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Just finished Pharos, thoroughly enjoyed it. It's really noticable how quickly I chewed through it compared to the trudging progrss I made with Honoured and Unburdened. The characters were well-rounded and portrayed (and the author not afraid to kill them off when appropraite), the pacing was on point, and we got a good look at some aspects of Imperium Secundus. It doesn't reinvent any legions and their cultures, but it never tries to. It just cements my opinion that Guy Haley's strength here is his ability to turn his hand to a range of legions and characters and just get them, without feeling like he's just imitating others.


Definitely recommend it and I'm looking forward to more from Mr. Haley. I hope he can get in another HH novel before the end (ideally involving Maloghurst :D )



so it basically a collection of anthologies which collected previously released novellas?





No. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you're talking about. It collects The Imperial Truth, Sedition's Gate, Blades of the Traitors and Death & Defiance. None of them contain novellas, and the stories in them weren't released prior to those four (save for Lord of the Red Sands, I believe).


It's a collection of four novella-sized anthologies.

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So many quotes upon quotes but I think we all agreed...book 33 is all from previously published novellas, even though two of those have yet to be widely distrusted in print and/or audio books via weekly BL audio subscriptions.
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