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Star Phantoms project Log


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I bought the IA 9 and 10 books from Forgeworld some time ago and have long envisaged putting together a force of space marines from one of the chapters covered in those books. It's an excellent setting and the way forgeworld updated the conflict from the original Index Astartes article from way back (which I'm plenty old enough to remember and still have a copy in an old compendium) piqued my interest all over again.


But which chapter to plum for? There are several chapters featured, some of which have been very well covered in various threads over the years and some less so. I'd painted up marines from several different chapters before, Dark Angels, Flesh Tearer's, Iron Hands but had never really given a 'white' scheme a go. For this reason as much as any other I opted for a Star Phantom force.


I have recently completed the test model and like the way it came out. I tried to keep it relatively simple with a view to actually getting them finished and wanted an 'in action' look with battle damage, weathering etc. (Inspired by several of the exceptional WIP threads on here).


SP Test model   front


The Photo isn't the best as the colour is a little off. It's not quite as brilliant a white as that, I may try taking some pictures with a black background and see how they come out.


Anyway my (relatively) short term goal is to have a Captain, 5 man command squad, 10 man tactical squad, 5 man tactical squad, 5 man assault squad and a 5 man devastator squad done by Christmas (or at least thereabouts!). To that end I've been assembling them over the last few weeks/months and have currently got this much built/assembled and ready for priming and base coating:


A 10 Man Tactical Squad:

Tactical Squad 1


A 5 Man Tactical Squad (the test model will go in this one):

Tactical Squad 2


A 5 Man Devastator Squad:

Devastator Squad


A 5 Man Assault Squad:

Assault Squad


A Command Squad:

Command Squad


A 5 Man Sternguard Squad (these sort of snuck their way in..):

Sternguard Squad



I also have the Captain and a Dreadnought (Couldn't help myself..) on the assembly line, with a Razorback next to be built. However with the test scheme complete I should be able to start making some progress on the built stuff. I'll try and batch paint up to a point but will likely break it down by squad or demi squad when I get to the point past the airbrush.


So any thoughts on the test model would be most welcome as there is a whole lot more painting to go yet!

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Thanks for the feedback on the test model, glad you like it.


@The_Chaplain: I'm erring more down the route of a standard battle company at this point I think, although I may have to have a go at making my own Androcles at some point.


@Captain Semper: I like the slight suggestion in the fluff that they may be DA successors - denied by both the DA and the Star Phantoms, but then they would deny it wouldn't they... I was considering adding in a few subtle DA references here and there.



Been slowly priming my way through the currently assembled marines but my main progress has thus far been:


Dreadnought pretty much built. Still need to tidy up a few gaps and add bits to make him look a little less clean and more like an ancient and venerable heavily armed and armoured tomb.





I have magnetised the arms as well as adjusting the mounts so they are not so square. Also adjusted the left left knee to give a slightly different and less static pose to the legs. The storm bolter and Heavy flamer for the power fist are also magnetised.


I have the Captain on the go too and will throw up some pic's of him next.

Very nice white! I have been waiting for someone to do a star phantoms army! make sure you join the badab war work in progress thread if you haven't already as it needs some reviving rn and good projects like this should do the trick to get everyone motivated :D


@GrandMasterSapphon: Thanks, I'll get around to joining that thread soon!

@Razblood: Dead Astral Claws certainly, not so sure about the dead Minoutaur's although they may feature!

Some progress being made, finished off adding bits to the Dread, just need to GS any gaps and maybe add a banner/Icon/search light (tbd) on the top.

Dreadnought 2

Also finished kit bashing a Captain:


What do you think? The banner is magnetised as I'm not sure if I prefer the icon route. Helmet is not glued on as I'm not sure on the placement as such but then there is little else available space to put it and I have thus far included a helmet with every bare headed marine. Might see how it looks painted. Also not sure the stock helmet I picked is bling enough for the Captainbiggrin.png

AS for the rest I'm still working my way through the priming and base coat stages (thank god for Airbrushes!), hopefully have some decent progress to report after the weekend.


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