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Greetings all,

This thread is going to be dedicated to my Space wolves army. I started this army originally over 20 years ago but left the hobby for many years.

I am really keen to get any feedback and to hear what people think. I am also planning to start a thread for completed works over in the halls of honour. Thanks in advance.

First up my Stormwolf, I have completed the main paint work and am working on the weathering at the moment.




And the base


Edit: couple of things I meant to say. This is the first vehicle I have ever painted using an airbrush and this is the first time I have ever shared any pictures of my painting :smile.:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The runes are cool, did you carve them in, also the engine intakes, what colour did you use for those? Looks like metal with a hint of gold or something. Damn beautiful colour.


Overall a gorgeous model.

Thanks for the feedback. I wish I could take credit for the runes but they are standard on the model. I just used an airbrush to try to make them look as if they glowed. The metal is Vallejo Platemail primer, then Vallejo Gunmetal with an Agarax Earthside wash and a very light dry brush of Necron Compound.


I have a few more updates. Both still need weathering. Here is my Bjorn the Fell Handed






Iron Priest on Thunderwolf






Am working on a Predator Tank at the moment will post some WIP shots tomorrow.

Here is the interior of my Predator. I have played around with weathering both with powders and paint and also made my first attempt at using an oil wash.


It seems a bit of a shame for something people will almost newer see. But it was a lot of fun trying out the new techniques.


The tank is magnetised and when finished will be able to be a Rhino and a Razorback.










Am painting the tank using this camouflage technique. I am not sure I've quite done as well but am pretty pleased with the results so far.


Basecoat of Fenrisian Grey




Masked with hand cut tape




Second layer of Russ Grey




Final layer of The Fang




I think once I have added washes, shading and weathering it should all come together nicely.


Any thoughts and feedback would be welcome.

  • 3 weeks later...

Have made a little progress on the Predator have not had much time due to work etc. Have painted most of the details added edge highlights and am working on the pack markings.




I also had a bit of time to work on my wolf pack. Have done some very simple green stuff modelling to make some cyberwolves. My Iron priest prefers his wolves to retain the look of wolves without going too far into robowolf world...






Finally I have assembled and under-coated my next project my first drop pod.




Any thoughts or feedback welcome.

Very nice!! Your wolves are looking great and that camp is pretty gnarly.


Thanks :)


Your painting looks great brother - your Bjorn model is really outstanding.  The Stormwolf also looks good so far.  I'm looking forward to seeing that one with the weathering done - dirty that thing up a little!  heh...  :laugh.:


Thanks a lot, really appreciate the feedback. Weathering my Stormwolf has me slightly terrified... It looks so pretty right now and I am worried about ruining it. But I am going to have to take the plunge at some point.

  • 2 weeks later...

That's some lovely looking minis! Keep up the good work! I'm particularly impressed with the yellow details.


Would you mind sharing the technique for the base on the storm wolf? It's subtle, yet effective and I would love to achieve something similar.


Thanks a lot.


The base is cork tile torn up to create the layers. The dragon's teeth are from Tiny Worlds. The whole base was airbrushed with black primer. I then sprayed it with Mechanicus Standard Grey all over. Then I sprayed in the recesses with Vallejo Dark Earth. Then I built up highlights using Dawnstone and Administratum Grey. I then used MiG weathering powders to build up the dust in the recesses and on the lower level of cork tile. Finally i added the static grass tufts.


Hope that helps.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've made some progress on my Predator.


First up I've done some chipping using Mechanicus Standard Grey and some small areas where the chips are most extreme with Leadbelcher.






Then I gloss coated the tank and used a burnt umber oil wash to further weather the tank.






Really pleased with how it came out but any comments or feedback would be great.


Next up I decided to work on my drop pod again and thought I would try out doing hazard stripes.








I am really chuffed with how they have come out. Still need to do a little highlighting but other than that it worked as I'd hoped.


I really need to finish something soon! I have way too many things in progress..


Feedback as always welcome.

  • 4 months later...

I've been a bit slack recently but here is what I've been working on.


Wolf guard - with magnetised weapons and backpacks










My second Blood Claw pack






I have also been stockpiling my next projects including my first ever FW models. I can't quite decide what to make next.



  • 2 weeks later...


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