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Alright, this is what I'm seeing as a general outline:



Icarion Insurrection




[Preface to Book 1?]


Summary of the Insurrection


Legion Bios (I'm thinking: name, old name, allegiance, and explanatory blurb]


Request for artists (and more writers?)


Best Piece from the story thread


[More pics?]


Several questions. One, do we want to ask for more writers? While I can understand being wary about having more people add to the rulebook writing, but what about writing more narrative pieces?


Two, what pic do we have beneath the title? My thought is that Icarion's pic should be there since that is one of our two highest-quality drawings. If yes, do we want just him there or add Alex next to it since they represent the two prime leaders in the Insurrection. If yes, do we want to put all of our current Primarchs pics right beneath the title? If no, do we want to add the other Primarch pics at the end? 


Three, do we want to direct recruits here? A friend of mine tried to join B&C the other day and said they weren't allowing any more users. Slips, is there any truth to this or did he just mess up? If true, are we okay with some of us running satellite threads on other forums? 


Now, I included old legion names because some people might have heard of the Lightning Bearers, but I doubt many people are aware of the new name Harbingers. 


Last question, any other comments, suggestions, things I missed?

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Well I second more writers. As long as they keep the tone right. Would be awful if suddenly Hectarion talks his way out of everything like Eddie Murphy or if Icarion wins the Insurrection. So as long as they stick to the plan more writers are very welcome.


As it is the Icarion Insurrection, make Icarion the mascot. I think a lot of people already know of him and if the realize that he is on board I think it works best. We shouldn't overdo it with artworks cause first:" hey, they have enough art, why do they need anybody" and second: Damn, so many awesome pics....I would have tried to contribute but Against all those awesomeness my work is a mess" and third:" oh they have so many works, i bet they paid alot of money for this, so why do they want it now for free ?"


Our concept, overall plan and universe should catch the people, not the artworks.

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Aligning with our tone and canon is a given, so it sounds like we will extend the invitation to writers. And, now I know how to tell them to become members. 


And we have one vote for Icarion to be the only pic we use for the invitation.

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That was a vote??? :wink:


*shrug* Kinda. So far, you're the only one who has given input to each question I've asked. Which makes your vote all-powerful. Don't let it go to your head. 

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Oh no...Gwal has gone mad with power! Why did you do this Simison?


For the "ad", I'd tend to agree with Mikhal that one, maybe two, artworks is enough. Any more than that and it will seem a bit odd that we're asking for artists. Asking for writers I think we should also do(although they aren't as urgent as an artist).


As to which pic, once again I agree with Mikhal in that it should be Icarion. As the most widely recognized of the lost legions, the Lightning Bearers and Icarion would probably make good poster boys for our universe as people will see them and that alone may generate interest


Also, Hectarion does talk his way out of everything...it's just he lets his axe do the talking for him

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I just realized one reason why Icarion is so widely recognized: Athrawes seems to have a thread everywhere. Damn mate, how can you keep all in check?



A dialogue between Hecs axe and Ghandi could be fun^^

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A fun piece could be to follow the way kf the caninverse lightning bearers. Here they flee from madrigals destruction, have the caninverse primarchs in their memory and then they get out in an alternate universe. All seem the same. Until they meet up with Travier who is a complete other primarch and tvey realize thst they are in another universe.


As introduction piece that could be veeeeeeeery intsresting. Writers where are you to put my idea on paper? ;)

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Err... hmm.


As for where I was, I was busy mucking around with Berserkers.


And some draft blurbs:


Civil War Divides the Galaxy


The Great Crusade is torn in two, and the Emperor's glorious vision of a united Mankind lies in tatters. Icarion, once the Emperor's most beloved son, has turned against his father and seeks to usurp him. With eight of his brother Primarchs at his side, his forces savage those loyal to Terra. The Space Marine Legions, the greatest warriors ever known to Mankind, are set against one another.


This split runs right through the Imperium, with every force from the mortal soldiers of the Imperial Army to the Mechanicus’ god-machine Titans dragged into this new war. Thousands of worlds are already war zones. None can avoid being drawn into the conflict. Nor can any be sure of victory.


In a day of terrible ambushes, Icarion crippled several Legions and caused the murder of Daer’dd. Now, the Warmaster Alexandros struggles to hold back the tide as Icarion seeks to wrest control of the Imperium from the Emperor Himself. The Loyalists face massive odds with courage and resolve, but are forced to fight without their liege lord.


The Emperor is confined to Terra, fighting to keep the planet free from the grip of his most terrible enemies, primordial beings who regard Mankind with infinite malice. As the Galaxy burns, Dark Gods laugh and wait for their opportunity. Should the Loyalists fail, damnation awaits.


Enlightenment and knowledge have been cast aside in the battle for supremacy.


The Age of Insurrection has begun.


The Galaxy is Fire and Blood


Forced to reach out to xenos in the search for allies, the Imperial Warmaster has stalled the advance of the Insurrectionists. Ancient, alien technologies are now brought to bear on their enemies, wreaking devastation on one battlefield after another. However, while the Imperium has withstood the tensions that such cooperation brings, a new horror rises to assail the loyalists.


Alexos Travier has swayed Icarion, pretender to the Throne of Terra, to the service of Chaos. Even as the Stormlord’s followers are splintered, the favour of the Dark Gods has gifted him terrible power. Across the Galaxy, the loyalists under Alexandros fight to hold back the tide against the Insurrectionists as the awful forces of the Warp arise. After decades of war, the Insurrection has reached a new, apocalyptic zenith.


The borders between the two empires are marked by thousands of ravaged worlds, but now the Insurrectionists surge over the scorched lines, bringing fresh horror to the Imperium.


Secessionists under Kozja Darzalas and the Jade General flee from the insanity Travier has brought about, but Icarion's forces remain huge and are now bolstered by the denizens of the Warp. Even Space Marines, once among humanity's greatest heroes, pledge themselves to Chaos and are shaped into abominations by the aether. The “Revolutionaries” fear the destruction that Icarion might visit upon them and turn to gene-manipulation, hoping to create an army that can best the Stormlord's Legions.


Alexandros and his remaining brothers fight desperately to keep these dreadful hordes from attacking the Throneworld, where the Emperor continues his decades of struggle to keep the Warp from consuming Terra itself. The noble Legiones Astartes have lost hundreds of thousands of warriors, to say nothing of the billions of mortal warriors who have died. Every hour, more lives are given to holding the line.


As the Emperor's greatest foes reveal themselves, the choice could not be more stark. Either the Warmaster and his allies prevail, or Mankind shall be engulfed by the tide of blood and madness.

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Bah. Anyway, since it's pertinent to this piece and the project, Skal, how does Kozja intend to organize his new fiefdom? Jade only cares about politics when it begins to interfere with his work, which leaves Kozja in the big chair. Would Kozja institute an alternate method of rule besides class 40k dictatorship?

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While I wait on Skal, I think those are good starts, blunt. Question, are those supposed to go together or are they two options?


And to keep this mini-project rolling...


name, old name, allegiance, and explanatory blurb



The Harbingers

Numeration: The Ist Legion

Primogenitor: Icarion the Stormlord

Congnomen (Prior): The Lighting Bearers

Allegiance: Traitoris Maximus


The greatest of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, the Harbingers were once the standard by which all Legions were judged by. Led by the Emperor's favoured son, Icarion guided his Legion to uncountable honours and glories with his mastery of divination. Although a Legion of psykers, the Lightning Bearers were viewed as heroes throughout the Imperium as they battled their enemies with prescient grace and wisdom. Now, they epitomize the face of betrayal. Re-naming his Legion from the Lightning Bearers to the Harbingers, Icarion has declared the Emperor to be a tyrant hiding a darker nature and intends to free the galaxy from his rule, uniting ten Legions to his banner. 

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They're meant to go together. As opposed to Horus almost immedistely pledging himself to Chaos, Athrawes specifically wanted Icarion to only fall after a couple of decades (I've thought a little about that scene too) so there'd be a distinct difference between those two phases. The second being the truly apocalyptic one.
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If the "voting" is still going on, yeah I'm up for Icarion being the face. That or some kind of mini-collage, but that'd probably look cluttered as balls. And if necessary, he's my version of your blurby thing (though I guess mine would be more relevant for book two. Whatever, I'm doing this to dodge coursework).

The Berserkers of Uran

Numeration: The VIIth Legion
Primogenitor: Raktra Akarro
Congnomen (Prior): Eden's Shepherds
Allegiance: Traitoris Totalis


Even prior to the onset of the Insurrection, the Berserkers were a divisive and hateful assembly. The battle axe of the Crusade, the Berserkers combination of massed assaults at near-legion strength and absolute ignorance of the concept of "collateral damage" made even members of their own Legion hate them. Members of the Legion's pre-reunification forces, named Eden's Shepherds, split from Raktra's rule many years prior to the Berserker's betrayal of the Imperium. This in itself put the Berserkers on the very edge of Imperial tolerance, but the public execution of their appointed Chaplains and participation in Icarion's assaults against Imperial worlds forced the Emperor himself to demand their destruction. Few foes are more dangerous than the Legions, and fewer still more than a Legion that can see every last weakness you possess.

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