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To Cohort or not to Cohort...

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...that is the question.

Here is the list:

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+++ Cult Raider (1850pts) +++

++ Cult Mechanicus: Codex (2015) (Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation) (1315pts) ++

+ HQ (140pts) +

Tech-Priest Dominus (140pts) [Conversion field, Macrostubber, Raiment of Technomartyr, Volkite blaster]

+ Troops (520pts) +

Kataphron Breachers (150pts)
··Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
··Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
··Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]

Kataphron Breachers (150pts)
··Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
··Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]
··Kataphron Breacher [Arc claw, Heavy arc rifle]

Kataphron Destroyers (220pts)
··Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
··Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
··Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]
··Kataphron Destroyer [Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster]

+ Heavy Support (655pts) +

Kastelan Robot Maniple (335pts)
··Cybernetica Datasmith [Mask of the Alpha Dominus, Refractor field]
··Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
··Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]

Kastelan Robot Maniple (320pts)
··Cybernetica Datasmith [Refractor field]
··Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
··Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]

++ Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) (100pts) ++

+ Fortification (100pts) +

Void Shield Generator (100pts) [3x Projected Void Shields]

++ Space Marines: Supplement - Clan Raukaan (2013) (Allied Detachment) (435pts) ++

+ HQ (130pts) +

Librarian (130pts) [Auspex, Epistolary (Lvl 2), Force Sword, Gift: The Tempered Helm]
··Power Armour [bolt Pistol]

+ Troops (55pts) +

Scout Squad (55pts) [4x Scout w/ Bolter]
··Scout Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Bolter]

+ Heavy Support (250pts) +

Land Raider (250pts)

Instead of playing two Kastellan Maniples, I can shift a few points around, which includes making the Librarian ML1, to accommodate the Cohort.

The two solo maniples have better flexibility in terms of positioning, holding objectives and assaulting units. In fact, they would have more ranged output because I like to play a few Fists in the Cohort.
The Mask has no limit how many protocols it can change, so I can affect them both. It also gives me more flexiblity in terms of the protocols.

However, they are two units and as such they are individually weaker against heavy melee hitters. One Chapter Master in a CS can ruin my day. A single Knight will be able to trample all over one unit. Thunderwolves and RWBK will also kill the unit.
It essentially means that I have no proper melee counter. Sure, I can easily kill a few Tacs, but that is not good enough against some lists.
In addition, I have greater shooting flexibility with the Cohort, being able to shoot up to 4 targets.

However, the trade-off is not small. It means having less shots overall since at least one set of Fists is mandatory in the unit to stop the heavy stuff. It also means only a ML1 Librarian and no Tempered Helmet, meaning my ability to support those units sinks drastically. Alternatively, I could keep those, but skip on a Breacher, making one bigger unit as opposed to a smaller one.

So there you go, is it worth giving up some of that flexibility for increased staying power and better melee counter? I am really not sure. I hope you can help.
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This would interfere with the tactic of this list, since I would not have cheap access to Breacher without a HQ tax and I need to take two sets of Destroyers, which I will be able to protect them.


I suppose I could play CAD + Elimination, bring two Destroyers, two Magos, two Breachers and a Castellan unit. More dakka, but less survivability and still does not solve the issue of not having a melee counter to units virtually immune to ranged combat.

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