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What about Saul Tarvitz? I always felt we kinda got robbed of a great character with him dying so early on in the canon heresy, and if Garro's still kicking in this dimension so could Saul.


Question is, which legion would he be with now? Anyone know which legion homeworld is closest to Chemos?

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What was clear was the XIII's hostility. With silence answering them on the vox, the Wardens of Light cast aside their confusion as they regarded the Eagle Warriors as enemy combatants. The Warden fleet returned fire as the heads sought the whereabouts of their primarch, whose fate was still unknown aboard the Travier's flagship. With command falling upon the shoulders of Zastava Craymon, he dispersed a priority order amongst the Loyalists: their number one objective was Gwlachavad's safety. Ignoring all other foes, the surviving Warden ships boosted towards the massive battleship, ready to sacrifice their lives to a man to save their gene-sire. 


In the midst of this gallant charge, a shockwave erupted from Gatra V. Eyewitness accounts vary in description, but the common theme was that a 'tear' of some sorts was ripped open in the fabric of reality. All visual recordings of that moment have been deemed classified by the highest levels of authority and have been sealed away from prying eyes. Regardless, the 'tear' was a temporary one, lasting 4.8 seconds before it 'collapsed', as survivors have described it. 


Despite the large-scale distraction, all was not lost for the Wardens of Light. Gwalchavad's personal stormbird was spotted fleeing from the Red Comet, a few minutes later. Piloted by Mikhal Sasori the Scorpion, the famed Warden demanded immediate support for him and his passenger: the Primarch Gwalchavad himself. Their spirits restored, the remaining Wardens threw themselves into a frenzy as they protected the stormbird, until it safely docked within the nearest Warden ship. Gwalchavad secured, the Wardens of Light fled from the guns of the XIIth. With so few ships left in warp-capable condition, the Eagle Warriors' fleet threatened to overwhelm them before any escape could be made. Choosing to sacrifice his ship to ensure the Primarch's survival, the captain of the Caledwylch adjusted course, abandoning their withdrawal to distract the enemy ships. As the last four Warden ships reached the system's edge, a miniature sun brightened space as the Caledwylch suffered a core explosion from a direct shot from the most powerful cannon aboard the Red Comet. All hands were lost.


But the sacrifice was not in vain. The survivors of the 11th fleet successfully escaped into the Warp.


When the Scorpion was asked how he had survived an encounter with Travier, he explained the desperate attempt by himself, Arngrim Valten and Gwalchavad's other bodyguards to secure Gwalchavad. Fortune had favored them with the absence of Travier, allowing them to slay the deviants standing guard over their Primarch. Alas, the treacherous brother reappeared as they made flight toward the hangar. It was only when Arngrim chose to make his stand against the traitorous Primarch did the rest have any hope of reaching the stormbird. Arngrim was one more hero of the Imperium lost on that foul day. Of Gwalchavad, apothecaries attending him reported he had been injected by bizarre, xeno narcotics. They would do all they could to restore their father, but, for the moment, the Wardens of Light were removed from the Insurrection. 


[How's that Mikhal? Who is the flagship's captain? What ship is Gwal on?]

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Yoah. That leaves enough room for speculation and i can flesh the whole thing out, when it comes to the wardens or eagle warriors part in the next book.


The caledwylch is commanded by zastava. Scorpion as the first warden takes the reign as soon as they arrive and so zastsva chooses the sacrifice himself and the caledwylch to protect their primarch.


Gwalchavads sinews and muscles were expertely cut of by the apothecaries. Was a saftey order from Travier. You never know of the drugs work the way they should.


They are on the ship "Tá súil" which means Hope

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What was clear was the XIII's hostility. With silence answering them on the vox, the Wardens of Light cast aside their confusion and they began to regard the Eagle Warriors as enemy combatants. The Warden fleet returned fire as the commanders sought the whereabouts of their primarch, whose fate was still unknown aboard Travier's flagship. With command falling upon the shoulders of Zastava Craymon, he dispersed a priority order amongst the Loyalists: their number one objective was Gwlachavad's safety. Ignoring all other foes, the surviving Warden ships boosted towards the massive battleship, ready to sacrifice their lives to a man to save their gene-sire. 


In the midst of this gallant charge, a shockwave erupted from Gatra V. Eyewitness accounts vary in description, but the common theme was that a 'tear' of some sorts was ripped open in the fabric of reality. All visual recordings of that moment have been deemed classified by the highest levels of authority and have been sealed away from prying eyes. Regardless, the 'tear' was a temporary one, lasting 4.8 seconds before it 'collapsed', as survivors have described it. 


Despite the large-scale distraction, all was not lost for the Wardens of Light. Gwalchavad's personal stormbird was spotted fleeing from the Red Comet, a few minutes later. Piloted by Mikhal Sasori the Scorpion, the famed Warden demanded immediate support for him and his passenger: the Primarch Gwalchavad himself. Their spirits restored, the remaining Wardens threw themselves into a frenzy as they protected the stormbird, until it safely docked within the nearest Warden ship. Gwalchavad secured, the Wardens of Light fled from the guns of the XIIth. With so few ships left in warp-capable condition, the Eagle Warriors' fleet threatened to overwhelm them before any escape could be made. Choosing to sacrifice his ship to ensure the Primarch's survival, the captain of the Caledwylch adjusted course, abandoning their withdrawal to distract the enemy ships. As the last four Warden ships reached the system's edge, a miniature sun brightened space as the Caledwylch suffered a core explosion from a direct shot from the most powerful cannon aboard the Red Comet. All hands were lost.


But the sacrifice was not in vain. The survivors of the 11th fleet successfully escaped into the Warp.


When the Scorpion was asked how he had survived an encounter with Travier, he explained the desperate attempt by himself, Arngrim Valten and Gwalchavad's other bodyguards to secure Gwalchavad. Fortune had favoured them with the absence of Travier, allowing them to slay the deviants standing guard over their Primarch. Alas, the treacherous brother reappeared as they made flight toward the hangar. It was only when Arngrim chose to make his stand against the traitorous Primarch that the rest had any hope of reaching the stormbird. Arngrim was one more hero of the Imperium lost on that foul day. Of Gwalchavad, apothecaries attending him reported he had been injected by bizarre, xeno narcotics. They would do all they could to restore their father, but, for the moment, the Wardens of Light were removed from the Insurrection



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Hey guys. Just wondering if those of you with Legions in the first book could send me PMs with those bits that you consider finished in relation to units/rules/equipment etc. I have a bit of free time coming up after the weekend so I'd like to try and make a start on the Appendices if I can. If you want to send me other things I'll happily take them too though.

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Despite the large-scale distraction, all was not lost for the Wardens of Light. Gwalchavad's personal stormbird was spotted fleeing from the Red Comet, a few minutes later. Piloted by Mikhal Sasori the Scorpion, the famed Warden demanded immediate support for him and his passenger: the Primarch Gwalchavad himself. Their spirits restored, the remaining Wardens threw themselves into a frenzy as they protected the stormbird, until it safely docked within the nearest Warden ship, the Tá súil. Gwalchavad secured, the Wardens of Light fled from the guns of the XIIth. With so few ships left in warp-capable condition, the Eagle Warriors' fleet threatened to overwhelm them before any escape could be made. Choosing to sacrifice his ship to ensure the Primarch's survival, Captain Zastava changed the Caledwylch's course, abandoning their withdrawal to distract the enemy ships as he placed his ship between the Warden survivors and the pursuing Eagle Warrior fleet. As the last four Warden ships reached the system's edge, a miniature sun brightened space as the Caledwylch suffered a core explosion from a direct shot from the most powerful cannon aboard the Red Comet. All hands were lost.


But the sacrifice was not in vain. The survivors of the 11th fleet successfully escaped into the Warp.


When the Scorpion was asked how he had survived an encounter with Travier, he explained the desperate attempt by himself, Arngrim Valten and Gwalchavad's other bodyguards to secure Gwalchavad. Fortune had favoured them with the absence of Travier, allowing them to slay the deviants standing guard over their Primarch. Alas, the treacherous brother reappeared as they made flight toward the hangar. It was only when Arngrim chose to make his stand against the traitorous Primarch that the rest had any hope of reaching the stormbird. Arngrim was one more hero of the Imperium lost on that foul day. Of Gwalchavad, apothecaries attending him reported he had been injected by bizarre, xeno narcotics and his muscle structure had been surgically cut to cripple him. They would do all they could to restore their father, but, for the moment, the Wardens of Light were removed from the Insurrection.


[Added the last few bits that Mikhal gave me. Since there was no change in sentence structure, I proclaim this red box done and will get back to the campaign lore.]

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Turns out I didn't need quite as long as I thought to get bits added in, so here is a bit of an update on the book's progress. Artwork is still mostly filler to be replaced as I find better/more appropriate pieces, but should give an idea of how things are going to be laid out. Also the Godslayers section is almost entirely wrong as it is mostly copy-pasted from the Halcyon Wardens so that I can keep the formatting consistent. Oh and I know there's more Iron Bears kit to go in, but there's just so much of it :P


One thing I did discover whilst doing this is that I find it much easier to read through rules etc when it is in this format (not sure if anyone else feels the same). So I was thinking that I might start to put together the other legion appendices in a single file so that I can keep it all together and compare them more easily to check balance etc. If I do make this is it something people would like me to upload? And are there any specific things that people might want from it in terms of layout or contents that I might not remember/figure out?

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Turns out I didn't need quite as long as I thought to get bits added in, so here is a bit of an update on the book's progress. Artwork is still mostly filler to be replaced as I find better/more appropriate pieces, but should give an idea of how things are going to be laid out. Also the Godslayers section is almost entirely wrong as it is mostly copy-pasted from the Halcyon Wardens so that I can keep the formatting consistent. Oh and I know there's more Iron Bears kit to go in, but there's just so much of it :P


One thing I did discover whilst doing this is that I find it much easier to read through rules etc when it is in this format (not sure if anyone else feels the same). So I was thinking that I might start to put together the other legion appendices in a single file so that I can keep it all together and compare them more easily to check balance etc. If I do make this is it something people would like me to upload? And are there any specific things that people might want from it in terms of layout or contents that I might not remember/figure out?

(jaw drops to table) I can't believe it. It's actually happening. The Insurrection is actually getting turned into books. Parts of my writing may actually be featured. Blimey(I apologise however the reality of this has just sunk in).

As side note, mostly it's good but there are a few editing notes(like the section about the IB sarts with fluff for the Halycon Wardens). Those are rare however, mostly it's...it's...real. I can't thank you enough Grifft.

Also, this has re invogerated me so.

Any fluff pieces need writing or anyone need help woth their legions fluff?(as the EW and CL are only coming along in the next book so I reckon I can afford to put them on a backburner for a bit.

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Man that's glorious. All this work has not been in vain.



One thing I did discover whilst doing this is that I find it much easier to read through rules etc when it is in this format (not sure if anyone else feels the same). So I was thinking that I might start to put together the other legion appendices in a single file so that I can keep it all together and compare them more easily to check balance etc. If I do make this is it something people would like me to upload? And are there any specific things that people might want from it in terms of layout or contents that I might not remember/figure out?


A BotL Red Book? Count me in. Now to create second special units for each of my legions, Relics, special wargear, RoW, and LA(VE).

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Only one legion would be given the chance to save itself from this blood-soaked day: the Halcyon Wardens. Although there were undoubtedly be a series of skirmishes between the Insurrectionists and the Wardens, no major operations were planned to destroy the Vth legion, going so far as to order that the Halcyon Warden elements serving within the traitor legions be detained and spared, if possible. This decision in hindsight may have seemed quite foolhardy. The Halcyon Wardens ranked as one of the largest legions, second only to the Lightning Bearers, their prowess as expert defenders renowned throughout the galaxy, and was commanded by none other than the Warmaster himself. Yet, among the sometimes antagonistic relationships between the Primarchs, none enjoyed as close of friendship as Icarion and Alexandros did. For nearly three centuries, the two brothers had fought side-by-side against the enemies of the Imperium, having spent the first thirty years of the Great Crusade as the only two Primarchs found, until the discovery of [Redacted]. While very different in terms of style, both possessed incredible psyker power and mirroring talents for divination. In this regard, how could Icarion turn so easily against his beloved brother?


Instead, Icarion prepared one last ploy to persuade the Warmaster to join his banner. Pyrrhicles the Paragon, the Virtue of the Legion, was the Warmaster's Equerry and enjoyed the oldest friendship that had begun on Alexandros' homeworld of Delos. On the day the Insurrectionists would strike, Pyrrhicles was in command of the 17th Expeditionary Fleet en route to the Compliance of System N7-88M. Through unknown means, Icarion arranged for the fleet to receive word of betrayal as they were passing the Madrigal system. With his foresight, Icarion knew Pyrrhicles' response would be to make for the nearest safe harbor to rally and prepare for war. Unaware of Icarion's role, Pyrrhicles would undoubtedly come to Madrigal, believing the fleet would be safe among friends. Once the 17th was anchored at the Akira shipyard, he would reveal his intentions and persuade Pyrrhicles to his cause by warning him of the danger the Emperor posed to them all. Once Pyrrhicles answered to Icarion, he would be sent to Terra to forewarn Alexandros and to ally with Icarion against the Emperor. 

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I think I've completed the 'Pieces Assembled' section, and I'm trying to figure out a good title for the next. I want it to be what eventually the day of betrayal is called.


So, thoughts, ideas, and suggestions? I only have vague concepts right now. One is to simply tie it to something about the carnage unleashed. The other is to tie to Icarion or perhaps the new name of Harbingers.


Also, Icarion should get a new title. 'Arch-traitor', while accurate, lacks panache and punch.

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I think I've completed the 'Pieces Assembled' section, and I'm trying to figure out a good title for the next. I want it to be what eventually the day of betrayal is called.


So, thoughts, ideas, and suggestions? I only have vague concepts right now. One is to simply tie it to something about the carnage unleashed. The other is to tie to Icarion or perhaps the new name of Harbingers.


Also, Icarion should get a new title. 'Arch-traitor', while accurate, lacks panache and punch.

First one: Hell Unleashed? The End of Innocence? The Death of Hope?

Second: The Fallen Son?


Also, do you need any help writing any of this Simison as I'd be happy to take up some of it?


@Hesh, sent you a PM. Could you tell me how I can ammend the introduction for the Underwater Madness campaign?

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I think I've completed the 'Pieces Assembled' section, and I'm trying to figure out a good title for the next.

I admit, the first thing that went through my mind was Icarion quoting Gandalf before giving the order to begin the opening moves of the Insurrection.


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Isn't there a connection to tea possible? :)



I like the Gandalf Quote.


Or Imperium in turmoil?


Imperium in Flames? To close to Galaxy in flames i guess.



How about: "A storm is coming" as a reference to Icarion Stormborn and GoT?

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