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I catched up!


1.: The ad looks really cool. When will we see it?

2.: Did I get it right that you were looking for a name for Kozjas realm? How about using a shortcut like UdSSR.

For example: Free & imperial commonwealth of Mankind = FICOM ;)


Would be easier to write than the whole name each and every time.

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"The High Imperial Suzerainty of Humanity's Manifest Destiny" (Imperial kept as a reminder that they see themselves as true to the original Imperium's ideal)


And yes Thørn, there will be envoys, diplomats, hololithic conferences with the Warmaster's forces, and a room with 20 thrones.



Also: *Fidelitas* Sine Recursu (although given their status here I'd have put "Damnatio Memoriæ")


'Damned Memory'? I briefly thought of giving them the name I used for the canon Halcyon Wardens: Perierat. Thanks for the full Suzerainty name!




I catched up!


1.: The ad looks really cool. When will we see it?

2.: Did I get it right that you were looking for a name for Kozjas realm? How about using a shortcut like UdSSR.

For example: Free & imperial commonwealth of Mankind = FICOM :wink:


Would be easier to write than the whole name each and every time.


1. As soon as it's done. What we have in the last few pages is the entire thing so far. The only question mark is Icarion's pic. I've PM'd Athrawes to make sure we're allowed to use it. 

2. We were and Skal provided. It happens to be the last post on the previous page, or just glace at the first post this post is replying to. We'll probably just refer to it as the Suzerainty, but if we were to call it by its initials, then we have H.I.S.H.M.D. Or H.I.S. for short.

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Ok. I'm back :)


Lots of stuff to catch up on I see. Firstly I like the idea of the showcase and have a couple of ideas on how I might lay it out. How long are we thinking it should be? Also do we want it to be in the style that we are using for the books? (ie very closely matched to the FW books) Or something different?


I will try to work through the stuff simison has sent me so I can get to work on catching up on all the new bits you guys have done over the last 10 days.

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Ok. I'm back :smile.:


Lots of stuff to catch up on I see. Firstly I like the idea of the showcase and have a couple of ideas on how I might lay it out. How long are we thinking it should be? Also do we want it to be in the style that we are using for the books? (ie very closely matched to the FW books) Or something different?


I will try to work through the stuff simison has sent me so I can get to work on catching up on all the new bits you guys have done over the last 10 days.


Long enough to include all the info in the outline. So, the title, Ike's pic, the preface from Book 1, a summary for each legion, then blunt's general summary of the Insurrection, and ending with a call for artists and writers. 


Translate them into FW pages? Is that what you mean by style? 

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Yeah, pretty much. Wasn't sure whether this would want to be different visually, due to it needing to be read in a different way.


I wanted the Preface to be from the PDF (for some reason, I can't download just that page), but I hadn't thought about turning the rest of it into PDF form. What do y'all think?

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Depends on the board we are posting. Some have problems with pdfs and a proper layout board tile is faster and sometimes better.

The vox-relay for example would cry if you post something like that in pdf form.

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Crimson Lions

Numeration: The IIIrd Legion

Primogenitor: Hectarion Mycenor

Congnomen (Prior): The Blood Wolves

Allegiance: Fidelitas Constantus


Warriors of rage yet of shields, the Crimson Lions stand tall among their cousins, both literally and metaphorically. For when the Crimson Lions appear on the battlefield, it is always with a roar, always advancing behind their shield walls. Yet, within their Primarch's empire of Mycenor, the Crimson Lions have shown the discipline and patience necessary for administration. Each Crimson Lion marches forward into battle with the history of his service on his skin as they add tattoos to represent their growing records of service with their veterans covered from head to toe in red pictograms. At the head of this legion of clans is Hectarion, a Primarch of warrior's prowess and berserker's rage. 


[Okay, I'm struggling with this one. Any tips, Sig?]

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I have put together my proposed layout for the BotL Show-piece. I think that getting more than 4 legions per page would make it overly cramped, but fewer makes it a much longer piece to read through. The space wolf symbol is also my prototype for showing the legion symbols in the circular spaces at the top of each banner. I'd be interested in seeing what you all think about that and the legion colour schemes, whether you think the sides the legionary images are on should be alternated for more visual interest? Also, I've tried my best to copy the schemes for the picture I downloaded of the legion heraldries, but may make mistakes with them, so if you spot any then just point them out and I'll get them fixed.



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I have put together my proposed layout for the BotL Show-piece. I think that getting more than 4 legions per page would make it overly cramped, but fewer makes it a much longer piece to read through. The space wolf symbol is also my prototype for showing the legion symbols in the circular spaces at the top of each banner. I'd be interested in seeing what you all think about that and the legion colour schemes, whether you think the sides the legionary images are on should be alternated for more visual interest? Also, I've tried my best to copy the schemes for the picture I downloaded of the legion heraldries, but may make mistakes with them, so if you spot any then just point them out and I'll get them fixed.




Excellent work, so far, Grifft, I love the legion layout. It's quick and to the point, while still including plenty of detail. Going to have to revise the two summaries now that we've Skal has worked out the new names for the Suzerainty and the Reformist faction. One nitpick, the Icarion pic we were going to use was the one made by Saint-Max, the full-body one with Icarion.

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I have put together my proposed layout for the BotL Show-piece. I think that getting more than 4 legions per page would make it overly cramped, but fewer makes it a much longer piece to read through. The space wolf symbol is also my prototype for showing the legion symbols in the circular spaces at the top of each banner. I'd be interested in seeing what you all think about that and the legion colour schemes, whether you think the sides the legionary images are on should be alternated for more visual interest? Also, I've tried my best to copy the schemes for the picture I downloaded of the legion heraldries, but may make mistakes with them, so if you spot any then just point them out and I'll get them fixed.




Excellent work, so far, Grifft, I love the legion layout. It's quick and to the point, while still including plenty of detail. Going to have to revise the two summaries now that we've Skal has worked out the new names for the Suzerainty and the Reformist faction. One nitpick, the Icarion pic we were going to use was the one made by Saint-Max, the full-body one with Icarion.

No problem, I've just fixed it. I will start to add pages for the other Legions so that it'll all be ready for the text to just go straight in.

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Crimson Lions

Numeration: The IIIrd Legion

Primogenitor: Hectarion Mycenor

Congnomen (Prior): The Blood Wolves

Allegiance: Fidelitas Constantus


Warriors of rage yet of shields, the Crimson Lions stand tall among their cousins, both literally and metaphorically. For when the Crimson Lions appear on the battlefield, it is always with a roar, always advancing behind their shield walls. Yet, within their Primarch's empire of Mycenor, the Crimson Lions have shown the discipline and patience necessary for administration. Each Crimson Lion marches forward into battle with the history of his service on his skin as they add tattoos to represent their growing records of service with their veterans covered from head to toe in red pictograms. At the head of this legion of clans is Hectarion, a Primarch of warrior's prowess and berserker's rage. 


[Okay, I'm struggling with this one. Any tips, Sig?]

While I'm not Sig, I'd say that rather than a Legion of rage they're one of boisterous warriors, tempered to form a Legion that marches to war as an unbreakable phalanx.


BTW, Sim, viz those summaries would you like a "mighty heroes fight to rule the Galaxy" one to go with them?

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I have put together my proposed layout for the BotL Show-piece. I think that getting more than 4 legions per page would make it overly cramped, but fewer makes it a much longer piece to read through. The space wolf symbol is also my prototype for showing the legion symbols in the circular spaces at the top of each banner. I'd be interested in seeing what you all think about that and the legion colour schemes, whether you think the sides the legionary images are on should be alternated for more visual interest? Also, I've tried my best to copy the schemes for the picture I downloaded of the legion heraldries, but may make mistakes with them, so if you spot any then just point them out and I'll get them fixed.




That looks really amazing, Griff!

Excellent job! :D

Can't wait to see the next pages. And I agree on the alternate version as well.

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Crimson Lions

Numeration: The IIIrd Legion

Primogenitor: Hectarion Mycenor

Congnomen (Prior): The Blood Wolves

Allegiance: Fidelitas Constantus


Warriors of rage yet of shields, the Crimson Lions stand tall among their cousins, both literally and metaphorically. For when the Crimson Lions appear on the battlefield, it is always with a roar, always advancing behind their shield walls. Yet, within their Primarch's empire of Mycenor, the Crimson Lions have shown the discipline and patience necessary for administration. Each Crimson Lion marches forward into battle with the history of his service on his skin as they add tattoos to represent their growing records of service with their veterans covered from head to toe in red pictograms. At the head of this legion of clans is Hectarion, a Primarch of warrior's prowess and berserker's rage. 


[Okay, I'm struggling with this one. Any tips, Sig?]

While I'm not Sig, I'd say that rather than a Legion of rage they're one of boisterous warriors, tempered to form a Legion that marches to war as an unbreakable phalanx.


BTW, Sim, viz those summaries would you like a "mighty heroes fight to rule the Galaxy" one to go with them?



Sounds better. I was just having a really hard time trying to summarize the Lions as a legion. 


I'm not sure what you mean about 'mighty heroes fight to rule the Galaxy'.

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The Horus Rising intro? So we have an optimistic one to start with, though to be honest that might be better off in the first "book".


Ah, that's what you were going for. Yeah, I don't think it fits in the show piece. The first summary should focus on Icarion's betrayal and his initial gains as the Loyalists scramble to rally. 


The second one should be about how Icarion's success has pushed Alex into accepting xeno allies, which, in turn, push Icarion to enlist daemonic allies before the whole thing unravels when the Reformists break away to form the Suzerainty and Jackel goes renegade. 


And the only reason I think we should have two summaries is because of how much of a cataclysmic shift happens because Icarion's alliance shatters, throwing victory high into the air for anyone to grab.

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Noticed one thing wrong with that intro: Icarion doesn't have "eight of his brother Primarchs at his side", but nine. The Insurrection, unlike the Heresy, doesn't begin with a 50/50 loyalist/traitor split.


Good catch. 

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How's this?


The Galaxy is Fire and Blood


Forced to reach out to xenos in the search for allies, the Imperial Warmaster has stalled the advance of the Insurrectionists. Ancient, alien technologies are now brought to bear on their enemies, wreaking devastation on one battlefield after another. However, while the Imperium has withstood the tensions that such cooperation brings, a new horror rises to assail the loyalists. One that Alexandros' newfound allies understand, but that the Imperium has hardly begun to comprehend.


Alexos Travier has swayed Icarion, pretender to the Throne of Terra, to the service of Chaos. Even as the Stormlord’s followers are splintered, the favour of the Dark Gods has gifted him terrible power. Across the Galaxy, the loyalists under Alexandros fight to hold back the tide against the Insurrectionists as the awful forces of the Warp arise. After decades of war, the Insurrection has reached a new, apocalyptic zenith.


The borders between the two empires are marked by thousands of ravaged worlds, but now the Insurrectionists surge over the scorched lines, bringing fresh horror to the Imperium. Bizarre alien weapons clash with heretical technology as Icarion's followers in the Mechanicus pervert Man's inheritance with awful Warp-sorcery.


Secessionists under Kozja Darzalas and the Jade General flee from the insanity Travier has brought about, but Icarion's forces remain huge and are now bolstered by the denizens of the Warp. Even Space Marines, once among humanity's greatest heroes, pledge themselves to Chaos and are shaped into abominations by the aether. The “Reformists” fear the destruction that Icarion might visit upon them and turn to gene-manipulation, hoping to create an army that can best the Stormlord's Legions.


Alexandros and his remaining brothers fight desperately to keep these dreadful hordes from attacking the Throneworld, where the Emperor continues his decades of struggle to keep the Warp from consuming Terra itself. The noble Legiones Astartes have lost hundreds of thousands of warriors, to say nothing of the billions of mortal warriors who have died. Every hour, more lives are given to holding the line.


As the Emperor's greatest foes reveal themselves, the choice could not be more stark. Either the Warmaster and his allies prevail, or Mankind shall be engulfed by the tide of blood and madness.

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