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I have no plans to stop painting, but I do take breaks occasionally due to various reasons. Most recently I've been super busy at work and didn't feel like ruining models by painting while thinking about other things.


I do actually find painting parts on their own easier. There are a lot of nooks and crannies that can be hard to get into with paintbrushes whem models are pre-assembled. Im sure some people don't have any issues with that, but I prefer to paint unassembled as I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. If I leave a bit of grey in a join I'll always know about it. Having said that, I do not paint parts on the sprue, I base-coat on the sprue, then cut parts off, re-base the bits that were connected and then paint parts individually. Some parts I paint in sub-assemblies, such as heavy weapons that come in parts. I'll assemble them and then paint the entire weapon usually.


The upside of this method is that there are no gaps in painting because you couldn't get a brush in and you get to see how the finished model is going to look before you glue it (hurray for blue-tac!). The downside is that you have to scratch paint off of joins, and ytou can't use the models half-painted because they aren't assembled yet. I'm sure there ar emore pros and cons, but that's just off the top of my head.


And for today's picture, here's my Tactical Squad's ride, my very first Rhino, complete with (bad) semi-free hand blood drop and wing symbol on the roof.



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I think that is a good lookin' transport. Do you use decals? I find them a pain, but a necessary one.

I did use decals on that Rhino. The picture was apparently taken before I put them on. Im not satisfied with how the decals look though, as they are quite shiny, as you can see




I started a new project tonight... which was probably a mistake, but its done now. Here's the pre-base-coated picture




This is the Predator kit, combined with 2 Forgeworld kits, the extra armour kit and the front plate from the Blood Angels Rhino Doors.... the doors will be used on another Rhino. For anyone wondering, the turret and it's plate are not glued, but everything else is.

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Well, I finally finished a project that I started far too long ago. As you can see in the pmictures below, I have another 5 Jump Pack Death Company. I also included my jump pack equiped Chaplain, because he isn't shown elsewhere in this thread. The DC loadout is Bolt Pistols and Chainswords all-round, except the punchy brother, who gets a Bolter to go with his Power Fist. I had to cut the Bolter off a right arm and glue it onto the hand from a left arm bolt pistol, which was somewhat worrying, as this was the first time I'd tried it. Also a first is the glowing jump pack engines, which I've tried to show off as best I could. It looks much nicer in the videos I've seen where people use airbrushes. Sadly, I don't have an airbrush.


Next project is the tri-las Predator, but for now, here's the pictures of the newest members of the Company of Death.







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Great DC, but they look a little amorphous with all the black, an extreme edge highlight would really make them pop and look angry!


Heh, with 3 shots a turn, it might reliably kill a rhino per turn, allowing you to charge the squishy innards, or will get punked T1. Combine with a vindicator to make your enemy sweat over target priority!




You're really making me want to paint a triple las pred....

Edited by Xenith
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Great DC, but they look a little amorphous with all the black, an extreme edge highlight would really make them pop and look angry!


Heh, with 3 shots a turn, it might reliably kill a rhino per turn, allowing you to charge the squishy innards, or will get punked T1. Combine with a vindicator to make your enemy sweat over target priority!




You're really making me want to paint a triple las pred....


My phone for whatever reason doesn't pick up hilights :sad.:


These DC were sprayed black, then I edge highlighted with Mechanicus Grey, and whatever Fortress Grey is called now, then washed with Asurmen Blue (Drakenhoff?). The hilights are noticeable in person, but for whatever reason the camera doesn't distinguish between dark blue hilights and black. It also hasn't picked up the hilights on the red sultices. They were painted Mephiston Red, then edge hilighted with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red, then washed with Bloodletter.

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  • 10 months later...

It's been forever, but I finally got some time off work that was long enough to recharge and still have time to paint. To celebrate, I've got a photo dump of 4 models 3 of which are not shown elsewhere in this thread and one of which is the (almost) complete Predator Annihilator that I started 10 months ago and finished tonight.


So here we go, starting with the first model I ever painted, a Captain (on huge rock) with bolt pistol and power sword.








Next up is my Librarian with jump pack and force staff. The jump pack is magnetized, and his normal backpack is painted but not shown. I usually take him with the Death Company.



Top view shows free-hand librarian skull and blood angels blood drop.



Next up is the Tri-las Predator from forever ago. Front view shows the extra armour on the turret, as well as the Blood Angels icon on the Forge World front plate.



Side view #1 showing the skulls that don't stand out at all, the extra side armour and the fact that I need to touch up the sensors for the Lascannon.



Rear View showing the Blood Angels Icon from the Stormraven kit.



Lastly is my counts-as Dante (until we find out if he's getting a new model later this year)




I'm sure I'm Blood_Angels_Player_495283045C who has used these exact parts as a Dante stand in, but it works and eventually I'll either get a new Dante model when it's released, or I'll convert something suitably epic for him. The rest of my Sanguinary Guard will be painted the same way so he'll fit right in.


Side view



And other side view


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I've done some touch ups on the Predator (fixed some oopses) and I'm now more willing to call it done. I've also finished painting the legs and bases of the other 9 Sanguinary Guard I have and have started the chests.


Anyways, I'm thinking that I want to get some more tanks and I'm tossing up between 2 more predators that I will most likely magnetize (but mostly run as 2 more tri-las) and a Land Raider. So I know exactly what Im going to do with the predators, but Im not 100% sure on the Land Raider. I'm thinking a Redeemer that would work well as part of a lucifer armoured task force at some point in the future... maybe put some Hammernators in there with a Terminator Librarian or something. Having said that, I like the idea of a bit more range as well.

What do other people run? Why?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good choice there and certainly one I recommend (even if the logic of giving the banner guy a fist stems from a previous edition) :smile.:


I'm struggling to come up with a reason to give the fist to someone without the banner? You want the guy with all (or most of) the upgrades to die last surely?

Edited by Paikis
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  • 2 months later...

I've finally finished my first 5 Sanguinary Guard. I've been dragging my feet with painting lately. mostly due to work and moving house, but I've got 5 more Sanguinary Guard with everything except their arms/weapons painted. Also I might have bought a Land Raider Redeemer and Forge World doors. Maybe.


Here's the Guard.





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  • 2 months later...

So I've done some painting since last time I posted here. I'll start with the most recent and work backwards!


So first up, here's my Primaris Captain in Grav Armour!




I'm unsure if I'll be painting the rest of my Primaris as Blood Angels, but as I'm still undecided it's probably going to happen.

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