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One fix: "Revolutionaries" -> "Reformists"


Other than that, it's great work. Also, if you could, any future posts about the advertisement piece by done in the Recruitment Ad thread.

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As I'm uploading my progress this seems like a good piece to put up :).


I've started trying to put some images into the backgrounds of the pages and formatting the text to fit around it all. I've only added images to the first chapter so I can get your feedback on whether I should continue in this vein or not. Also all the images are vanilla 30/40k, but hopefully I've chosen images where symbols/icons are hard to see. I've also added in hyperlinks from the contents page to those pages that exist so far, if you could check that they work and go where intended that would be great :)



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So, had a look and it is really awesome so far. Only 2 suggestions. Plesse use blockalignment. It is easier to read AS well AS it looks Vetter. No coincedence that !Magazins and newspapers all over the world USA that look. 2nd: the red boxes are difficult to read. Maybe increase the size and split it on 2 pages ( especially the so!methimg about pariahs box).



AS mentioned 2 minor details^^

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That's really useful Mikhal. Is it all of the text on the red backgrounds that is hard to read or is some of it ok? (Want to know what size to go for and whether or not it is mainly a result of the italics or not.)

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Looking really good! *click download*

No, it's not finished. *we want to read it, who cares if it's not finished?*

Well, me? 'Cause I don't wanna read 3 versions? *Do I look like I'm interested in your opinion?*

Who the heck are you anyway? Get out of my head! *I am the NERD in your head! I DEMAND TO READ THIS BOOK! AND YOU HAVE TO WANT IT, TOO!*

Naaagghh.....he is too strong....don't know....what to....*turns off computer*

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Looking really good! *click download*

No, it's not finished. *we want to read it, who cares if it's not finished?*

Well, me? 'Cause I don't wanna read 3 versions? *Do I look like I'm interested in your opinion?*

Who the heck are you anyway? Get out of my head! *I am the NERD in your head! I DEMAND TO READ THIS BOOK! AND YOU HAVE TO WANT IT, TOO!*

Naaagghh.....he is too strong....don't know....what to....*turns off computer*


Well, that escalated quickly.

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I'll see what I can do. Some of the text will have to stay as it is though in order to match the rest of the 'base' chapter text style. Just to check did you have difficulties with the Show-piece document too? If so then we may need to make some changes to the text to make it fit into the boxes.

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No. The showiece was a rather easy read because black font on a light background is easier to read. But eventually skip the italics. But atm i have no chance to look it up. Working



How memories can fail.... Really thought it was black on light... But that was only the intro^^.



@simision: maybe that was the problem in the end. The didn't get new blood in and although they came veeeeeeeeeeery far, without midgard, the project would have slowly died out. So heed the warning^^ we need some fresh blood all the times. (sorry it is 6 o clock in the morning. The night was dark and i played through it....now sleep..)

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So, I read one of the Twisthammer threads here, and was greatly amused to see that there was a suggestion for an easy intro guide for new readers. I am amused that suggestion never made it here.
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Oh, I mentioned that when I joined the project but then I spoke a lot with Mikhal and he told me where to look and explained a lot to me, too.


A couple of months ago, I had the idea of creating a "hey newbie! read this one first!" thread but since my son was born, my free time decreased heavily and I abandoned this idea simply because of lack of time.


When I found your summaries / first posts in some threads, I was ok with that. :smile.:


Maybe we should create one thread which includes our advertising as introduction and then everyone on us writes ONE post to present his part in this project, be it legion or writing or Knight Households or whatever. That sounds reasonable.


If you want to, I can start this thread. Just tell me when the advertisement is finished (or at least nearly) for release so that I can use it as an introduction.

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I think it's a good idea. Sometimes, I forget that not everyone is operating with the database of knowledge I have.


My only caveat is that I can't start it soon. After the ad is deployed, I'm going to go back and work on the book. The Grave Stalkers are on the verge of being done with the Iron Bears right behind them.

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I'll start it. Maybe today or tomorrow in the evening. I'll use our ad as first post / introduction plus our galaxy map ('cause people like pictures :P). Second post will also be mine to introduce myself and my part in our project. Can be used as a guideline for each of us to present themselves and their work so far.


After each of us has introduced himself, the thread will rest until we got new important stuff which is necessary for new guys. That should only just added by editing. Therefore we'll have about how many...15 posts or something? That should be enough as a "newbie" thread.

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Sim and I were talking about the Auretian Technocracy and their technology, and I realised that their army was packing bolters. Rather, bolters that an ordinary human soldier could use, and took a respectable toll on the Astartes.


So, I suggest we make these an option for the most elite Army troops on the Loyalist side, assuming Aureus isn't too far behind Insurrectionist lines. Aureus-pattern or some such.

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If I recall didn't the Auretians also have powered armour, just with regular humans in them rather than astartes? (Could be thinking about a different group) If so then running a Militia list with the Survivors of the Dark Age Provenance would work as far as rules go. And you could call the Grenadiers' armour Aureus pattern.


Or in other words: Nice idea :)

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Like that idea. Reminds me a bit of Blizzards Space Marines.


And as it turns out, I really need to read the first three Heresy books. ^^

Never heard of the Auretian Technocracy. Good thing is that there is a new omnibus including all three of them and three additional short stories.



Sometimes it feels like: what they are talking about??? oO *google* oooooohhh....ok.

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I have an announcement. 


The Grave Stalkers, both lore and rules, are complete! We have our first finished legion!


Next, I will focus on the Iron Bears.

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