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Where to start a Taghmata army?

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In need of a breeze of fresh air and a break from that endless Xenos spam, I ventured into the golden age of 30k. After playing around with fluff and lists, I finally deduced that I want to either play Imperial Fists or Taghmata. Well, the Legion lists were pretty easy to get into, but I struggle with Taghmata.

Where does one start? Just as info, I prefer a semi-defensive play style where I have a tough shooty line moving to crush the feeble enemy Resistance. As far as models go, I like the Mymidon range, the Castellax, Thantar and some of those juicy tanks as well as the venerable Land Raider, just to name a few.


If anyone has suggestions, pointers or maybe even a starting point for me, that would be very appreciated and would go a long way in helping me to choose between Fists and Mech for 30k ;)

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Have a look at the Ordo Reductor List, it has 4 heavy Support slots (two compulsory) and has extra tanks.


Legio Cybernetica is also worth considering as it makes Castellax compulsory troop.


Both are however not as flexible as the main Tagmata list.


I guess an alternative approach is to ask what units you would like as your main Troop Choice, as I have find that this choice really effects how the rest of the list shapes up.


Castellax are tough and scary in numbers, but cannot be the main troop (unless you are Legio Cybernetica).


Adsecularis can be numerous and cheep, or numerous and hard to shift but need support to do anything.


Thallax are the middle ground, often used in smaller units for mobility.


Scyllax I have no experience with.


Overall I recommend Mech as it has the greatest potential to give you a new experience in terms of game play, army look/feel and just general character.

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I studied the book for a bit. Looks pretty tough, but boy, no redundancy at all. One bad misstep can destroy them. I see Thallax really susceptible to Medusas and Typhons. Most of the firepower is also pretty short-ranged and you are slow as molasses.

However, if the enemy comes into your face, with Pods for example, and mainly relies in cover and/or 3+ saves, they will rip you a new one. They will also decimate horde armies pretty well, but potentially struggle against units, that are designed to take abuse.


Is that assessment correct?

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If you want to be really mean, you can take a Thagmata List and:


Barebones Archmagos or magos dominus hq


3 Man Thallax Squads for troops.


As Many Thanatars as you can fit in heavy support.


At 2.5k i was able to fit in 5 thanatars while going crazy and spending 300 points on an Archmagos so it should be pretty easily done at 2k.


Drowning your enemy in multiple S8 ap2 barrage large blasts that force reroll of successful cover saves on a 2+/5++ T8 4W model is ace.


Otherwise, ordo reductor is pretty good for it but look into:


Myrmidon Destructors

Thanatars the basic ones. The others are meh

Darkfire Castellax

Mechanicum Tanks

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Reductor is more about Tanks, Vehicles, Adsecularis, etc.


Thagmata Omnissiah is all about mixing and Matching things from both Reductor and Cybernetica.



For Destroyers they've got Graviton Imploders which are essentially 40k Grav Guns.


Otherwise, I'd give them a Triaros and as many Irradiation Engines as you can. Torrent Ap3 Fleshbane, Rad Phage Flamers are fun... Take it from me having been on the Receiving end during a ZM game where they had Shred to boot.


Or, since they're relentless, give them Culverins and walk around shooting delicious 45"+6"move CHOOM at peeps.

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You can also go the Adsecularis way. Use two cheap Adsecularis convents as you compulsory troop choises and use the points for the other cool stuff.

You could add a Castellax Maniple as a third troop choise.

Myrmidon Destructor are one of my favorites. I like my Destructors with Volkite Culverins. Most the time a have a squad of 6 in my list.

Thanatars are great. Against infantry heavy races they´re a must.

If i face a race where it´s more likely to face tanks or monstrous/gargantuan creatures i replace the Thanatar with two Krios Venator Battle Tanks. Exellent tank and monster hunters.

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You can't go wrong starting with some Thallax.

I think a good number to start with is around 9 as they can be one large group or multiple small groups.

For defensive march and shoot lists also take a look a Myrmidon destructors. 2 Heavy weapons each and can move and shoot in same turn.

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Another point to consider is who you'll be playing against.

Against marines, I think Castellax is an absolute beating even with the new price of 105pts each.

If lots of vehicles then switch it up for dark lances or arm your thallax with 1 in 3 melta...


I absolutely love Ursarax for hand to hand troops but those will require some conversion work on your part

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Well, I will definitely include a Thanatar. Also, Destructors in a Triaos sound pretty good, probably with Grav.

Castllax are a solid idea as well. Maybe habe the HQ join then, seeing as I read that he is able to. No idea what HQ and how to make him. All I can say is that I like the Arch Magos fighting stool.

Krios Venator is also on the list.

Not a big far of the FA choices


I guess the last remaining question is whether to go Thallax or Thralls as Compulsory Troops and how to equip the Magos.

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I would go with both troops. Thralls are so cheap as basic troops that it's a shame not to take a unit or two but they will get wiped pretty easily.

The big question is do you want to spent the money on the thralls. euro per point or so is the conversion

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I would use the 40k Rangers/Vanguard for that. Thrall can not take transports though, at least in the Taghmata list, making them really easy prey. Sure, I could upgrade Carapace and FnP, but then it gets costly. Tank Hunter Thallax with Lightning and MM seems like a solid Troops choice.
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I would use the 40k Rangers/Vanguard for that. Thrall can not take transports though, at least in the Taghmata list, making them really easy prey. Sure, I could upgrade Carapace and FnP, but then it gets costly. Tank Hunter Thallax with Lightning and MM seems like a solid Troops choice.

Afaik tank hunter thallax are heavy support, or did they changed that?


Edit: ah nope, icarian are HS, destructor are indeed troops^^

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While it is true that the army is slow in general Thallax are pretty fast due to being jet pack infantry. They can also deepstrike to get into position.


The Dominus can go with the Castellax, the Prime and Archmagos cannot.


You probably want a Dominus and a Prime/Archmagos, one for the Castellax and the other to add fire power to the Myrmidon and keep them safe by putting a multi wound 2+/3++ in front of them.


Edit: Paragon of Metal is better for a Thanatar these days, though can work on a Castellax.

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Mine are currently as follows. The Prime has enough shooting to be scary but can take on units in close combat. The Dominus is support for 3 Castellax (with flamers and mauler cannons), the Irad is for when the unit gets charged or in flamer range the -1T it can cause is useful. My list focuses more on robots than tanks but reparing stuff is the same all around.




Archmagos Prime Myrmidax

Cyber-familiar, Cortex Controller, Power Fist, Master Crafted Pargon Blade, 2 Phased Plasma-Fusile, Machinator Array, Abynet, Djin-skein


Magos Dominus

Cyber-familiar, Irad-Clenser, Machinator Array, Abynet

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I use 6 Secutors frequently as a bodyguard for my Archmagos. Two Secutors with 2 Phased Plasma-Fusil each and the other four Secutors with Volkite Chargers. More then enougth firepower to bring down most opponents.

My Archmagos Prime looks very similar (without the power fist) to Troikar´s.

Normally i gave them the Triaros cause they are a bit slow and the short range of the volkite charger.

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Okay then, so we are looking at a

Thanatar with Targeting Array Paragon of HEAVY METAL \m/

Around 5 Destructors with Grav in a Trairos

A Castellax Maniple of around 3-4 Bots with Targeting Array and Mauler

Thallax with either the AP3 or AP2 gun and possibly Tank Hunter or Deep Strike

A couple of those little bugger that allow you to Intercept

Magos to ride with the Destructors and that other dude to do with the Castellax.

When going one step further, I think I want to round it off with a Krios Venator.


Sounds legit?

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