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Exsanguinators Chapter, plus BA rules & Units Ideas 12/11/15

Frater Antodeniel

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Like their cousins of the Flesh Tearers, the Exsanguinators feel fiercely the flaw of their kind. They destiny being on trial more than ever, their fate shadowed by desperate attempt to save their chapter and brotherhood....."


The Exsanguinators are noble but shadowed while the Flesh Tearers are barbaric but true.....


The Exsanguinators are to the Blood Angels what the Disciples of Caliban are to the Dark Angels, a chapter in quest for themselves...


The Exsanguinators history bear the mark of a battle, one that change to very fate of a chapter, one that change everything that was hold to be true, to be sure....


"They have appeared from no where, a full chapter fleet surging from the warp, like a crimson spear they hitted in the hearts of the xenos dominion. What a century of war could not have brought, they did it in mere months, the xenos fleet, defenses, nothing stopped them. Only when the un-annonced astartes leaved the system were we able to land on what appeared to be the capital world of a xenos stellar dominion...i recall this sent, this feeling, the freezing silence...then i was called by duty, not the one i would have ever like....the representatives of the inquisition had come along us, their request was simple, to leave no stone unturned, whatever they searched for, better not for me to ask, for even my rank within the imperial navy wouldn't protect me of the response."




---- Imagine, a discret blood angels successor chapter on a secret quest trought the galaxy to save themselves from the flaw that rob them so many of their brother. A fleet-based chapter that often act as a whole.....a chapter that will left nothing stand between him and his mission. The Dark Angels may have their secret war, but the Blood Angels have their secret quest....a quest that all of the Angel sons share.....----



Edit : Fivepointedstar, i just finish reading your Exsanguinators Lore, and i must say that it isn't so different of mine, apart from small things, the basics appears to be quite the same (Difference : My exsanguinators have great thirst, but don't bleed to death, for their gene-seed trace back to the second fondation chapters, and are among the purest gene-seed pool, yet heavly suffering the flaw effects.). Even your color sheme is not far from mine^^. A red vine and White Death Company/Sanguinary Guard....even if i prefer use Khorne Red that is a lighter red vine^^^.

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Thanks, even if it's really hard for a french like me, to write something quite good in english...(i mean....something readable and understandable^^). But, i try to produce something worth the work, and i'm helping myself with all the Black Library novel that are related to the Blood Angels Lore, as well as the Codexes (5th and 6th) or the Shield of Baal campaign.



But the basic idea take root in the clash between Seth and Malphas in the Novel "Trial By Blood". Gabriel Seth and Ivan Malphas, i imagine a different point of view between the two chapter they represent, in a way they share many things, and the paths they walk on are parallell. I will even put some "Inside Dialogue" to the classic codex description of the chapter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last day, i was wondering why Dark Angels get Special Land Speeders while our poor Blood Angels have just the classics one...but, after all, is it impossible for Outcast Blood Angels chapter to create "Artificer" Land Speeder based on the STC the Dark Angels recover on the M36 (Darkshroud and Vengeance) ? No^^, after all, the Mechanicum have already a teeth against us and i don't think that our Artificers/Techmarines/Master of Forge would be against such a challenge. So after some research and reflection....here is the Exsanguinator M36 Command Land Speeder Relic :



Without being OP, i think it is the kind of Class/Nasty thing Blood Angels could possess within their Stases Crypts....

It is strong and weak at the same time. Furthermore, it is design to bring another aspects of the Blood Angels. Perfect battle plans ?

Anyone does have a comment about this Relic ? =) (Edited, Noctem Aeternam current version is this v2)

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Well, there's no reason for Targeting Auger Arrays to boost Weapon Skill. I understand that that's what you'd prefer to boost, but a Targeting Auger Array sounds like it'd boost Ballistic Skill, or add rerolls. Also, I'd put it as "At the start of the shooting phase, choose a single unit within 6". This unit adds +1 to their Ballistic Skill until the end of the turn", rather than every unit within 6".

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Good stuff. Picking three units makes it quite powerful, but much less so that "all units", especially combined with the reduction to 12".

I definitely like forcing you to pick, from a tactical perspective, as that's quite different to "Bunch all your shooty fellows up near the gunboat for more shootiness". Especially for homegrown units and rules. Always good to err on the side of Difficult Decisions and Lower Power.

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New Changes :


- I added the Chapters tactics/Warlord Trait page (Blood Angels Special Rules + Flesh Tearers Warlord Trait).


- I added the Relics of Blood page (I think that i will send this one to the GW rulesteam since they clearly lack of imagination by looking at 1/2 of the Blood Angels relics.)


- I added Exsanguinators Strike Force (That in fact is only a copy of the Flesh Tearers Strike force.)


- And, finally, i added Ivan Malphas character datasheet. (It have been hard to think of a character that could fit between Seth and Dante, while still being unique....thanks that i come with the Vampiric Chapter idea^^).


Have Fun reading it, since the Rule part is almost over, i will just check it for some correction of word spelling and form, and attack the Fluff part.....that is partly revealed through some relics....

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