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Do we have any scenarios/fluff for the Day of Revelation that still need some work?

The red box about the Fire Keepers / Ghost Walkers first battle, or was that ditched?



No, it was to replace the Jackels box since Invcitus won't be back until June. 


Also, the Iron Bears vs. Stalkers/Godslayers needs a section detailing the battle zone, I think. A name for the system, the orbiting planet, why are the Bears there, etc.

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Been a bit busy lately, but I've finally managed to add in the last bits to the Godslayers entry.  I've edited my post on page 44 to contain the whole thing.


Seeing as that's done and I should be a bit freer lately, is there anything anyone needs working on fluffwise?

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I thought the name and reasons for the Bears' betrayal were given already. Kataii, which had done an Isstvan. I guess the system could be the same.


It wouldn't surprise me if it had, and it was something I had forgotten.

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Okay cleaned up the Bears armoury to Power Tomahawk, Assault Cannon, Ironbound Shields, Storm Shields, Gauntlets of Terra, and Ironbound Hide.


I'll get the RoWs done tonight or tomorrow. And I'm going to for sure take your advice Sim and edit some bit into the unit entries.


Okay, then I'll assume you're keeping it to just the two special characters then.

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While I've been waiting on Redd to update the Iron Bears, I've been reading through the fluff of the Godslayers and prepping them for the PDF. I had a couple of questions on my mind. Were the Godslayers always Warp Suppressants? The title doesn't come into use until after Koschei is reunited with the Legion, so I'm curious if that was a hidden trait to was only activated by the Primarch or was this an oversight. Do the Godslayers use the three-battle or one-campaign outline for the Exemplary Battles? Because I can see that Thyris' purge battle is supposed to be a part of the history section, but then there are two more featured battles. Furthermore, there's not a section detailing what the Godslayers were doing right before the Insurrection, their reactions to the Warmaster appointment, or why they went traitor. 


Those are some of the bigger points. I suspect the Legion Formation chapter will need to be buffed up first, but I'm working my way towards it. 

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While I've been waiting on Redd to update the Iron Bears, I've been reading through the fluff of the Godslayers and prepping them for the PDF. I had a couple of questions on my mind. Were the Godslayers always Warp Suppressants? The title doesn't come into use until after Koschei is reunited with the Legion, so I'm curious if that was a hidden trait to was only activated by the Primarch or was this an oversight. Do the Godslayers use the three-battle or one-campaign outline for the Exemplary Battles? Because I can see that Thyris' purge battle is supposed to be a part of the history section, but then there are two more featured battles. Furthermore, there's not a section detailing what the Godslayers were doing right before the Insurrection, their reactions to the Warmaster appointment, or why they went traitor. 


Those are some of the bigger points. I suspect the Legion Formation chapter will need to be buffed up first, but I'm working my way towards it. 


All that there is to the Warp Suppressants thing is that Koschei coined the term; the legion had that same quality before reuniting with him.  I was thinking of saving the reactions to the Warmaster and reasons for turning traitor until their rules reflect that, but I may as well write that up now and we can put it in whichever section.


EDIT:  Where should the extra bits go?  At the moment the structure of the my section is:  Intro ---> Crusade fluff ---> Exemplary battles ---> Organisation & structure (Exemplary battles and crusade era fluff are linked together by Thyris' battle)

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When the Godslayers go Nurgle, they'll get another ...chapter? They'll be updated with what they've done doing throughout the Insurrection, Koschei's disenchanment, and then their fall. 


So, it's okay if we have their Great Crusade doings and the events leading up the Insurrection here. 


The structure should be: Intro - Crusade fluff - Organization - Exemplary Battles

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So, to keep moving forward with the book (because the cohort ideas aren't leaving me alone), the Iron Bears' Rite of Wars. As I suggested, I think the current one should be broken down into two more manageable ones. 


The first is the Artificer's Wrath. Essentially focus on the artisan side, like the title. The Iron Masters rule can stay, although I think the part about the Ironbound Armour needs to be nixed. (Right? That's one of the wargears that went?) Maybe Strength of the Ironsides. Why was that rule created for the RoW? Just not sure what the thoughts were behind it.

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The RoW overall was created with the process in mind that it would show the overall tendencies of the Legion as a whole. Strength of the Ironside was created to show their preference for attritional warfare. The long range artillery pounding the enemy from afar hopefully moving enemy forward into the charge of the Bears.
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Have we established how the Lions and Berserkers play out? Just wondering where Raktra's massacre of the Shepherds will fit in.


I'll work on the flight of the Dragon as we work out the game scenarios we can build from it. I'm pondering the beginnings of the Rangers as well, and currently I'm thinking that they'll spring from the few remaining squads of Shepherds as they find their way back to Terra.

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The RoW overall was created with the process in mind that it would show the overall tendencies of the Legion as a whole. Strength of the Ironside was created to show their preference for attritional warfare. The long range artillery pounding the enemy from afar hopefully moving enemy forward into the charge of the Bears.


Okay, so it's not really emphasizing the artisan side, so much as general legion warfare. I would suggest taking the Iron Masters, Strength of the Ironside, and Claws of the Bear, and turning that into the Artificer's Wrath RoW. For Limitations, keep the 'No Flyers save for...' one, and then two others. One, I'd suggest is to limit the number of Fast Attack units and to have a Master of the Forge consul as one of the required Consuls. 

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Another update to the page 44 post, this time adding a c.700 word section on what you asked for, simison.  I've also reshuffled the chapter to the structure you mentioned.  Is there anything else needing doing?

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In regards to the ambush of the Lions by the 'zerkers no we haven't figured out how it will play out. The 'zerker attack on the Sheperds will take place before then or after then I don't remember which.

I think the ambush on the Lions will come first, simply because it's more important to Icarion. Then Raktra can treat himself to a bit of murder in the aftermath.


By the way, should Alexos stage his ritual near a Webway Gate to target the Throneroom?

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Another update to the page 44 post, this time adding a c.700 word section on what you asked for, simison.  I've also reshuffled the chapter to the structure you mentioned.  Is there anything else needing doing?


None that I can think of, off-hand. My weekend has finally arrived, so ideally, there'll be serious progress made in the next couple of days. If anything comes up, I'll mention it. 

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[squig, I've thought about adding this to the legion history section. How's it sound?]


This tribe was chosen as the primary recruitment pool for the newly born VIIIth Legion due to the admirable resistance they put up against the Emperor’s ranks of Thunder Warriors.  This tribe demonstrated incredible resolve, often fighting to the last man, even when outnumbered, simply to protect settlements or critical areas from the Emperor’s wrath. One particular trait allowed them to stand out among the other early recruits for the Legiones Astartes. Of peculiar nature, the tribesmen had a strange ability to counteract the magicks of the unsanctioned witch. Unlike the more infamous pariahs, this ability could be activated at will and required a degree of focus. According to the local legends, the tribe gained this power through early ritual and prayer, gradually becoming endowed with it. More contemporary academics theorize that perhaps the entire tribe were psykers of minor strength, and this was how their ethereal nature manifested itself.  And so it was, when he needed men to form the early cores of his Space Marine Legions, he looked to the lands of the Ice Wastes.  The recruits, on the whole, accepted the VIIIth’s geneseed at exceptional rates, growing the Godslayers into one of the largest legions at the onset of the Emperor’s Great Crusade.


Although many of the tribe's customs were kept, the tribal leaders were purged on the Emperor’s order; they, after all, were the religious leaders of the tribes, and in the Emperor’s vision of humanity, religion had no place.  Instead, the Emperor appointed one of his trusted advisers, a noble by the name Prometear Thyris, to command the legion.  It was he who would establish the legion's heraldry of orange and grey.  Thyris ruled the legion with utter discipline; a necessity as he was able eliminate the unwanted traditions that the tribesmen held on to.  However, this draconian style of command would extend itself to Thyris refusing to take prisoners, declaring all would pay the price of death for their resistance.  Before the discovery of their Primarch, the Godslayers had hardened into merciless killers, brutal and efficient in their Terran grey. In this form, the Godslayers, once committed to war, were stubborn foes. No matter the size or the strength of their enemies, the Godslayers marched forth. After all, after centuries of hunting for a fallen god, what enemies could possibly stand against them? 

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Also, I am surprised that Koschei is also a negotiator. How do we distinguish between Koschei and Alex? And how close are they as brothers? I see a lot of potential for a close friendship.

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I would Imagine that Alexandros would be more involved in the political side than Koschei, who would just be a part of smaller scale negotiations alongside the Expeditionary Fleet. A friendship between the two might be interesting to explore.
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Uhmm. The use at will and focus thing is a bit on the wardens if light turf( there is a reason why they must buy the focus rule for pariahs). And can they really use it at will? I remember a great story about koschei vs the emp and it just happens that he surpresses the psychic power if i remember correct.
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Uhmm. The use at will and focus thing is a bit on the wardens if light turf( there is a reason why they must buy the focus rule for pariahs). And can they really use it at will? I remember a great story about koschei vs the emp and it just happens that he surpresses the psychic power if i remember correct.


It can't be something that is constantly on, otherwise it's impossible for Nurgle to get to them.

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