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Mechanicum Land Raider... in 40k?

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Despite all my hate towards transports, there is one that I really like. The Land Raider. Metallest and Boxiest (yes, those are words now) of all Metal Boxes. I want to access it in 40k. The idea was to get a Clan Raukaan Allied Detachment with a Tech Marine with Servo Harness and that Relic, that allows a unit with 12" re-rolls 1s to hit (any friendly, so it will help the Cult to hit a bit better), some cheapo Scouts and my favourite variant, the Phobos. Like so:

Hidden Content

++ Cult Mechanicus: Codex (2015) (Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation) (1300pts) ++

+ HQ (140pts) +

Tech-Priest Dominus (140pts) [Conversion field, Macrostubber, Raiment of Technomartyr, Volkite blaster]

+ Troops (520pts) +

Kataphron Breachers (150pts)
Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]

Kataphron Breachers (150pts)
Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]

Kataphron Destroyers (220pts)
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]

+ Heavy Support (640pts) +

Kastelan Robot Maniple (320pts)
Cybernetica Datasmith [Refractor field]
Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]

Kastelan Robot Maniple (320pts)
Cybernetica Datasmith [Refractor field]
Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]

++ Space Marines: Supplement - Clan Raukaan (2013) (Allied Detachment) (450pts) ++

+ HQ (130pts) +

Techmarine (130pts) [Auspex, Bolt Pistol, Gift: The Tempered Helm, Keeper of Relics (FW), Power Axe, Servo-harness]

+ Troops (70pts) +

Scout Squad (70pts) [Camo Cloaks for Squad, 4x Scout w/ Bolter]
Scout Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Bolter, Melta Bombs]

+ Heavy Support (250pts) +

Land Raider (250pts)

++ Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) (100pts) ++

+ Fortification (100pts) +

Void Shield Generator (100pts) [3x Projected Void Shields]


Stick the Magos, TM and Destroyers into the Raider. This provides them some much needed protection and mobility. Even if the Raider gets wrecked, they get to disembark. The TM also provides some much needed ATSKNF and some melee punch against fast opponent hoping to bind you.


What do you think. Solid concept?


Cheers ;)

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I agree, I have also been think of Land Raiders. Made a thread a little while ago to discuss the Landraider Spearhead formation. No chapter tactics or Techmarine and a much larger point sink but the Land Raiders are tougher and you can transport more of you army.


Also if you field the CM with a CAD you can get a second Tech-Priest Domnius to keep them running, you would loos out on reusing a canticle, but gain ObSec and the aforementioned second Domnius

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