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So, I've already passed on the general lore section of the Iron Bears and have gotten to the Unit and Formation Structure part of the Iron Bears.


And, will, it's a little thin to be considered its own chapter. So, I went back to Betrayal to get an idea of what can be added to buff it up. 


What can be expounded upon is Legion culture. In the Emperor's Children, there's a heavy emphasis on an intricate hierarchy of perfection. What about the Iron Bears? How does one get promoted in the legion? Why does a Lord Chief have advisers? Are there Captains or Lords who don't have the 'Chief' title? Because of the widespread tech-tinkering, do techmarines have an official command power or are they just specialists? Are excellent craftsman granted additional titles/responsibilities/powers? 


With the emphasis on technology, how does the Legion view psykers? 


The World Eaters have a heavy emphasis on close combat. Does the Iron Tide focus on short-range & powerful ballistics to scythe down the enemy or is there a preference for melee? 


How close or how far have they moved from the original Terran legion structure? 


Horus loved his tactical squads, does Daer'dd have a favorite unit? 

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Finished off the third Exemplary Battle for the Godslayers.  Almost done now!


                The 66th Expeditionary Fleet moved into orbit of the outlying world.  Preparations were made to launch landing craft to the surface to search for clues on what or who could be causing this tremendous amount of psychic activity.  Before these could be implemented, however, the Krylataya Pobeda itself received a transmission.  This transmission detailed the inhabitants of the system as Eldar Exodites, and warned the Imperial ships against mounting an attack on the xenos.  The Exodites were told, in return, that the Godslayers Legion had no wish for violence between the two races.  Negotiations were organised, to take place on the surface of the world below.

                Kharkovic himself led the diplomatic detachment to meet the Eldar, as had become customary.  The Primarch did not wish to provoke the xenos, who, although relatively primitive in relation to their cousins, boasted considerable numbers and psychic power, and so brought with him only a small number of Legionnaires.  He was greeted by a group of seers who called themselves simply The Parliament, and the bodyguard of Eldar that accompanied them.

                Though initial discussions were peaceful, the mood soured as Kharkovic was introduced to the eldest member of The Parliament, an ancient creature by the name of Mhuratagh.  This Eldar, unlike the others, seemed unwilling and even afraid to be near the Primarch.  He claimed that his humours had been unbalanced, and demanded that the meeting be adjourned for a moment while he recovered.  The Godslayers were unsurprised; they were by now used to the effect their presence could have on those with psychic ability.

                Before the meeting could even begin again, the Eldar struck.  As they rested on the edges of the settlement in which the gathering had taken place, the unsuspecting Godslayers were struck by blasts of psychic energy.  As the astartes scurried to prepare for battle, they found themselves flanked by hundreds upon thousands of the Exodite warriors, cutting through the hastily formed outer line with ease.

                Immediate extraction was requested by Godslayer officers, while the diplomatic detatchment was forced to flee from the Eldar settlement with their Primarch in tow.  Koschei himself was the target of the majority of fire.  Before aircraft could reach the Legion’s often changing position, the detatchment found themselves subjected to multiple rapid strikes, carving through the centre of the group, slowly managing to isolate certain groups from the mass of astartes.  Kharkovic and a small delegation of marines were cut off from the rest and surrounded.  At the head of this assault came The Parliament themselves, calling out for Kharkovic, whom they called ‘Kinslayer’, to come forward.

                Before the xenos could muster for a final push to destroy their foe, however, a fleet of Stormbirds announced their arrival by bombarding the Eldar mass with missiles and incendiaries.  Taken aback by the sudden aerial attack, the Exodites were pushed back, allowing for the bedraggled group of Legionnaires to regroup and make a rush for the transporters.

                As the Legionnaires fled through the upper atmosphere to reach the Expeditionary Fleet, the full might of the Exodites was revealed.  Only minutes after the Stormbirds’ departure, signatures of hundreds of ships were detected racing after the craft, and gaining ground.  It became clear that the Exodus had taken no toll on the Eldar’s technologies, and, although the Primarch was able to reach his ship before the xenos could intercept him, immediately a vicious void battle erupted as the Eldar fighters opened fire on the orbiting ships.  Some of the smallest ships, caught by surprise, were destroyed, dooming all those on board to die.  Retaliatory fire removed some of the Eldar ships, but the majority of the craft were fast enough to avoid the ponderous Imperial cruisers.  The battle was taking too heavy a toll on the Godslayers.  Diplomacy, it was decided, was not longer an option.

                As battle raged around it, the mighty Krylataya Pobeda descended into the planet’s atmosphere, shelling the ground beneath it where The Parliament had mustered to attack with macro-cannons.  Almost immediately, the surviving Eldar fighters broke away from the battle above the world, screaming down towards Kharkovic’s flagship, harassing it in an attempt to disrupt its fire.  The Krylataya Pobeda would not break.  Even as the xenos encircled the ship, others descended from above, turning their weaponry on the Eldar fighters while they were distracted.  The xenos were rapidly overwhelmed.

                All of a sudden, the bombardment was halted.  It seemed as if a psychic shield was being projected out to smother the fire of the assaulting ships, and so high up were the Godslayers that not even the Primarch himself had any chance to suppress it.  And so the Legion resolved to come to the ground once again.

                Landing in almost full force, the Godslayers of the 66th Expeditionary Fleet made straight for the now ruined city in which negotiations had been held.  They were accompanied by regiments of the Imperial Army, sent to reinforce the Space Marines.  Storming the outer sections of the Eldar settlement, the Imperial forces soon found themselves meeting heavy resistance.  The attackers’ assault was slowed by psychic energy, while any stragglers were picked off by roaming bands of xenos guerrilla fighters.  Though the Godslayers were resistant to the psychic attacks of the Eldar, they were not immune, and the Exodites had massed in such force that resisting their combined efforts.  The legionnaires were being held back by the xenos, while the humans of the Imperial Army were being massacred.  It was then that Koschei struck.

                Accompanied by hundreds of Suppressors, marines in whom the Pariah gene had manifested most strongly, the Primarch breached the city’s psychic defences with ease.  Robbed of their powers, the Eldar were forced into a brutal short-ranged siege.  The xenos stood very little chance.  Within the period of only a week, the Exodites had been pushed back to the city’s centre, and although reinforcements had arrived at the planet from elsewhere in the system, the Eldar craft were entirely outmatched by the orbiting Expeditionary Fleet.  In the halls of a great citadel, the final blows were to be struck.  Kharkovic and his chosen burst inside, slaying any who opposed their advance.  Once reached, The Parliament were quick to surrender.

                Final negotiations were set in place, in which it was decided that the Exodites would be allowed to migrate, fleeing from the advance of the Great Crusade to the far reaches of the Ghoul Stars.  Only moments before the close of these negotiations was the Eldar’s final card played.  An incendiary device beneath the floor was detonated, killing all nearby and collapsing the building’s ceiling onto the room’s occupants.  Kharkovic himself was one of the only survivors, dragging himself to freedom through the rubble with a support beam through his stomach.  The Primarch recovered eventually from this assassination attempt, and the 66th Fleet went on to depart the system.  Despite all this, the Exodites were spared, although it was darkly whispered in some corners of the Krylataya Pobeda that the finalisation of the details of compliance was left to the Berserkers of Uran.

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What can be expounded upon is Legion culture. In the Emperor's Children, there's a heavy emphasis on an intricate hierarchy of perfection. What about the Iron Bears? There are a few keys of legion culture in the sixth, but the three that really carry the nature of them are Brotherhood, History, and Respect. Brotherhood is obviously important to Daer'dd with his own Primarch brothers but reshaping the legion, starting with going from squads to clans; this is to promote the idea of family from the very beginning of the legion even to other groups, like The Daughters of Daer'dd; whom the Legionaries think of typically as sisters/cousins. This idea follows over into respect, where every citizen of the Imperium is respected and the importance of history; for an Astartes to not forget where they came from is both kept in an oral history, and a written one as organized by the Historians of the Libraium and later they're joined by rembrancers. This also is portrayed by Dreadnoughts gaining the title of Ancients as their near immortal status is revered as living history.


How does one get promoted in the legion? Promotion is achieved through feats and acts of extrordinary heorism, might or genius tactica. All promotions are battlefield only and must be earned.


Why does a Lord Chief have advisers?

This comes from Daer'dd himself whom believed himself not to be perfect and he relies on the various lodge mark masters to have a keener knowledge of a specific kind of warfare than his own. The Chief Praetors are there to further this ideal by being masters of things like Siege, Ordnance, or Aerial combat. Are there Captains or Lords who don't have the 'Chief' title? Yes, but these brethren are rare, they are removed from command and found amongst the general populace of the legion.


Because of the widespread tech-tinkering, do techmarines have an official command power or are they just specialists? Are excellent craftsman granted additional titles/responsibilities/powers?

Techmarine brethren of the Legion carry two titles either Iron Smith or Iron Artificer. They carry a general rank and are not separated from the rest of legion save for the Master of the Forge. Otherwise they are found in amongst various clans equipped accordingly in addition to typical techmarine gear. Like Chief Praetor Woodward of the 4th he is a master of siege warfare and defensive architecture and an Iron Artificer.


With the emphasis on technology, how does the Legion view psykers? Psykers are widely embraced as one of Daer'dd's longterm goals was to blend Warp craft with science to both enhance and gain a true control of it.


The World Eaters have a heavy emphasis on close combat. Does the Iron Tide focus on short-range & powerful ballistics to scythe down the enemy or is there a preference for melee? The Iron Tide is about balance, it is a three pronged attack first the long ranged weaponry and fast moving elements cut off and push various enemy elements into small groups and cutting off escape routes, secondly heavy midrange fire scythes down front lines and defensive formation's finally opening up softer holes for assault units to go in and butcher what remains in brutal assaults.


How close or how far have they moved from the original Terran legion structure? Incredibly far as virtually all clans are capped at ten and the ideas of chapters and battalions were virtually erased from Clan Companies which maintain a blend of units from any one mark example a Slayer clan company which may have Destroyer, Assault, Ironbound, and Iron Guard (terminator) clans supported by several dreadnought talons and close fire tank squadrons to emphasize their placement on the battlefield.


Horus loved his tactical squads, does Daer'dd have a favorite unit? Daer'dd has no preference for any type of squad.

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Unit and Formation Structure Within The Legion


Although renowned as one of the greatest commanders of the Great crusade, it was also true that Daer'dd cared little for the established principles of organization in the Principia Belicosa. Once he was reunited with his Legion, Daer'dd would institute radical reforms to mold the Iron Giants into the Iron Bears. Utilizing the organizational structures of his own human force that had conquered Huron and the Three Fires sub-sector, he traded battalions for six Grand War Tribes, each roughly numbering 20,000 strong. At the head of each Grand War Tribe was a Lord Chief, each of whom were hand-picked by the Primarch himself. Despite his might and intelligence, Daer'dd believed that it was of great importance that no leader's knowledge could be absolute and arranged for each Lord Chief to be attended by a council of Chief Praetors. Each Chief Praetor was to be a master of one aspect of war and together able to offer an informed opinion to their Lord Chief for any situation that might arise. 


Beneath the Grand War Tribes were the Clan Companies. The Clan Companies were organized by a known Clan mark which led to great fluidity of ranks as the number of Iron Bears changed per mark. Commanding each was a Chief Captain who had earned his position through merit on the battlefield. For the only way to demonstrate worth of leadership to lead these units was by demonstrating it on the field of battle, the truest test of one's mettle. Although companies typically formed the backbone of other Legions, in the Iron Bears, Clan Companies were usually grouped together to form the standard unit to battle the Imperium's foes. Instead of a Chief Captain, a Tribe's Chief Praetor would assume authority. 


As one has quickly noted, the liberal usage of the title 'Chief' was another distinctive element of the Iron Bears. Used as a term of earned respect, it was possible for an Iron Bear to become a Captain or a Lord without earning the title 'Chief'. But these individuals were a rare breed and rarely held their posts before they were replaced by an appropriate Chief. 


Standing above the Clan Companies and the Grand War Tribes, the Totem Guard represented the zenith of what an Iron Bear could achieve. The Totem Guard numbered 10,000 strong, never less or never more. For each member was chosen by Daer'dd to serve as a bodyguard and a part of his personal retinue. The Totem Guard wasn't limited to veterans of storied experience but was also open to Huronian recruits that had distinguish themselves during training. Thus, the Totem Guard always represented the best of the new and of the old. 

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think this means the Godslayers entry is complete! (?)


Organisation and Structure within the Legion

                A sprawling legion, the Godslayers are nonetheless united in their adherence to their Primarch’s vision.  The Eighth Legion is organised into Brotherhoods, each number approximately five thousand astartes and under the leadership of seven officers.  Unlike other legions (of which the Eagle Warriors are a notable example), Brotherhoods are not dominated by marines hailing from either Zbruch or Terra, with the Primarch and his council striving for an even mix.  Transfer between Brotherhoods is common, with some legionnaires having served in near half of all the Legion’s Brotherhoods throughout their lifespan.

                Similar to the septumvirates that govern Brotherhoods, the Godslayers Legion is ruled not solely by the Primarch himself, but by the Primarch’s Council, a grouping of ten captains and the Kharkovic himself.  Each of these ten captains are assigned three Brotherhoods, from which the captains will relay requests and messages to the Primarch.

                While promotion to the position of captain can be on merit of many different qualities, one of the more common attributes among officers of the Godslayers Legion is the manifestation of the Pariah gene.  While it exists in all astartes of the Eighth, those in which it is most noticeable are assigned to Suppressor Squadrons to prove their skill through combat.  Those who are worthy are promoted to the officer corps, with many ending their careers as captains or centurions.

                Zbruchan culture maintains that one’s ancestry must be honoured, and, as such, Dreadnoughts are a respected part of the Godslayers Legion.  More numerous than those of many other legions, Dreadnoughts of the Godslayers are granted the honour of garrisoning Zbruch.  Kept in the massive system of catacombs and vaults underneath Hive Primus known as the Caves of the Dead, the Dreadnoughts’ slumber is watched over by the Venerable Warden Lazarus, a Contemptor-class Dreadnought who predates the subjugation of the Sol System.

                In addition to the roles that the Chaplains of other legions fulfil, the Zmeyazyka of the Eighth Legion serve as the primary diplomatic envoys of the Godslayers.  Almost exclusively Zbruchan, the Zmeyazyka are handpicked by the Primarch’s Council, often being accompanied by Kharkovic to assist in negotiations – this proximity to the Primarch lends the Zmeyazyka an incredible amount of respect.  The sight of a Zmeyazyka on the field of battle is both inspiring and terrifying to a Godslayer in equal measure; after all, for one of these ordained peacekeepers to turn to warfare, conditions must be dire indeed.

                Given the Godslayers’ skill in attrition and siege warfare, it is only fitting that a significant number of the Legion are contained within Breacher squads.  The elite formations known as Obolochka in Zbruchan form an important part of each Godslayer Brotherhood, and are an evolution of the Breacher Siege Squads found in every legion.  The Obolochka, when not on the front lines of a battle, are commonly used as defensive parties to repel boarders from Godslayer spacecraft.

                The majority of the Godslayers Legion is contained within the 67th Expeditionary Fleet, headed by Koschei Kharkovic himself, making it one of the largest Imperial Expeditions.  Despite this, on occasion those officers held in the Primarch’s esteem will be granted the privilege of a fleet of their own.  These fleets are rare in number, and small, often acting as a supplementary force to a larger number of Imperial Army soldiers or Titans.  Fewer still are the elusive Lost Brotherhoods, long forgotten Expeditionary Fleets perhaps dating back to before the discovery of Zbruch, or containing Terrans too stubborn or violent to adapt to the changes made by Kharkovic to his Legion.


I think all that needs doing now is red boxes for characters, and fluffing out Koschei's wargear.  Is there anything I've missed?

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Some stay loyal, while the rest decide to watch over the rest of the legion and essentially assume command of sections of it (the only other sentient things around being the daemons and the Kharkovic's).  Probably some Robot Wars going on on Zbruch as well.



EDIT:  Right, just so it's on record, I've compiled all the edited Godslayers documents and am currently writing red boxes and summaries for all the wargear and if necessary special rules.  Pending the 3rd Exemplary Battle and Organisation & Structure, we're pretty much done

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They're the Legion's primary house troops, when Daer'dd was conquering the various systems of the Three Fires obviously not all his troops were male, so when the Emperor came and he gave Daer'dd the VIth, all of his female troops became the Daughters of Daer'dd. They use relatively simple genehancements and augmentics and wear an archaic form power armour. They're sometimes referred to as Shield Maidens or "Iron Maidens"
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For this sweeping reorganization of the Legion, Daer'dd instituted two radical changes that distinguished the VIth from the other Legions. The first was the typical auxiliary units deployed alongside the Iron Bears. Auxilia elements were often used by the Legiones Astartes, but three Legions were renowned for their particular skill at utilizing elements of the Imperial Army and planetary militias in conjunction with Space Marine forces: the Warbringers, the Halcyon Wardens, and the Iron Bears. Each of these Legions exhibited a unique style of complementing transhuman strength with human firepower. Alongside the Iron Bears, the militia most often fighting at their side were the Daughters of Daer'dd, one of the few all-female regiments to fight in the Great Crusade. When the Emperor discovered Daer'dd and offered him command of the Juggernauts, Daer'dd insisted that the army that had brought him victory in the Three Fires Sector be given a chance to become Space Marines, much as Leman Russ  had done years before. Casualties were severe, but this risky gamble was not an option for the female troopers who had served beneath Daer'dd. Unwilling to abandon them, Daer'dd would give them a chance to serve as his persona militia, the Daughters of Daer'dd. With superior Imperial medical technology at his fingerprints, Daer'dd expended considerable resources to ensure that every Daughter was given the basics in gene-enhancements and augmentics. Outfitting the Daughters with older marks of power armour, the Daughters would serve the Primarch with fidelity and zeal throughout the Great Crusade and onward.


As hinted by the title of 'Daughters', the other, and greater change, Daer'dd implemented was a relaxation of professional discipline throughout the Legion. Of course, this does not refer to any deficiency in combat ability or any form of disrespect within the ranks. Rather, Daer'dd viewed his Space Marines, not as a group of soldiers, but as a family of warriors. The Iron Bears would become infamous for the rampant fraternization between Iron Bears and those who fought with them. This effect was only strengthened given the Iron Bears' unusually long gene-seed implementation process. Another, perhaps unintended side effect, was a more carefree attitude toward logistics, much to the ire of the Departmento Munitorum. It did not help matters given the Iron Bears penchant for modifying what equipment they did have. Despite all of these changes, none could contend that the Iron Bears were not one of the finest Legions at the Emperor's disposal. 


Legion Command Hierarchy


In his officers, the Primarch Daer'dd required only two traits for consideration: competence and the respect of others. Every Iron Bear was expected to be able to fight to the best of his ability at a moment's notice. Family they may be, Daer'dd never forgot the Space Marines' purpose as living weapons in the hands of the Emperor. Moreover, competence could only be demonstrated in one location: on the fields of war. No truer environment existed that could test an Astartes' capabilities then the fires of combat. Thus, any Iron Bear who sought to become a Chief of any kind had to demonstrate his worth in battle. What constituted as a proper display, Daer'dd allowed leeway in what could fit the definition of exemplary. Feats of arms, while common and perhaps the traditional way of proven one's self, were not the only qualities watched for. Cunning and shows of tactical insight were also noted, and valued more highly than brute strength. Promotions were always granted in the boisterous victory celebrations the Iron Bears indulged after battles and were often the highlight of such events. 


The other requirement was respect. Not matter how skilled or stories an Iron Bear was, if he could not evoke respect from his brothers, then he was unworthy of commanding them. Either an Iron Bear became a Chief or he was removed from whatever command he did have. As the gene-sire, Daer'dd made it clear that it was to be an honest respect between brothers, no substitution of fear to corral others or disgusting shows of groveling others for pity. Of these, Daer'dd showed only disdain. These two would suffice for any position of leadership. It mattered not the Iron Bears origins or what Mark he carried.  


The Totem Marks

After reuniting with Daer'dd the legion adopted the Huronian practice of Totem marks. There are three primary marks, the Mark of The Warrior, The Mark of the Slayer, & The Mark of the Hunter. This system allowed all Astartes of the legion to further hone the talents and skills given to them by nature. 

Slayers focus on close quarters combat, regular use of blades, pistols, and shields. Slayers are also typically found in heavily reinforced armour with extra motivation units in the legs of their armour and modified jump packs. Slayers are also noted for their development of the Ironbound subculture of the legion. 

Hunters focus on range and stealth. Units typically associated with hunters include recon, Tactical Support, and Heavy Support clans, as well as Tanks and Artillery support. Hunters have access to the Legion's most archaic and rare ranged weaponry, and make use of quick insertion tactics, including limited use of personal teleporters outside of Tactical Dreadnought Armour.

The Warrior mark is the most common of Legion and therefore most commonly associated with Tactical clans. The mark is given to those with strong tactical sense and those who are skilled with both blade and bolter. The Warrior mark carries a very esteemed role in the legion, they are the masters of the phalanx, Shield Bearers become the anvil to break the enemy upon and typically grind the enemy down.

Combined the forces of the VIth legion prefer an ever moving onslaught, whether in the halls of void craft or in the open field the Iron Bears rely heavily on crushing their enemy as an unstoppable tide of iron, whether the iron of shields and Tomahawks or war machines like vast Leviathans or mighty Fellblades. 


War Disposition


On the Day of Revelation, the Iron Bears were one of the larger forces among their brothers, numbering somewhere between 160,000 and 180,000 Space Marines fighting across the Great Crusade. Their greater size was due to a number of factors. The Iron Bears' habit of augmenting themselves reduced the number of casualties suffered due to battle attrition as artificial limbs and organs proved less of a liability than organic ones. Further reducing casualty rates were the skilled artificers who strengthened the power armour of the VIth. Many enemies have struck down an Iron Bear only to discover the blow was not as lethal as one thought. 


Although the average size of a Grand War Tribe was 20,000 Legiones Astartes, there was variation of sizes between the Grand War Tribes. Occupying the position of being the smallest was the Vth Grand War Tribe, the 'Wind Riders'. Led by Lord Chief Echo Pontiac, the 'Wind Riders' numbered a mere 19,000 Astartes. Standing on the opposite point of the spectrum was Lord Chief R. Damon Redd and his 'Leviathans', the IVth Grand War Tribe. The IVth more than doubled the Vth Grand War Tribe at 40,000 Space Marines. These numbers would not survive the Day of Revelation as the various Clan Companies were ambushed by the Stormlord's treacherous armies. Yet, none would suffer as much as the Totem Guard would this day. The Totem Guard would lose a large portion of their kin when the Godslayers and Grave Stalkers ambushed them and their Primarch. Their rolls of casualties would double when Daer'dd launched his disastrous counter-strike against his brothers as many Totem Guards would die in the assault and then more perishing as they would save the body of their gene-sire from the Traitors' hands. 


Although defeated, the Iron Bears were not shattered. Koschei's death blow against Daer'dd would unleash the fury of a son wronged. This fury would inflict hideous blows against the Traitors once the Iron Bears had recovered. 


[How's that?]

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Maybe. But then, I've never really been a fan of using Mortals as anything other than pure cannon fodder since Astartes do literally everything they can but better only falling behind when it comes to sheer numbers :P

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I suspect the Scions might field similar auxiliaries, less well-equipped but with more gene-augmentations


Probably, and I imagine so do most of the legions. But the three mentioned in the above text are the three legions who specialize in it. The Iron Bears with their universal familyhood, the Halcyon Wardens with their living shield wall to protect mortals, and the Warbringers with their mandate to lead their lessers.


Fething fantastic! Captures the Bears dead on.


Excellent. Then I'll send it up to Grifft shortly, along with the Exemplary Battles. Ideally, we can wrap up the Iron Bears' Lore sections today. After that, I'll make my way through the rules before we can switch back to the Godslayers. 

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