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Hello to everyone.

Sorry if this question was already discussed, but I could not find exact answer with seacrh


I have therefore one question. Mutable Tactics' wording states that you choose the Special Rule (i.e Infiltrate) at the point when Warlord Trait is selected.


At the same time Coils of Hydra wording states: "Infantry units that do not have ability to Infiltrate, Deep Strike or do not have Dedicated Transport may not be chosen with this Rite of War".


So it seems, that Mutable Tactics special rule Infiltrate does not help us with Coils of Hydra Rite of War. As we choose units during roster building, while Mutable Tactics is selected before the game starts.


So by RAW our infantry units do not benefit from Mutable Tactics before the Warlord trait is chosen, so we can't put them into roster.


What is your opinion on this collision? Thank you in advance.


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Are you expecting to play Alpha Legion in a competitive tournament? If so, it would be best to check what the ruling is Tournament Organiser. If you expect to play with it amongst friends, discuss it with everyone before committing to them.


I don't believe it's a big issue; the Rite of War is very restrictive, so giving you different ways to meet the criteria is a good thing. :)

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It's about as reliable a source as the combi-weapons on headhunters, just FW email answers.

Well it's from FW emails back when they actually made sense...


Personally I don't take chances and buy transports for or DS all my troops in a coils list.

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