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I come with tidings of progress.  The second exemplary battle is done (as well as some rules things, but they can be put in the appropriate thread)


Purging Sixty Six Twenty Five

            Months after the death of the Godslayers’ Legion Master, the 66th Expeditionary Fleet made to refuel and rearm in a human system previously brought into compliance by a fleet containing elements of the Void Eagles Legion.  The Krylataya Pobeda, along with an assortment of escorting ships, docked at a large space station above the world of Verden, while dispatching a small party, including Kharkovic himself, to greet the planetary governor and the world’s people.

                While the Primarch was away, however, the unarmed fleet and the station at which they rested was set upon by a swarm of raiding attack craft.  The crafts breached the station, flooding the corridors with piratical augmented-human warriors, who claimed precious resources and stole away any workers they encountered to serve as slaves.  By the time the Astartes were able to respond, the raiders had disappeared.  The Primarch was immediately returned to his fleet, and demanded immediate retaliation.

                The Imperial ships were, despite their opponents’ head start, the superior vessels, and slowly caught up with the fleeing pirates.  Electing not to open fire, the fleet instead let their quarry lead them to their base of operations – a planet later to be designated Sixty Six Twenty Five, and its three moons.

                The Krylataya Pobeda advanced towards the planet, broadcasting in Terran on all channels.  These broadcasts were answered rapidly with threats, warning the Eighth Legion to depart the pirates’ (or Velocitarii, in their own dialect) system.  Ignoring these, Kharkovic ordered the fleet forward, until it was within the orbit of the world’s third moon.  The Velocitarii were requested to attend a parlay in which, despite their previous attacks on Verden, they could be integrated into the Imperium of Man.  The Velocitarii categorically refused, clearly convinced of their own superiority based on their previous engagement.

                In response, the fleet pressed forward in a push for the Velocitarii homeworld.  Immediately the ships were presented with a tide of smaller raiders, as had been encountered over Verden.  This time, however, the Godslayers were prepared, spreading out and denying the pirates the chance to surround them, all the while subjecting the enemy to a withering hail of fire.  The raiders, tiny as they were, were unable to stand against this level of bombardment, each vessel being only twice the size of a Thunderhawk gunship.  The Velocitarii fleet was easily crushed underfoot.

                Once in orbit of the enemy world, the entire First, Third, Eighth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Nineteenth War-Companies were ferried by Stormbird to the outskirts of a city, though it was barely that; the settlements on the Velocitarii world were many, but small, at least compared to Imperial hives.  The city chosen was not selected at random – it seemed to serve as a rudimentary manufacturing centre raiders.  Nor was the landing location, for within minutes of the Godslayers contingent’s arrival a macro-cannon bombardment of the city begun in earnest.

                By the time it had finished, the city lay all but ruined, and yet nothing stirred.  The force advanced, flanked by Fellglaives and ranks of Sicarans.  Still it encountered no resistance.  Then, all of a sudden, the all-too-familiar raiding craft burst across the sky, deploying by parachute Velocitarii fighters in amidst the Godslayer line.  Though the attack took the legionnaires by surprise, they were able to eliminate the paratroopers, sustaining relatively low losses.  They were Astartes, after all.

                The ships passed over again, dropping a far larger contingent this time, along with a number of primitive bombs.  More Godslayers fell, but the landing Velocitarii were met with the fury of Karl Volkov and his Goliaths, being yet again overrun.

                As the raiders flew overhead once more, the Legion’s Stormbirds rose slowly from the ground, each more than a match for a Velocitarii craft.  The vicious flyers swatted down the next flock the opponent tossed at the Astartes, forcing a change of tactic in the defenders, one that brought the fight back down to the ground.

                Spears of Velocitarii outrides mounted upon crude motorcycles raced towards the Godslayers.  Too fast to be hit by the Glaives or other more ponderous war machines, the job of engaging them fell to the Astartes.  However, true to their nature, the Velocitarii refused to be pinned down in a close quarters, striking only where they could again flee, or where they were sure they could emerge victorious – weak points in the Godslayers line.  Watching from orbit, a plan began to formulate in Koschei Kharkovic’s mind.

                Slowly, this tactic of attacking, then leaping, back then attacking again began to take its toll on the Godslayers.  Though they fought bravely, they were being cut down in ever increasing numbers, just as ever increasing numbers of Velocitarii joined the fight.  The Legion, however, still dominated the skies, and it was this upon which Koschei intended to seize.

                As the Velocitarii made a final push against a defeated enemy, encircling the Godslayer force, the sky lit up.  Hundreds upon hundreds of drop pods rained down from the Krylataya Pobeda, landing in a jagged ring around the Velocitarii, pinning them in position with automated bolter fire.  The Primarch himself led the Godslayer counter-attack, tearing through terrified outriders with bellowed rage.  In less than half an hour, the Velocitarii force had been slaughtered to a man.

                After the fall of the first city, the Velocitarii were quick to surrender.  Over a period of months, the world made the painful transition into Imperial compliance, the memory of the now-departed Eighth Legion still fresh and painful in the minds of Sixty Six Twenty Five’s citizens. 

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I think I've completed the 'Pieces Assembled' section, and I'm trying to figure out a good title for the next. I want it to be what eventually the day of betrayal is called.


So, thoughts, ideas, and suggestions? I only have vague concepts right now. One is to simply tie it to something about the carnage unleashed. The other is to tie to Icarion or perhaps the new name of Harbingers.


Also, Icarion should get a new title. 'Arch-traitor', while accurate, lacks panache and punch.

End of Innocence could be a good one. Trying to think of connotations with "harbinger".


Well, what historical instances do we have of a son turning on his father? Henry II of England ended up at war with all but one of his four sons but I think the insults stopped at "you're my only son, the others are all :cusstards". Brutus and Caesar are worth a look too, I guess.


I'm happy to do a red box or two if any need doing.

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The Purging Sixty Six Twenty Five

Months after the death of the Godslayers’ Legion Master, the 66th Expeditionary Fleet made to refuel and rearm in a human system previously brought into compliance by a fleet consisting of elements of the Void Eagles Legion. The Krylataya Pobeda, along with an assortment of escorting ships, docked at a large space station above the world of Verden, while dispatching a small party, including Kharkovic himself, to greet the planetary governor and the world’s people.

While the Primarch was away however, the unarmed fleet and the station at which they rested was set upon by a swarm of raiding craft. The craft breached the station, flooding the corridors with piratical, augmented, human warriors, who claimed precious resources and stole away any workers they encountered to serve as slaves. By the time the Astartes were able to respond, the raiders had disappeared. The Primarch was immediately called back to his fleet, and demanded immediate retaliation.

The Imperial ships were, despite their opponents’ head start, the superior vessels, and slowly caught up with the fleeing pirates. Electing not to open fire, the fleet instead let their quarry lead them to their base of operations – a planet later to be designated Sixty Six Twenty Five, and its three moons.

The Krylataya Pobeda advanced towards the planet, broadcasting in Gothic on all channels. These broadcasts were rapidly answered with threats, warning the Eighth Legion to depart the pirates’ (or Velocitarii, in their own dialect) system. Ignoring these, Kharkovic ordered the fleet forward, until it was within the orbit of the world’s third moon. The Velocitarii were requested to attend a parlay in which, despite their previous attacks on Verden, they could be integrated into the Imperium of Man. The Velocitarii categorically refused, clearly convinced of their own superiority based on their previous engagement.

In response, the fleet pressed forward in a push towards the Velocitarii homeworld. Immediately the ships were presented with a tide of smaller raiders, as had been encountered over Verden. This time however, the Godslayers were prepared, spreading out and denying the pirates the chance to surround them, all the while subjecting the enemy to a withering hail of fire. The raiders, tiny as they were, were unable to stand against this level of bombardment, each vessel being only twice the size of a Thunderhawk gunship. The Velocitarii fleet was easily crushed underfoot.

Once in orbit of the enemy world, the entire First, Third, Eighth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Nineteenth War-Companies were ferried by Stormbird to the outskirts of a city, though it was barely that; the settlements on the Velocitarii world were many, but small, at least compared to Imperial hives. The city chosen was not selected at random – it seemed to serve as a rudimentary manufacturing centre for raiders. Nor was the landing location, for within minutes of the Godslayers contingent’s arrival a macro-cannon bombardment of the city began in earnest.

By the time it had finished, the city lay all but ruined, and yet nothing stirred. The force advanced, flanked by Fellglaives and ranks of Sicarans. Still it encountered no resistance. Then, all of a sudden, the all-too-familiar raiding craft burst across the sky, deploying, by parachute, Velocitarii fighters in amidst the Godslayer line. Though the attack took the legionnaires by surprise, they were able to eliminate the paratroopers, sustaining relatively low losses. They were, aftet all, Astartes.

The ships passed over again, dropping a far larger contingent this time, along with a number of primitive bombs. More Godslayers fell, but the landing Velocitarii were met with the fury of Karl Volkov and his Goliaths, being yet again overrun.

As the raiders flew overhead once more, the Legion’s Stormbirds rose slowly from the ground, each more than a match for a Velocitarii craft. The vicious flyers swatted down the next flock the enemy tossed at the Astartes, forcing a change of tactics from the defenders, one that brought the fight back down to the ground.

Spears of Velocitarii outriders mounted upon crude motorcycles raced towards the Godslayers. Too fast to be hit by the Glaives or other, more ponderous war machines, the job of engaging them fell to the Astartes. However, true to their nature, the Velocitarii refused to be pinned down in a close quarters, striking only where they could again flee, or where they were sure they could emerge victorious – weak points in the Godslayers line. Watching from orbit, a plan began to formulate in Koschei Kharkovic’s mind.

Slowly, this strategy of attacking, then leaping back, then attacking again began to take its toll on the Godslayers. Though they fought bravely, they were being cut down in ever increasing numbers, just as ever increasing numbers of Velocitarii joined the fight. The Legion, however, still dominated the skies, and it was this upon which Koschei intended to seize.

As the Velocitarii made a final push against a defeated enemy, encircling the Godslayer force, the sky lit up. Hundreds upon hundreds of drop pods rained down from the Krylataya Pobeda, landing in a jagged ring around the Velocitarii, pinning them in position with automated bolter fire. The Primarch himself led the Godslayer counter-attack, tearing through terrified outriders with bellowed rage. In less than half an hour, the Velocitarii force had been slaughtered to a man.

After the fall of the first city, the Velocitarii were quick to surrender. Over a period of months, the world made the painful transition into Imperial compliance, the memory of the now-departed Eighth Legion still fresh and painful in the minds of Sixty Six Twenty Five’s citizens.

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How about these?


Book Titles: Threshold, Death Of Hope, Divide, Severance, Fratricide, Cruel Necessities (how Icarion views it).


Icarion Titles: Stormlord (to represent him taking control of his destiny and the Imperium).


Thunder King (part of an idea I had where Icarion seeks out the remains of the Thunder King from Madrigal's past and defeats it, forging himself a crown from it and adopting it's title).


Architect/Master Of A New Age (another idea that ties into Athrawes's recent renaming of the LB into the Harbingers, Icarion gives a speech that proclaims his legion "the Harbingers of a new age, the heralds of a new Emperor").


The Ascendant (referencing his intended rise to power as the new ruler of mankind, and later as Chaos's favoured champion).

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Good gravy, Sig, you're on fire. Have none of the Book 1 legions asked for help?

Nope, not yet although my offer of help for them still stands


I will happily accept some help with the Grave Stalkers if its not too distracting from other bits. I think the other sections have priority, but I write stuff so slowly that mine might be the last section to be completed for the book :P

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Given the large sizes of the red boxes featured in the campaign lore chapters, I think we should keep it to just one each. We've already divvied up/finished the red boxes for the general history chapters (blunt, I know you were doing one which you shared with me in PM, but did you post it here yet?), which leaves only two other options. 


Either.... I'll finish this post or Grifft will steal my thunder. Okay, new target boys! Sic 'em!

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Given the large sizes of the red boxes featured in the campaign lore chapters, I think we should keep it to just one each. We've already divvied up/finished the red boxes for the general history chapters (blunt, I know you were doing one which you shared with me in PM, but did you post it here yet?), which leaves only two other options.


Either.... I'll finish this post or Grifft will steal my thunder. Okay, new target boys! Sic 'em!

What was the other option? I may be able to help with both(given that my teachers generally leave me alone homework wise after giving me a :cuss tonne like they did last week for a bit so I can guarantee that I'll have a fair amount of spare time)
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I was about to say, either start work on the campaign rules in Omega stage or start up Book 2 - Alpha stage. Regardless, Grifft's legion takes priority.

Right, in that case, expect Grave Stalkers fluff from me exclusively for the foreseable future(or however long it takes me to finish).


@Grifft, send me the details via PM and I'll get stuck in asap

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Speaking of Book 2, what's the most recent list of books with their content, already?


[i saved the info in the References thread. Book 2, which may feature a time jump, chronicles how Icarion successfully establishes his own empire but toward the end it becomes obvious that Chaos is making in-roads into his allied legions.]


Book 2 - Corruption

  • Berserkers of Uran
  • Eagle Warriors
  • Crimson Lions
  • Void Eagles
  • Ghost Walkers
  • Godslayers & Grave Stalkers (Daemon)

Campaigns - Blood Crusade (Berserkers/Eagle Warriors vs Crimson Lions/Iron Bears) The Astral Dance (Void Eagles vs. Stygian Jackels & Ghost Walkers [?]), The gods' Blessings (Kochei spreads the love, while K'awil adopts a new feathered patron)


Note - Since going Daemon only involves a few rule updates and a unit or two, I think we safely say that they won't take up as much space as a full legion entry.

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Given the large sizes of the red boxes featured in the campaign lore chapters, I think we should keep it to just one each. We've already divvied up/finished the red boxes for the general history chapters (blunt, I know you were doing one which you shared with me in PM, but did you post it here yet?), which leaves only two other options. 


Either.... I'll finish this post or Grifft will steal my thunder. Okay, new target boys! Sic 'em!

Actually no. I forgot to ask where it was meant to end up.

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Ah, it was supposed to be here, the last of the three red boxes in the general history chapter.

Well, better late than never:




The havoc which an unrestrained psyker can unleash is well-known across the Imperium, and many foul xenos breeds make use of the aether as well. None understand these threats better than the Emperor, and thus He wrought a few of His sons to be “Nulls”, capable of severing a psyker's connection from the Warp.


In M30 187, the Wardens of Light demonstrated the potency of these gifts during the Isstvan campaign. The population were controlled by depraved mutants called “warsingers,” who harnessed the Warp to unleash hideous sonic attacks and claimed their abilities to be blessings from the system's deity, “Father Isstvan”. These powers brought an Imperial Army force to the brink of defeat, inflicting torturous deaths upon the Imperium’s valiant soldiers, before the Wardens of Light dropped into the capital city with their Primarch at their head.


The presence of Gwalchavad severed the link between the warsingers and the source of their power, and the silenced abominations were destroyed by the Astartes. The Isstvanians’ resolve was broken with their faith, and they bowed to the warriors who had put their God to flight. The nature of this victory meant that the system could be integrated quickly and easily, whereas their religion and resistance might have endured in the face of conventional military defeat.


Nonetheless, the strange and unsettling presence of the pariah is magnified a thousandfold by the aura of a Primarch, and rare indeed are the mortals who can stand in their presence. For psykers, their aura is unbearable, which adds to the difficulty of running a ship with Nulls aboard. This has also made cooperation between some Legions almost impossible, especially those who field large numbers of Librarians. Consequently, the Pariah Legions tend to pursue lonely campaigns, fighting wherever their particular talents are most needed.


-Maximilian Hastur, remembrancer and professor of military history, Academia Vhnori

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