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Dominus and assault repairs


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Howdy folks. I haven't had this come up either because i forget the rule or from just not being that locked in combat, but can a dominus repair a unit if locked in combat??? Instead of shooting leads one to believe that you would have been able to shoot otherwise. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know about RAW, but it makes no sense for me.

If he skips shooting, he can focus on repairing stuff while the rest of his squat shoots. But if he is locked in CC and everyone around him is swinging some weapons it is hard to imagine him repairing stuff.

Consider that a Dominus is not necessarily bound by the same emotions and feeling as regular humans. They have made alterations to concentrate better, have no fear and so forth. I can easily imagine a Dominus having a fencing duel with one hand, repairing something with his other hand and tendrils, having a chat with some other Magos who just called up and check up on his unread emails all at the same time :D

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