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Well, then you all have to read goldman's "princess bride" or at least watch the movie. That scene is hilarrious.

If Gwal ison Alexos ship. And the wardens are still in orbit. ( 11th fleet with 25000 marines) how can the population turn on them?



Oh. I have an idea for the single points. Just need to write them out. But it mixes sigis story with his old. And inserts the grand ritual


The points:

- eagle warriors arrived weeks before and set everything up.

- wardens were summoned on behalve of a joint campaign to free the system

- gwal plus retinue hasten on board of the eagles flagship cuz travier had important news.

- gwal and travier sit down for a cup of tea, travier learned the ceremony from jade and tea parties amongst primarchs are popular these days. Gwal drinks with his eyes closed( remeber his pariahness works throw his eyes)

- tea is poisioned

- travier holds a monologue and spits oit the truth

- gwal is poisend and unable to move. On the question why, we were brithers and friends. Alex replies" lied"

- travier tells him his plans and that he poisoned him. But he still needs him fully aware of the situation. Apotecaries enter the room and get orders to inject additional poison after the show and just in case: " cut his tendons and sinews"

- a window or screen is opened so that gwal can see his flagship and the planet.

- meanwhile on the planet a great ritual is prepared

8 scities who stand for the winds of chaos form a chaosstar and in the center is a mass of ecststic cultists humming in Ancient mexicatii.

- travier enters the bridge

- he connects to the warp planet and ship in his view.

The attsck commences on 2 levels. Physical and immaterial. The ritual on the planet comes to its peak and then the people were slaughtered and a chaos star of souls is created. At that mkment travier gives the signal for desteoying the wardens fleet. Attacking and killing all those pariahs. Gwal has to look.

Alexos empowered through the ritual directs the souls to the created void of the dying pariahs at the moment of their dead, enveloping the void inside millions of souls, then with the help of the chaos gods he envisioms terra and he directs his spear of souls and void upon terra, destroying the wards and opening a rift in the webway, spilling forth deamin upon deamon.

- the apothecaries inject different cocktails if quarith drugs in the paralyzed gwalchavad whi can only mutter "why" cryiing out loud for his sons and the death of his dream

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Ha, okay. Then i quote myself. Anybkdy something to add?


Well, then you all have to read goldman's "princess bride" or at least watch the movie. That scene is hilarrious.

If Gwal ison Alexos ship. And the wardens are still in orbit. ( 11th fleet with 25000 marines) how can the population turn on them?

Oh. I have an idea for the single points. Just need to write them out. But it mixes sigis story with his old. And inserts the grand ritual

The points:

- eagle warriors arrived weeks before and set everything up.

- wardens were summoned on behalve of a joint campaign to free the system

- gwal plus retinue hasten on board of the eagles flagship cuz travier had important news.

- gwal and travier sit down for a cup of tea, travier learned the ceremony from jade and tea parties amongst primarchs are popular these days. Gwal drinks with his eyes closed( remeber his pariahness works throw his eyes)

- tea is poisioned

- travier holds a monologue and spits oit the truth

- gwal is poisend and unable to move. On the question why, we were brithers and friends. Alex replies" lied"

- travier tells him his plans and that he poisoned him. But he still needs him fully aware of the situation. Apotecaries enter the room and get orders to inject additional poison after the show and just in case: " cut his tendons and sinews"

- a window or screen is opened so that gwal can see his flagship and the planet.

- meanwhile on the planet a great ritual is prepared

8 scities who stand for the winds of chaos form a chaosstar and in the center is a mass of ecststic cultists humming in Ancient mexicatii.

- travier enters the bridge

- he connects to the warp planet and ship in his view.

The attsck commences on 2 levels. Physical and immaterial. The ritual on the planet comes to its peak and then the people were slaughtered and a chaos star of souls is created. At that mkment travier gives the signal for desteoying the wardens fleet. Attacking and killing all those pariahs. Gwal has to look.

Alexos empowered through the ritual directs the souls to the created void of the dying pariahs at the moment of their dead, enveloping the void inside millions of souls, then with the help of the chaos gods he envisioms terra and he directs his spear of souls and void upon terra, destroying the wards and opening a rift in the webway, spilling forth deamin upon deamon.

- the apothecaries inject different cocktails if quarith drugs in the paralyzed gwalchavad whi can only mutter "why" cryiing out loud for his sons and the death of his dream

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The taking of poison is something that is quite well known in history and is called Mithridatism, i think, after the Rebel king who seceeded from Roman rule, but became so scared of being assassinated, he took poison in small doses to build immunity.


I like the idea of creating an octed of Daemon Worlds. Belakor could help ensure that Ulgu/Shadow is created.


Sigi, I have a piece being written for the Drowned. Demus, is it alright to have a small contingent of Fire Keepers present on Untara Prime; i have written it as a world which is essentially a gigantic oil well with ocean floor drilling rigs, conquered and protected by the FK. Do you mind it to them being alluded to become traitors (500 or so?). Nothing explicit, of course, just rumours of a force siding with the Drowned? Perhaps a psyker heavy contingent kept behind as part of a 'prison'?

Cool with me.

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The flight of the Dragon of Autumn is now done, dusted and edited. While there wasn't much to change, I decided to re post it to just declare it finished. 


Also, on an unrelated note, Hesh, would you mind sharing what you already have written about the battle between the Scions and Drowned? That way I can incorporate it into the Underwater Madness campiagn intro.  

The flight of the Dragon of Autumn

Of all the VI legion warships which escape the massacre of their kin, the greatest was the Dragon of Autumn, the flagship of Daer'dd Niimkiikaa. Despite having incurred heavy damage whilst fighting the flagships of the VIII and XV, the Dragon of Autumn was able to escape due to the heroic efforts of the battle barges Son of Fire and Huron's Hammer, who interposed themselves between the Dragon of Autumn, allowing their flag ship and primarchs body(which Daer'dd's Totem Guard had managed to fight their way back aboard with) to elbow their way out of the trap and translate into the warp. However, with extensive damage to their geller fields and warp drive, the trials of the Dragon of Autumn had just begun. 

On board the Dragon of Autumn, there were 200,000 unaugmented human crew, barely half the crew such an enormous vessel needs, and some 4000 Iron Bears, of whom nearly all were Totem Guard. However, these were not the only survivors the vessel carried. Also on board were hundreds of Godslayers and Ghost Stalkers, hiding in the bowels of the ship and regularly ambushing parties of crew. So it was that over the months of the journey, the Totem Guard regularly descended into ship's bowel's to hunt and fight their treacherous brothers. While at the ambush, the brothers of the VIII and XV had held the advantage, cut off from their legions and without the advantage of numbers or surprise, the warriors of the Godslayers and Ghost Stalkers were no match for the VI legion's elite. Doing battle with their treacherous kin with power tomahawks and volkite weaponry, the Totem Guard gradually hunted down and killed their treacherous kin in the multiple small battles amidst the ruins of the Dragon of Autumn

However, as they travelled through the warp, they soon discovered that the VIII and XV were not the most dangerous foe to which they were exposed. Smelling an easy kill, the foul denizens of the warp all sought to gain access to the ship. Over the months that the Dragon of Autumn was in the warp more and more succeeded as the geller field weakened and began to fail, the damage it had suffered winning out over the ship's formidable machine spirit. 

While the Totem Guard would always hunt down the otherworldly intruders, fewer brothers returned from each hunt and the denizens of the warp grew in number. While the Iron Bears courage and determination remained undiminished, all knew that they couldn't hold off the denizens of the warp if the geller field failed. So it was that when the geller field began to flicker and fail and the crew reported themselves to be unable to repair it, the shipmistress, Lotara Sarrin(who had, by this point, not slept in nearly a week) made the decision to exit the warp near a "light" that their navigator had been babbling about for days. When they translated into real space, they were met within moments by a V legion battle barge received a message: "Welcome, sons of Daer'dd. I am Alexandros Darshan vonSalim, the Warmaster. Welcome to Terra". 

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The Death of a Dream


More astute readers of this volume will notice the absence of two legions, the noble Wardens of Light and the treacherous Eagle Warriors. The Arch-Traitor's plan had not fogotten them, but no accurate record has survived of what took place over Gatra V. What is known is that Icarion convinced the Warmaster to order Gwalchavad and his legion to reinforce the Eagle Warriors' compliance of the Gatra system. Recordings from surviving Warden vessels show the fleet reaching their cousins in seventeen days. From there, the account becomes muddled...

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I don't quite buy the traitors just waiting in the Dragon's bowels and occasionally ambushing people. To my mind it should play more like the scene I'm Scars where the Alpha Legion boarders go for the Hrafnkel's engines, with some going to attack the bridge too.


That is an illusion, is it? Fake paradise, a fake rescue in order to crush all hope.



Oohhjjj would that be crazy if it wasn't alexandros but a chaos illusion and the navigator was just mad

Don't do that to me, please. I'm already cooking up a passage with Lotara in the aftermath. Though I'm not touching Daer'dd's funeral; that's all Redd's.

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The Death of a Dream


More astute readers of this volume will notice the absence of two legions, the noble Wardens of Light and the treacherous Eagle Warriors. The Arch-Traitor's plan had not fogotten them, but no accurate record has survived of what took place over Gatra V. What is known is that Icarion convinced the Warmaster to order Gwalchavad and his legion to reinforce the Eagle Warriors' compliance of the Gatra system. Recordings from surviving Warden vessels show the fleet reaching their cousins in seventeen days. After confirming casualty counts from translating into the system, Gwalchavad ordered his fleet to enter into high orbit over Gatra V next to the Eagle Warrior fleet. As the Wardens ships executed their orders, Alexos Travier personally contacted Gwalchavad, inviting his brother to come aboard the Red Comet to enjoy some fellowship and to discuss the current strategic situation of Grata V. Gwalchavad happily accepted. Once the Warden fleet reached their positions, Gwalchavad and his personal guard traveled over to the Red Comet.


From here, the account becomes muddled by whispered rumors and shadowy half-truths. Not more than twenty minutes after Gwalchavad met with Alexos, data logs recorded strange phenomena occurring on the planet's surface. Concurrently, all contact was lost with Gwalchavad and his honour guard. As the Wardens of Light attempted to reestablish communication with their Primarch, the Eagle Warrior warships opened fire upon them. Reeling from the ambush, the Wardens of Light plead and demand answers for this treachery. From the surface of Gatra V, the unexplained phenomena increased. Strange, purple flashes occurred over eight of the most populous cities. Vox systems began receiving the shrieks and screams of pain and agony with no origin point. Human crewmembers became afflicted with random bouts of insanity as they babbled about incredible evils hunting them, only those physically stationed near the Wardens of Light were spared. 

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@bluntblade, the idea was that the traitors already tried that during the ambush but were driven back by the Totem Guard so now they're prowling around the bowels of the ships trying to kill as many crew and Totem Guard as they can.

OK. Well, I guess if there are Terminators and Dreads guarding any important components, I can go along with that.

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@bluntblade, the idea was that the traitors already tried that during the ambush but were driven back by the Totem Guard so now they're prowling around the bowels of the ships trying to kill as many crew and Totem Guard as they can.

Just thought that this would make for a really cool Zone Mortalis game.

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@bluntblade, the idea was that the traitors already tried that during the ambush but were driven back by the Totem Guard so now they're prowling around the bowels of the ships trying to kill as many crew and Totem Guard as they can.

Just thought that this would make for a really cool Zone Mortalis game.

Just wait for the heroic deeds which occurs on the eagle warriors flagship, when the luth de oganach with arngrim and the scorpion try to rescue Gwalchavad.( well...wait until the whole story is finished perfectly for book 3. So much drama and blood...especially the blood as this is most essential)

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More underwater madness

In addition to these new suits of armour, the Drowned were also lavishly equipped with new ammunition. While work on the new type had originaly begun following the Qarith triumph, the focus had quickly shifted from simply penetrating the protection of heavily armoured opponents, like Qarith warriors, to penetrating astartes war plate. This change had been made by Kelbor Hal following his making a secret oath of allegiance to Icarion's cause. These new shells could be relied upon to penetrate enemy plate from a range of 15 metres or closer and given the close range nature of marine warfare, this would make them especially useful underwater, meaning the Drowned had been given the most supplies of them out of all the legions loyal to Icarion.


However, it would be a mistake to think that the destruction of the Scions Hospitalier was the only reason the Drowned were launching an assault on Untara Prime. The planet was also one of the principal oil wells of the Great Crusade and without the supplies extracted from beneath its sea bed, entire expeditions would be left without fuel and unable to respond to Icarion's rebellion. This was the Drowned's secondary objective on the world: to cripple it economically and disable its oil refineries, rendering the world useless to the Imperium for months, possibly even years, to come.


Despite the Drowned's extensive re equipment and training for the battle they would encounter on the world's surface with the Scion's Hospitalier, for them to let their guard down for even a moment would be a fatal flaw. In spite of its distance from the frontlines of the Great Crusade, Untara was a world that had been heavily fortified by Niklaas and his Fire Keepers. Ever planning for the worst case scenario, the X had included six Bellephoron class defence lasers, perfectly capable of destroying the world if they had to, as well as leaving a permanent garisson of their pyker bretheren, although many said it was more of a prison than a garisson, a dumping ground for the astartes who Niklaas was unable to tolerate the presence of.


The Drowned's plan to seize and cripple this world was simple: Drowned boarding parties would seize the orbital platforms and the Districtas Facilitas Majorum while Morro and his elite launched an assault on the Omnium from orbit alongside the Pelargich Monarchs and Hennahson would lead and assault by the destroyer cadre upon the Crucible of Embers with the aim of converting the imprisoned Fire Keepers to the Stormborn's cause and then the oil rigs would be obliterated from orbit, thus ensuring maximum devestation of the world for as few losses as possible.

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