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The Traps Laid


Not a day after Icarion's departure from the Warmaster, the Stormborn sent out his secret orders. The hour had come. Each legion who would stand with the Emperor would be ambushed by a legion whose loyalty was with Icarion. It was imperative that the Traitors' first strike be as debilitating as possible to the loyalist legions, aiming to strike both at the core and the Primarch in an effort to cripple combat ability and to decapitate leadership. To Coch'ise and his Ghost Walkers, they were charged with slaying Niklaas and his Fire Keepers, while he unleashed the Stygian Jackels to hound the Void Eagles. Azus and his Dune Serpents would find themselves under assault by the Warriors of Peace and the Warbringers. Raktra would vent his rage against Hectarion and his sons as Morro and Pionus would battle beneath the waves. Finally, for the indomitable Daer'dd, Icarion deployed both the Godslayers and Grave Stalkers to end him. In a single day, Icarion sought to topple the Imperium's Astartes defenders.  

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"Alexos was tasked to attack his Friend Gwalchavad and sacrificing Gwalchavads sons in order to destroy the wards protecting holy terra and tear a rift open between the material world and the immaterium. Right in the heart of the empire of man, pinning their father to his throne, taking out the king of the game. Move over move was planned out and the pieces were ready to spin the threads of destiny"


Something like that ;)



Damn...just realized, that all except 1 pariah legion go traitor. That is quite a big probs for the imperium. Used right, the warmaster has quite a disadvantage.

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As far as I know the emperor is pinned to the golden throne afterwards.


We plan, that alexos sacrifices the souls of a lot of wardens (pariahs) amd is empowered enough( with the sacrifice and the power of the 4 gods) to tear the wards down amd take big e out of the game. Gwal is drugged with quarith drugs and rescued by his entourage bit the blademaster arngrim valten( formerly known as druss) is killed on the task. He tries to buy his fellow brothers some time but is no match for a primarch. Alexos shatters his bones but arngrim can blow himself up and takes at least an arm and half of alexos arm with him. Saddly alexos is already so corrupted that he can regrow his lost limbs.

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I didn't forget about the Eagle Warriors and the Wardens of Light, but since Alexos is charged with breaking the Terran wards, I didn't think it fitting in that paragraph. Instead, I thought it might fit better as a red box. 


Essentially, Bluntblade. The goal is pretty much open a hole in the wards so Chaos can pin the Emperor to the Golden Throne with a never-ending wave of daemons. 

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It's a bit wordy, but I wrote a flavour piece here explaining the nature of the Pariah. Essentially, if you've ever read Sergei Lukyanenko's "Nightwatch", the warp flows through humans in a manner similar to that, but uses the analogue of water from a tap, into a sink, and out of the plug hole; Psykers are the Tap - it is they who allow the warp to flow through them, and because everyone has a connection with the warp, they can be possessed or affected by warp magic. And because you can't force water against the flow, it is that which makes Psykers harder to affect unless they allow too much water through (burst pipe scenario) or are attacked by a more powerful psyker.


A Pariah is the necessary counter point to that - the sink where all the water flows out of. Like a sink, water doesn't stay where the void is, and just slips through.


In this instance, the Emperor is putting up a vast psychic "void shield" which affects the immaterium. The death of so many pariahs is essentially intended to cause one supermassive ethereal singularity which sucks in the entirety of the Emperor's power and leaves Terra open for attack. That the death of so many psychic inhibitors allows for the effectiveness of so many Daemons is just a bonus.


As I understand it, at least. I hope that helps. If anything, to make it easier, I hope this extract helps?



Each person is connected to the warp in some manner; like all fish get wet. Those with the greatest connection or sympathy to the warp, like Navigators or Psykers are those more sensitive to its changes. But it is this connection, this sixth sense that allow us uninitiated to sense when someone is looking at us even if we cannot otherwise be aware of their presence, deja vu, or even the more rare, yet spectacular spontaneous combustion - although in the form of the latter, spontaneous combustion is more appropriately a form of self immolation due to the lack of finesse or control available. It is hardly as developed a tool or sense for us to use in the manner of touch, or taste. A Psyker can use this power to manipulate items telekinetically, or rather to have more control on causing someone to ignite. A Pariah's connection to the warp is the opposite of a psyker; as mentioned earlier, a plughole. The power of the warp doesn't get their soul wet, it just slips inside them. To where, we don't know. I wouldn't have thought they'd get the sense of hair raising to warn of a danger to which the pariah is as yet unaware, of the sense of deja vu for certain events due to their disconnect, but when one flings corposant flames at them, they can walk through them unharmed, the power dissipating and slipping into the singularity that forms their soul, their "soulspace" tearing apart the fabric of unreality.


Of course, that was all posed as a theory by an in character heretic who was executed, so everyone's individual take on it. 

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So, after Mikhal told me how I missed the first major Chaos ritual in the Insurrection, I started thinking about how to note the other campaigns. Originally, I intended that one paragraph to let people know that the Insurrection's opening move involved eight simultaneous battles. Maybe a few light references here and there, but that was it. With Mikhal's reminder, I've remembered the red boxes. I'd like one red box in each campaign to feature one of the 'draw' campaigns. 


The problem is the numbers don't quite line up. Three featured campaigns equals only three of the 'off-camera' campaigns. What I'm thinking is that Raktra's opening attack against Hectarion be included in the Blood Crusade in Book 2. I'd really like to have one box that is about Alexos' ritual, fill it with rumors and mystery surrounding the bizarre talk surrounding this strange event. Really play up the weirdness and shadows angle. 


So, who gets the other two slots? We have Coch'ise vs. Niklaas, Jackel vs. Yucahu, and Azus vs. the Revolutionaries. 



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Raktra and Hec fits very.good.in Book 2 as there the elevation of the later commences ( of still actual that raktrA becomes immoootaaan khorndemon with the help of alexos and hectarions shard)


And Coch'ise is the opposite of Niklaas? Very interesting to get more on the Ghost Walkers. Actual they honour their name;)


Jackel vs Yucacu would be great too.


One question: what about all those short stories we have written with pov's? Will they be covered inaide the book? I Kinda missed how we implement them.

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Hmmm. Although we are sticking to the fw format, I like to see them included cause these are the things making our universe alive. Just like in the old codices from 2nd generation where a lot of information had to be told ( ahhj 2nd edition chaoscodex...best ever written^^)


Of course a short story collection works too. But keeping them togheter would fit imho better even if we are leaving the fw path a bit. But that is my humble opinion:)



Update: Or we could make afterwards a revised edition with added short stories so "fans" can choose if they want the fw style or an enhanced edition with all our stories inside and so they get a whole look on the universe we have created togheter

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Just one request for Alexos' ritual- please can it rain blood?


And so I'm clear for Aquillon's piece, will the Emperor be simply stuck on the throne holding the breach closed, or actually battling daemons within the throne room?

Blood is over done :P what about blood and mercury, or just mercury, that way it is actually painful and could start making people go crazy through the fumes
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How would this be? Or have I gotten it totaly wrong?

As a wave of bloodshed, the likes of which hadn't been seen in millenia, spread across the galaxy, two brothers met over the world of Gatra V. The capital of a large and technologically advance human empire that had survived Old Night, Gatra V now witnessed the footsteps of two of the Emperor's sons, Gwalchavad, the Warden of Light, and Alexos Travier, the Aztekian. Ever a pacifist, Gwalchavad was seeking to negotiate with the emperor of Gatra V, with the Warden the Light being sick to his core of war, he was prepared to take any path which avoided conflict and the thousands of innocent deaths that would inevitably accompany it. The Aztekian's purpose upon the world apprared less certain. Some said he was no longer trusted by the Emperor, others that the Emperor no longer trusted Gwalchavad and had sent Alexos to watch him, others still said that he simply wished to see his brother. Ever a mercurial and unpredictable figure, none could guess Alexos' motives at the best of times and this was far from the best of times. None the less, the Warden and the Aztekian descended to the surface together, two of the Emperor's sons and 1000 astartes, 500 of the XII and 500 of the XIII, a diplomatic party as any world should be proud to be honoured with.


However, from the moment they landed on the world, their mission was doomed. The Gatrani ambassadors insisted that their "emperor" keep his power and independence and they would only give the Imperium technology in exchange for peace, and refused to any suggestion that they might join the Imperium. Eventually, a shot was fired by one of the parties(many rumours say by an Eagle Warrior) and so negotiations failed irrevocably, leaving the primarchs no choice but to descend with a large force of astartes. This they did, with Gwalchavad bringing nearly 25,000 of his own legion and Alexos Travier providing 10,000 of his Eagle Warriors. However, as soon as these two colossal armies landed, the XIII's foul purpose was revealed. Kneeling in what appeared to be some form of prayer, it is rumoured that they and their primarch began chanting in Mexicatan, prayers which hadn't been openly voiced since Mexicatii joined the Imperium. Then, still chanting, the Eagle Warriors rose and opened fire upon the mystified Wardens of Light even as their fleet did the same and began to bombard the world's surface. In these opening moments, thousands of Wardens of Light were slaughtered in cold blood by their former brothers, who cackled and prayed into the vox as they unleashed this "Itzi akati" or "holy slaughter". However, the worst blow was inflicted by Alexos Travier himself. Injecting modified Qarith combat hormones into his peaceful brother, he left the Warden of Light unconcious, even as his sons indulged in any number of obscene sacrificial rites, long forgotten but now revived. The rumours about this event are truly horrifying, some saying the astartes of the XII were flayed alive or their hearts were ripped out from their chest still beating. The most horrifying even say the Eagle Warriors feasted on the flesh of the slain.


While on a material level this slaughter was dreadful, killing thousands of astartes who might have fought for the Emperor, what followed was worse. The death of so many warp attuned souls on the material plain left the way open for thousands of warp entities to attempt to breach the gap between worlds, an incursion the Emperor, in his eternal vigilance, struggled to halt, with it consuming all his attention and energy. The second part of the ritual could now begin.


As mercury fell from the skies of Gatra the fumes driving the human population and even many Eagle Warriors to insanity, Alexos Travier called upon the Aztekis gods to aid him in his present endeavour, the penetration of the wards beneath the Imperial Palace. Pleased the suffering the increasingly deranged Eagle Warriors were inflicting upon the captured Wardens of Light and the ordinary population, the gods complied, raising Alexos Travier to a level of pyschic might unseen before in all save the Emperor. Exploiting the gap in his father's attention, Alexos destroyed the psychic wards protecting the Imperial Palace, opening the way for the swarms of warp entities who had been preparing to enter the material world to do so and they began to pour into the Imperial Palace on Terra. This had been Alexos' purpose all along, his brother and the XII(who since withdrawn from the surface of the world and the void above it) had merely been a means to an end. In a final act of worship, the XIII legion fleet now destroyed Gatra from orbit with virus bombs and a firestorm, erasing all traces of life on it. However, unseen to all save perhaps the Aztekis gods themselves, Alexos had now stepped onto a path from which there could be no turning back, a path upon which he would meet the Warden of Light once more in a battle that would shake the world beneath the boots of giants.

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Well. I envisioned it in space. Gwal and alexis drinking a cup of tea. Gwal has problems because of his mask. Alexos fetches a drinking straw, tells gwal the neqest gossip, like icarions rebellion, discussing the consequences. Alexos standing up. Holding a monologe about the cruelness of the emperors ways. That it has to be like that. Thst the emperor will tirn on his sons. Gwal doesnt think so. Alexos telling him. Thst that is a problem and that everyone has to chose a side. Gwal teslons thst there must be a better way instead of fighting each other. Alexos relies that he knew gwal would say that , standing behind him and then injects the quarith drugs. Telling gwal that he chose his side and as the wardens didnt they are the lambs who are gonna be slaughtered. Gwal cramps. Alexos leaves the room. Giving orders to kill the equerry and bring gwal to a place where they can have fun.

Alexos goes to the bridge. Here he sees the wardens flagship. He give the order to attack. His view changes to warpsight and we see the souls of the pariahs as void. Where he envelopes the souls of the pariahs with the souls of the normals and then he is directing this nothinfness with the help of the his gods to terra. Envisions the wards and CHoom.


Well that was the plan. No heart ripping. No planet action. Cause we had that all on istvaan and repeatinf thst all along...i don't know. A sinsiter space kill was the plan all along.

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To be honest, I was brilliant in being absent.

Sorry that I recently didn't pay the attention to the Brotherhood. :/


But my actual free time is much less than I would have imagined. (job + baby = hobby killer ^^")

Therefore I needed to decide what I want to do in those few minutes I have.


So right now, I'm working on a side project of mine, including a blackshield band of brothers and my very own 2nd legion.

As the Knights are not included in the first books, they are actually not needed right now. ^^


BUT I'll still have a look an all of your stuff as I don't want to loose the thread.


What I do see here is a slight problematic. Although I really enjoy the whole stuff some of you wrote down in the last weeks, it seems that there is a slight tension here. I think that those of you, who would like to write some fluff down (including other legions) should have a talk with the creator of those legions.


As for now, I'm seeing fluff including 2 or 3 legions. Than a comment. Than a correction and boom we got a nearly full page of posts.


I don't want to criticize someone as I am the last one having the right to do so. But that is what I saw recently.



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To be honest, I was brilliant in being absent.

Sorry that I recently didn't pay the attention to the Brotherhood. :/


But my actual free time is much less than I would have imagined. (job + baby = hobby killer ^^")

Therefore I needed to decide what I want to do in those few minutes I have.


So right now, I'm working on a side project of mine, including a blackshield band of brothers and my very own 2nd legion.

As the Knights are not included in the first books, they are actually not needed right now. ^^


BUT I'll still have a look an all of your stuff as I don't want to loose the thread.


What I do see here is a slight problematic. Although I really enjoy the whole stuff some of you wrote down in the last weeks, it seems that there is a slight tension here. I think that those of you, who would like to write some fluff down (including other legions) should have a talk with the creator of those legions.


As for now, I'm seeing fluff including 2 or 3 legions. Than a comment. Than a correction and boom we got a nearly full page of posts.


I don't want to criticize someone as I am the last one having the right to do so. But that is what I saw recently.



Yeah I'm the main person who's guilty of this and I shouod really consult the legion creators first rather an assuming stuff. Troubl

To be honest, I was brilliant in being absent.

Sorry that I recently didn't pay the attention to the Brotherhood. :/


But my actual free time is much less than I would have imagined. (job + baby = hobby killer ^^")

Therefore I needed to decide what I want to do in those few minutes I have.


So right now, I'm working on a side project of mine, including a blackshield band of brothers and my very own 2nd legion.

As the Knights are not included in the first books, they are actually not needed right now. ^^


BUT I'll still have a look an all of your stuff as I don't want to loose the thread.


What I do see here is a slight problematic. Although I really enjoy the whole stuff some of you wrote down in the last weeks, it seems that there is a slight tension here. I think that those of you, who would like to write some fluff down (including other legions) should have a talk with the creator of those legions.


As for now, I'm seeing fluff including 2 or 3 legions. Than a comment. Than a correction and boom we got a nearly full page of posts.


I don't want to criticize someone as I am the last one having the right to do so. But that is what I saw recently.



Yeah I'm the main person who's guilty of this and I shouod really consult the legion creators first rather an assuming stuff. Trouble is, I have an dea, write it down then find out it's wrong, I tnd to act on idea's imnediately as I don't wanna forget them
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A tension? I'm not seeing it. My style is to do small chunks at a time and try to get a consensus on them before moving on (mostly because I have to ration my free time). Sigi is doing whole pages at once, so it's natural that there are plenty of corrections to do afterwards, but that's not a bad thing. Nobody, as far as I know, has any complaints. Just the usual stuff that happens when one writer works on a different legion he is unfamiliar with.


As for the narrative pieces, most of them won't end up in the Rulebooks, but whichever ones that don't, we'll probably compile into an anthology. 

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