap between the semi-rounded shield and the flat brass. I toyed with bending the brass, but it looked weird. The sword pictured above shows the beginings of my first attempt at wet-blending, which went OK on the first side, but then quickly burned and died on the second side. Not sure if I'll strip it and start again or just go with a solid silver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted October 30, 2015 Author Share Posted October 30, 2015 (edited) Some more WIP pictures and the finished Champion in this post. Finished Champion And some semi-finished WIP pictures. Edited February 25, 2016 by Paikis Venator, Arkangilos and Dolchiate Remembrancer 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mapple Posted October 30, 2015 Share Posted October 30, 2015 You're red and gold go well together. Nice and neat painting too. Well done! The brass on the shield looks like it was meant to be there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted October 31, 2015 Author Share Posted October 31, 2015 Next up is the Sanguinary Novitiate for the Command Squad. Same as for the Champion, I'm going to use bits from the tactical/Death Company kits to give him some more bling, and Im contemplating buying a stand-alone Sanguinary Priest kit and swapping the arms. That would give me 3 different Sanguinary Priest/Novitiate models. The codex shows the SNovitiate with red armour and white apothecary bits, but I think I prefer mine to be all in white with a red crotch-robe, so I'm going to do that. I think I'll avoid too much gold on him as well, since he's a novice, it doesn't make sense for him to have veteran-gold. Here's a shot of the SNovitiate bits, though I expect I will not be using that helmet. It's noticably mis-cast. Not a huge fan of the CS kit at all honestly. I would have been better off getting a tactical kit and a couple bits and doing conversions. Oh well, live and learn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted November 1, 2015 Share Posted November 1, 2015 Swanky looking champion! Really nice work on the gems etc. The red and gold could potentially do with a little more shading? They look great but are a teeny bit flat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evildrcheese Posted November 1, 2015 Share Posted November 1, 2015 Very nice. Your gems look great. D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted November 1, 2015 Author Share Posted November 1, 2015 The red and gold could potentially do with a little more shading? They look great but are a teeny bit flat. It's just the camera I'm using (phone cameras suck). The mini looks great in-the-flesh. Having said that, I have been considering changing my red recipe. At present I usually base-coat with Army Painter Dragon Red, GW Agrax Earthsahde all red areas, then re-paint with GW Mephiston Red and then edge-hilight with GW Evil Sunz Scarlet. I'm thinking of using the Evil Sunz as a second layer and then hilighting with something kind of skin/tan coloured. Not 100% sure yet, but I do know I don't really want orange hilights. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venator Posted November 2, 2015 Share Posted November 2, 2015 The gems look great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evildrcheese Posted November 2, 2015 Share Posted November 2, 2015 From Evil Sunz Red, I highlight with Wilder Rider Red, which is quite orange, really grabs the eye I find. D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Scruffy Posted November 6, 2015 Share Posted November 6, 2015 These are looking great! Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted December 13, 2015 Author Share Posted December 13, 2015 (edited) OK, it's been a while since I updated my thread, but I haven't been (completely) idle. Here you can see my two Sanguinary Priests, one built from the kit and another kitbashed from the Command Squad, the Blood Angels Upgrade sprue and the BA Tactical Squad. I have magnetized the back packs and have painted 2 backpacks and one (for now) jump pack. The quality of the pics are horrendous, but that's unfortunately what you get with mobile cameras. Without further ado, here are the Sanguinary Priests: Together: Just the kitbash SP: Just the SP kit: EDIT: Images editted for size and clarity. Edited February 25, 2016 by Paikis Nicodemus Doloroso 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SM1981 Posted December 13, 2015 Share Posted December 13, 2015 Hi folks, figured I'd start a thread where I dump my WIP and finished pictures, rather than spamming the BA Today thread. First up is my WIP Astorath, which I've decided to do a little more golden than normal, the pictures show base coats and a single wash only, but so far I'm liking him. This is the first model I've used Vallejo Liquid Goild on and I highly recommend it. GW's golds have got nothing on this stuff, though I'm a bit miffed that I can't clean my brushes in plain water anymore. Anyways, here's the pictures (sorry for potato quality, mobile phone cameras are of the debil!) So what are you using - a small pot of white spirit? How does that effect life span of brushes? I ask because I'm toying with the idea of using them too, but M a hit worried the cleaning will trash my kit - what's your experience? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted December 13, 2015 Author Share Posted December 13, 2015 (edited) Here's today's work. Give me another month or so and I should have a second squad of 5 black-clad maniacs to put on the table. Hi folks, figured I'd start a thread where I dump my WIP and finished pictures, rather than spamming the BA Today thread.First up is my WIP Astorath, which I've decided to do a little more golden than normal, the pictures show base coats and a single wash only, but so far I'm liking him. This is the first model I've used Vallejo Liquid Gold on and I highly recommend it. GW's golds have got nothing on this stuff, though I'm a bit miffed that I can't clean my brushes in plain water anymore.So what are you using - a small pot of white spirit? How does that effect life span of brushes?I ask because I'm toying with the idea of using them too, but M a hit worried the cleaning will trash my kit - what's your experience? I've been using methylated spirits (which I think is what you refer to as white spirit?). I had some concerns about using it on my brushes, so I have only been using it with 3 of my GW brushes (layer, fine detail and artificer layer). They're still perfectly fine, with no noticable damage. Edited December 14, 2015 by Paikis Nicodemus Doloroso 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LutherMax Posted December 14, 2015 Share Posted December 14, 2015 White spirit (or indeed mineral spirit) is fine for cleaning brushes. I use it to clean mine after using AK Interactive enamel paints and haven't had any problems... Death Company looking great! Are the arms off because they're magnetised? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted December 14, 2015 Author Share Posted December 14, 2015 White spirit (or indeed mineral spirit) is fine for cleaning brushes. I use it to clean mine after using AK Interactive enamel paints and haven't had any problems... Death Company looking great! Are the arms off because they're magnetised? The arms are off because they're still on the sprue. I'm trying the assembly line method of painting, where I paint all the legs/chests, then all the arms, then all the heads, then all the jump packs. It seems to be working quite nicely for now. Im not sure if I'll magnetise these models. I have 5 fully magnetised DC on my shelf and it was a tonne of work for absolutely nothing so far. I will probably regret not magnetising later though, so I probably should. LutherMax 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evildrcheese Posted December 14, 2015 Share Posted December 14, 2015 Priests are looking great. Magnetising DC is touch, I magnetised both arms on 10 of them, but am seriously considering gluing half or more. EDC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted December 14, 2015 Author Share Posted December 14, 2015 Priests are looking great. Magnetising DC is touch, I magnetised both arms on 10 of them, but am seriously considering gluing half or more. EDC I'm thinking of doing the same. I almost always use 1 fist per 5 models and rarely if ever use a powersword. So I could quite happily glue 4 out of every 5 models as bolt pistol plus chainsword. I have a tactical squad sitting in a box that I'm considering painting as bolter DC. That, combined with an assault squad and another DC kit I already have means I could have 30 DC marines, 20 with jump packs and 10 on foot. Plenty for a Strike Force Mortalis. Still short a Dread and a couple drop pods... and my raven is red, but you can't win them all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted December 16, 2015 Author Share Posted December 16, 2015 Progress has been made! My Death Company now have weapons... well they have some weapons. I don't think I'll bother painting up the sword as Im going to glue the 4 chainswords and a fist. Not entirely sure why I painted the 5th chainsword either. Oh well. I particularly like the middle chainsword and Im quite annoyed that my phone doesn't seem to like picking up hilights unless they are waaay over the top thick lines. I also noticed while taking this picture that the middle chainsword has webbing between the teeth at the top of the blade. Time to get the hobby knife out and re-paint some teeth! Next up, bolt pistols and a butchered right-handed boltgun! Charlo, Grazcruzk and Jønke 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paikis Posted February 14, 2016 Author Share Posted February 14, 2016 So I picked uip a brush again for the first time today and painted the heads of my Death Company squad that have been sitting neglected on my bench for 2 months. That leaves me with the bolter/pistols about half done and jump packs and shoulder pads still on sprues. To commemorate my return to the hobby, here's a few pictures of my ETL vow that I'd like to include in this thread as well. Keep in mind that these were my first ever Blood Angels squad, and Im somewhat sad about the painting quality. Also, does anyone know how to add images to my signature? I want to add the ETL and RTS tags. Grazcruzk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boudan Posted February 15, 2016 Share Posted February 15, 2016 (edited) Nice log, thanks for the update. Please don't put your painting down - you can always go back and improve on older units, although the one you shared looks solid. Do you find painting the miniature in parts to be that helpful? I leave the arms off, but otherwise I assemble the whole miniature. Also, I can't figure out how people paint on sprue. What about the areas disturbed by the plastic and the cutting? Edited February 15, 2016 by Boudan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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