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After reading unremembered empire I really just want to know how yer boy sang gets from ultramar to terra but the lion and the ultra boys don't.


I am interested in polux and dantiochs friendship I think dantioch might die in this book.


Though I could have gone with them doing an actual book on paramour or showing is some death guard stuff But the stage is really set for us to be getting to terra. Hopefully master of mankind helps shift things into gear. Until then it is what it is

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After reading unremembered empire I really just want to know how yer boy sang gets from ultramar to terra but the lion and the ultra boys don't.


That's kind of the point. A lot of things weren't entirely clear so there were always questions of "How come these guys made it to Terra and these guys didn't? Did the guys at Terra decide to just not fight? What did the Ultramarines do after Calth?"


There was a lot of gray, unanswered areas. Like the Ultramarines for example. 3rd Ed background gave the impression the entire Legion was held off at Calth by a force of Word Bearers while Lorgar led the rest towards Terra.


So again, we get the "What did they after Calth?" and "How did a fraction of the XVII keep the entire XIII so busy?"


Now we know how a small force of Word Bearers did so much damage while also knowing that while it wasn't the whole Ultramarines Legion, it was still a pretty significant force. Oh and the reason they didn't just jump into the Heresy was because they were isolated from the galaxy and they decided to salvage what they could before dealing with the Ruinstorm. You know, reconquer Rome before moving on to the rest of the Empire, so to speak.

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Even mighty Guilliman, with all his tactical genius had to spend a significant amount of time rebuilding his Empire before making his way back to Terra in the event of disaster and needing somewhere to fall back to.

I'm sure even his brilliant mind couldn't comprehend the need for so many Novels about Calth though! laugh.png

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Eh, there was only one novel. And then eighteen million short stories setting up the Underground War. But honestly Guilliman's strategy makes sense. Sieze any territory from the Traitors and fortify it against being recaptured.
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'Mark of Calth ' one of the best anthologies from BL. But it's past time we left Calth for good. But 2016 we have 2 additional novellas about it in 'Honoured' and 'Unburdened'. And the worst is - that newly declared anthology at W40000 Open Days this weekend 'War without end' is about war in Imperium Secundus again furious.gif

Then do they leave it alone at last. Hope that 'Pharos' from Guy Haley, who is an awesome writer, I mind you (read his none warhammer stuff - tis so good) will be the finish line for the Ultramar in HH once and for all

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Ha. Fat chance. Still have Dan Abnett and A D-B's follow ups to it. Not to much whatshisface, Oll Persson flitting through the warp on a whim. His storyline will be a constant continuation of Calth. So buckle in and enjoy the ride. I know I am. B)
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If we read it, they will write it. (Or so I hope.)


The Calth stuff... nearly all of it is probably some of my favorite stuff from both sides of the war. Starting at Know No Fear, I suddenly became aware of another side, a grittier side to the Ultra's, and a re-definition of the Legion and how it works unfolded to me.


This is what I love about some of the 're-creating' that is going on in this series. Sure it may deviate from time to time, from what's been written in years past, but I'm okay with this. I think it's inevitable to keep it growing, to flesh it out, and to keep it interesting.


I am anxiously awaiting my copy of the Graphic Novel. The artwork looks amazing.


I had no idea Dan AND ADB were writing follow ups. I fear for Guilliman's handling in the latter, but truthfully some of the other characters have really grabbed me during these unexpected (and good) stories. (IE: The Purge).

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I had no idea Dan AND ADB were writing follow ups. I fear for Guilliman's handling in the latter, but truthfully some of the other characters have really grabbed me during these unexpected (and good) stories. (IE: The Purge).

I, personally, thought Guilliman in AD-B's Betrayer was done really well.

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I was never a fan of the ultras thanks to them being the poster boy 40k...


After know No Fear though, they've become one of my top three legions. I love ADB's avenging son, abnetts roboute no Know no fear is an inspiring and aware of the way he is seen. And how he in UE he becomes an excited little brother wanting to impress big bro... We're given Imo a really likeable, fleshed out character....


And then we have the guilliman from Vulcan Lives....

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And then we have the guilliman from Vulcan Lives....

Guilliman doesn't appear in Vulkan Lives from what I recall (aside from Vulkan occasionally mistaking Curze for him). Do you mean Deathfire?



How embarrassing of me old chap, of course I did.....

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And then - the unbelivable happened. BL stop pushing Imperium Secundus biggrin.png

Oh, how so? Because if you're talking about the little thingy that pops up when you ask for email reminders to Pharos, that has been the state of affairs since October 2014 when A Safe and Shadowed Place was first released. Which going by your posts, is a big fat no no because of all the "stagnation" it has caused.

If you're referring to the flood of short stories and audios that don't deal with Imperium Secundus, then I'd have to ask where you have been for the past year.

EDIT: I get you are one of those people who want the Siege of Terra to be here tomorrow, but it won't. Granted, we've made it to year 4 of the Heresy, but we've been there since Unremembered Empire. Which was released two years ago this month.

Even in that little blurb, Imperium Secundus is still being pushed. They're just reminding others where the entirety of the Imperium stands at Year 4, not just the Imperium Secundus. They're still pushing it, not just the overbearing "Are you not entertained?!?!?!" attitude people seem to think they have.

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Ha. Fat chance. Still have Dan Abnett and A D-B's follow ups to it. 


At one point (and this was, like, at least 2+ years ago) there was talk about me tying Sevatar's ongoing arc into ImpSec in various nebulous ways, but it never really found any traction in my head. After Betrayer I think my dealings in ImpSec are concluded. I've been saying (politely!) since around that novel's release that I'd rather do stuff on the other side of the galaxy, and leaving ImpSec to the other folks.

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Ha. Fat chance. Still have Dan Abnett and A D-B's follow ups to it.

At one point (and this was, like, at least 2+ years ago) there was talk about me tying Sevatar's ongoing arc into ImpSec in various nebulous ways, but it never really found any traction in my head. After Betrayer I think my dealings in ImpSec are concluded. I've been saying (politely!) since around that novel's release that I'd rather do stuff on the other side of the galaxy, and leaving ImpSec to the other folks.
Fair enough. I misunderstood your post about Nightfall then as I thought you meant it just changed too far from the original idea and as a result, was no longer Nightfall but instead something else. Apologies for that. Still, it's good to know Imperium Secundus is still moving forward. I rather like it and all. :D
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After reading unremembered empire I really just want to know how yer boy sang gets from ultramar to terra but the lion and the ultra boys don't.


I am interested in polux and dantiochs friendship I think dantioch might die in this book.


Though I could have gone with them doing an actual book on paramour or showing is some death guard stuff But the stage is really set for us to be getting to terra. Hopefully master of mankind helps shift things into gear. Until then it is what it is



I am thinking Magnus. He comes across to me as a wild card in this whole thing that Horus can't really control. He's beyond a Primarch, but not quite a slave to the warp (?) Or so it seems. Deathfire shows us a nugget of this. I could see him giving a path to Terra for Sanguinius and the gap can be filled by whatever conversation they may have, but to me this is fairly plausible.

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Maybe it's something simpler. The Lion could let Sanguinius his warp travel thing so the Blood Angels get to Terra. The Dark Angels and Ultramarines then make best speed for Terra because the Ruinstorm stutters out clearing the way.
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And i love good stories too, but there are too much stuff about Ultramar already and still more to come.

1) Pharos - novel Imperium Secundus.

2) War without End - anthology IS.

3) Honoured by Sanders - direct Calth novella.

4) Unburdened by Annandale - direct Calth novella.

I for once want to read a normal novel about Thramas crusade - except for 'Prince of Crows' (and that was a naval engagement, plus a very short one for my liking biggrin.png ) where was literally nothing about that Crusade, except for some mentioning of general situation at Thramas sector in A D-B shorts.

Which i mind you are amazing. As everything A D-B writes.

But - it would be good instead of a colossal amount of Ultramar stuff to read about DA vs NL on some planet of Thramas sector. Dreadwing company vs Sevatar and his fellas. From void to near orbit, to landfall and to the dark of Night biggrin.png

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  • 2 months later...

Just saw the book out on black library, but it looks like it is available as ebook? Is this confirmed? I was really looking forward this to being a hard copy, seems like an awesome story and certainly a step forward in the series. 

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