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Bah. Anyway, since it's pertinent to this piece and the project, Skal, how does Kozja intend to organize his new fiefdom? Jade only cares about politics when it begins to interfere with his work, which leaves Kozja in the big chair. Would Kozja institute an alternate method of rule besides class 40k dictatorship?

Kozja's initial idea is that the Primarchs, being creatures of almost godly power, are more fit to rule than the mere humans of the War Council. In turn, the Astartes, despite their initial purpose as warriors, have been granted superior intellect, meaning they, too, are more fit to rule. Thing is, there are only two primarchs in his kingdom, one of whom doesn't even care about ruling. In place, he creates a sort of parliament for his Astartes vassals, and governorship of individual worlds to members of his legion. I'll quote Vondel's Lucifer :



What clearer proof need we to see that God

Shall glorify mankind, and us degrade?

For we were born to serve, and man, to rule.


That shall I thwart, if in my power it be.



Also a heads up: it's not "Traitoris Totalis" but "Traitoris Maximus" for the First Heretic (Word Bearers/EW) and Arch Traitor (SoH/Harbingers)

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So, very similar to the Imperium's government, but with Space Marines as the leaders instead of humans. A step beyond Guilliman's Realm of Ultramar. What will Kozja call it? Will it be a third Imperium?


Also, I fixed the allegiance rating on the Harbingers.

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 Icarion Insurrection


BOTL work

Courtesy of saint-max of DeviantArt


A nightmare has consumed us. Once we dreamed of glory eternal. Now, terror seeks to rule us.


This nightmare is a ravenous beast, feasting on our present and hungering for our future. Already, many souls have been consumed by it, be they craven or heroic, weak or strong. The effects of this cataclysm go ever onward even as the blood of many continues to water the ground of a million worlds. To our greatest lament, our Emperor, our savior, our philosopher-king has fallen, doomed to remain on the Golden Throne for ages forward.


Will this nightmare cease? I fear I will not see its end, but I refuse to grant it final victory. It is for this reason I conjure together the truth. This nightmare is not eternal. It has a beginning, therefore it must have an ending. Before the nightmare came, we lived in a beautiful dream. A dream of unity and hope as Mankind’s armies sought to tame the galaxy, while our scholars discovered new wonders. It is this dream I seek to protect from the ravages of time and reach our descendants so that they may know hope.


Calls for us to shed our humanity grow louder by the day as the nightmare stalks us. I refuse this foolish bargain. I remain untouched by mechanical impact or juvenant treatment. I am and always be a man, not some ghoul clinging to life by thin threads of science. It is Man who mastered the stars, it is Man who will reclaim them. It is my gift to the future, to know its past through the untainted eyes of a man.


I saw with eyes then young, and this is my testament. I was there when Cadia burned and Iyacrax drowned in oceans of blood. I witnessed the skies of Terra riven with lightning and shadow on the day that the Stormlord struck. I heard the funeral bell toll for the Emperor of Humanity and wept.

I remember.



[There's the first three parts of the ad in one post.


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What will Kozja call it? Will it be a third Imperium?

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. I'm open to anyone's suggestion. And yes it is a sort of Imperium Tertius (funnier when you consider Imperial Russia was considered by some to be a Third Rome…guess what the inspiration for the Warbringers was?)

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What will Kozja call it? Will it be a third Imperium?

Honestly, I'm at a loss here. I'm open to anyone's suggestion. And yes it is a sort of Imperium Tertius (funnier when you consider Imperial Russia was considered by some to be a Third Rome…guess what the inspiration for the Warbringers was?)



Oh historical irony, how I love thee.


Just looking at a thesaurus, we have: Dominion, Commonwealth, Federation, Kingdom, Principality, and Suzerainty (for the extra foreign-sounding spice). Personally, I'm leaning toward Principality most, Dominion second, and Suzerainty third.


A fourth option is to find the Russian words for these and see what kind of list that brings up.


And a fifth option is to call it something it clearly isn't. *glances at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, ie North Korea*

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Google translate informs me that some Russian equivalents are:






They're all a little awkward (and sound oddly like Zbruchan - I wonder why that might be :whistling:).  Principality and the like sounds good, although I might steer clear of Suzerainty as it's a little too reminiscent of these lovelies:



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Suzerainty or Commonwealth are both great, the former being the exact word I needed (although there's the Ultramarines unit) and Commonwealth…well more historical references! Russian words for these kind of things sound too Zbruchan (which from what I perceive is the harsh-sounding part of Russian where Strelan is softer, and mixed with Polish and Hungarian), and other Eastern European give unpronounceable words.



Suzerainty wins by virtue of being more pompous.

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Excellent. So, what's the full name? And how do we translate that into a title for Kozja and Jade to replace 'Revolutionaries'?

Isolationists? Separatists? Maybe Reformists?

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Jade may be an Isolationist, but not Kozja. Separatists might work, or it's too close to Star Wars to gain any real traction. Reformists works to a degree, since they are essentially overthrowing the Vizenko Prosecution and giving political power to the Space Marines. And it does give them an image of being separate from both the Loyalists and the Traitors.


Hm, yeah, I like the sound of Reformists the most so far. On the surface, it sounds like they're the good guys, but it's kinda ironic since their reforms are questionable. 

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If Reformists doesn't get picked how about Transhumanists? Given that the Vizenko Prosecution was the trigger for their rebelling in the first place it tells the reader immediately what these guys are about, what their cause is.
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Well if we look at Tsarist Russia as it was becoming more democratic(when the parliament was established following the Russo-Japanese war), the parliament there was called the Soviet. So perhaps the Independent Soviet of Man, showing that it's ruled by a parliament of astartes and also is based off of Tsarist Russia

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It's very apropos, San, but it also doesn't roll off the tongue as well as Refotmist.


That's a gutsy move, Sig. I'd be worried that it's too soon, but that's because it doesn't feel like it's been over 25 years since the fall of Soviet Russia. And GW has never been shy about mining history for inspiration. It also adds a contrast between them and the two Imperiums, makes them sound more modern and forward-thinking. Of course, they're only one step away from a bad 'mother Russia' joke.


In the end, this is Kozja's story, so Skal has final say.

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That's a gutsy move, Sig. I'd be worried that it's too soon, but that's because it doesn't feel like it's been over 25 years since the fall of Soviet Russia. And GW has never been shy about mining history for inspiration. It also adds a contrast between them and the two Imperiums, makes them sound more modern and forward-thinking. Of course, they're only one step away from a bad 'mother Russia' joke.



Hmm....I didn't consider that. Given that myself and most of my friends from the former Soviet Union were born after the fall of the Wall, I didn't think it might be too soon, so good point.

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It might or might not be. This is something that requires a keen understanding of our targeted audience. And, well, hard to tell that, when your only 40k experience is limited to one or two online forums and one gaming store. 

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Agreeing on Reformist. It goes with the religious metaphor: they're not heretics, in that they do not betray completely the Imperium's ideals, but seek to change it while keeping the general concept of uniting Humanity under the Imperial Truth. And a pun can be made about re-forming mankind genetically.

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Seventh Sanctum may be able to help us for the Reformist Territory name: http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=sfgovernment


Hmm, how does "Autonomous Reformist Systems" sound? It reminds me of the old long-winded titles old old communist states, no wonder people stuck to the acronyms...

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Seventh Sanctum once gave me "Constellation of the Czar" which I thought was rather cool ^^ Perhaps the Constellation of the Czar was an old, minor human empire in the region which Kozja and Jade settle.


Do Kozja plan on sharing leadership of their "empire" ? Because if that's the case, Commonwealth might fit best ? Otherwise, I agree that Suzerainty is best, and I really like the "Reformists faction". Will we see diplomatic agents trying to turn people from all over the galaxy to the Reformists' side ?

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I'm guessing that Kozja is more than willing to share power with Jade, but Jade simply has no interest in politics until necessity forces him to interact with it. So, Jade might have an official position of power in the Suzerainty, but since Jade is inactive, it leaves Kozja in charge. 


I would think so. For better or for worse, Kozja and Jade honestly believe this is the best path to protect and grow Humanity. And, I can see their message being very well-received among the Mechanicum, if nothing else.

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Space Wolves

Numeration: The IInd Legion

Primogenitor: Leman Russ

Congnomen (Prior): None

Allegiance: Sine Recursu


Wearing cloaks of wolf pelts and barbaric ferocity, the Space Wolves were amongst the fiercest warriors to serve in the Great Crusade. Nicknamed the 'Executioners', they were the Emperor's judgement given form. Their loyalty was shaped into a bloody axe that cut down all who dared to oppose the Emperor, whether xeno, mutant, or human. The IInd Legion was composed of a tribe of warriors, ever hungry for battle to add to their own growing sagas. Alas, the Wolf King and his cubs would never see the end of the Great Crusade when disaster necessitated erasure...


[skal, is it just called The Suzerainty, or is there more to the title?]

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"The High Imperial Suzerainty of Humanity's Manifest Destiny" (Imperial kept as a reminder that they see themselves as true to the original Imperium's ideal)


And yes Thørn, there will be envoys, diplomats, hololithic conferences with the Warmaster's forces, and a room with 20 thrones.



Also: *Fidelitas* Sine Recursu (although given their status here I'd have put "Damnatio Memoriæ")

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