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Where to start a Taghmata army?

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I failed to get in the Dominus in at 2k points. The Prime also feels a bit on the expensive side. Anyway, here it is:

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+++ New Roster (2000pts) +++

++ Mechanicum: Taghmata Omnissiah (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++

+ HQ (345pts) +

Magos Prime (345pts) [Abeyant, Archmagos Prime, Cortex Controller, Cyber-familiar, 3x Cyber-occularis, Djinn-skein, Machinator Array, Myrmidax, Phased Plasma-fusil, Phased Plasma-fusil]

+ Troops (865pts) +

Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple (315pts) [Castellax, Castellax, Castellax]

Thallax Cohort (275pts) [2x Phased-Plasma Fusil, 6x Thallax]

Thallax Cohort (275pts) [2x Phased-Plasma Fusil, 6x Thallax]

+ Heavy Support (790pts) +

Myrmidon Destructors (500pts) [4x Graviton Imploder, 4x Myrmidon Destructor, Triaros Armoured Conveyor]
Myrmidon Lord [Graviton Imploder]

Thanatar Class Siege-automata Maniple (290pts) [Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal, Thanatar]


At 2.5k I will be adding a Knight ;)


Is it advisable to run the three Castellax separately as three models, seeing as they have no one to go with them? That way I can engage more targets and score more objectives as well as prevent overkill, at the cost of not being able to buff all three with techno-magics.



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I would drop the cyber-occularis and add the enhanced targeting arrays for the Castellax. I prefer to run my Castellax in a group of three. But that´s a personal Thing.


Aye, that is what I will do after the Tau hit :D On Friday I will be facing 9 or so Pods. I would rather be able to Intercept those Centurions.

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Okay, so I did a bit of brainstorming and found a few ways around the high cost with conversions and so forth. I managed to reduce the required cost of this army down to 274 pounds (compared to the 260 for the Legion), with another 58 down the line, which can be balanced out by selling the Legion stuff I already have.


Well, with the cost factor out of the way, it now comes down to me choosing between Taghmata and Legion. While Taghmata lacks the innate character that appeals to me compared to Legion, the Knight House idea has merit and the play style appeals to me due to not having to use cheap transports like Rhinos and Pods. Not sure what to think about that rather humble body count.

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In my gaming group ive been allowed to use the mechanicum stuff in normal 40k, so I'm scratch building some dark mechanicus version of some of the units for an allied detachment to my ad-mech force. various projects include:

Thallax: converted from necron deathmarks for the cool evil cyclops robot look.

Thralls: 'tech-ghouls' and cultists built from warhammer ghouls and spare parts.

Thanatar: built from a hellbrute i realised i doubt i would ever use.

Planning to build other units too smile.png will share pictures at some point if there is interest.

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Played 2k points Mechanicum today. It was very fun. The only thing I need to decide on right now was whether I want Thallax or Thralls as my Troops. A mix did not work. Well, the Thralls did a pretty good job tarpitting, but the two units of 3 Thallax underperformed, almost criminally. They will be doing pretty well in higher numbers though.

But yeah, I am going Taghmata. Placing the order by the end of the week ;)

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