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Can I get a section title for the last history part?


Also, I had an idea. Whenever we get an alpha phase finished for any of the books, we should publish the legion rules on their own, like Age of Darkness Legions. That way, we have something we can 'publish' and show off to the internet before we have the entire book done.

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That's a good idea. I already have something in the works, the issue is that with so many of the legions having rules/units etc in flux. It is hard to do much more than block in some space for my assumptions about what will be included. I did put rules in for the various Primarchs, but I suspect many of them have undergone changes since I did so too.

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That's a good idea. I already have something in the works, the issue is that with so many of the legions having rules/units etc in flux. It is hard to do much more than block in some space for my assumptions about what will be included. I did put rules in for the various Primarchs, but I suspect many of them have undergone changes since I did so too.


It'll be easier once we have all the Book 1 Primarchs altogether. And I'm suggesting we just do a limited release per each book instead of one with them all in it.


Hownmany primarchs habe rules yet? Would be interesting to habe all in one place.



None of them that has passed muster yet.

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Can I get a section title for the last history part?


Also, I had an idea. Whenever we get an alpha phase finished for any of the books, we should publish the legion rules on their own, like Age of Darkness Legions. That way, we have something we can 'publish' and show off to the internet before we have the entire book done.


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sim, I had an idea for book 1. How about, in addition to the campaigns already in there, we include a specific or a few specific Day of Revelation scenario's so that it would be possible to play out any one of the ambushes from the Day of Revelation? So three specific campaigns and then a generic scenario?
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sim, I had an idea for book 1. How about, in addition to the campaigns already in there, we include a specific or a few specific Day of Revelation scenario's so that it would be possible to play out any one of the ambushes from the Day of Revelation? So three specific campaigns and then a generic scenario?

Really good idea, I second that but habe only one concern. Some.legions who ware ambushed don't habe rules yet. For example the flight of the wardens of light from traviers ship.and rescuing their.primarcn would be a great scenario. But there are no rules for the.chars and units who ate there. Wether eagle warriors nor Masters.of the universe^^

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Eagle warriors do have rules... right? I wrote a whole lot of them

They do. I remember reading them, I even came up with a unit(Poseko Discipuli).


@Mikhal: Hence why it would be a generic scenario. It would be designed with flexibility in mind so that it could be played with any two or three legions when their rules came out.

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AO108 go to sleep. School is waiting. No I meant rules in the book. The rules we have written so far are not official atm. ( rebalancing, pointcosts, hesh fist etc)


But with a general list they could be playable. Instead of scorpion.there.is a preator with powersword amd plasmapistol and instead.of halfdaemon travier we simply.use daerdds ruleset as he is beast enough^^

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I thought Alex was finalised months ago? Same with Raktra and Pionus


Mikhal made the point. With the new work on crunch and point calculators, I don't consider any Primarch done, until they're in the book. Close to done, yes. 

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Hunters of the Depths
Under the tutelage of their Primarch and the XVIth Legion, the Scions swiftly became the Imperium's most renowned underwater combatants, and while being dispersed across several fleets meant they won fewer massive, overwhelming victories than some of their fellows, it did gain them experience in myriad theatres of war.


By common consensus, their finest hour is considered to be the Qarith War, which saw Pionus rally almost the entire Legion to confront the foul xenos. While the Crimson Lions and Stygian Jackals had successfully stalled the Qarith's advance, it was the Scions and The Drowned who made it possible to push the amphibious monsters back, taking the fight to them in their watery strongholds. After several years of savage combat, the two Legions spearheaded the attack on Qarith Prime itself, crushing the aliens underfoot. The Scions departed to aid the Iron Bears in the conquest of Laeran, before returning for the Qarith Triumph.


While many of their cousins were dismayed at the Emperor's return to Terra and the appointment of Alexandros as Warmaster, the Scions took it in their stride. Indeed, Pionus and several of his captains acclaimed Alexandros' choice from the very beginning. Over the following decades Pionus would remain a consistent ally of the Warmaster, dedicated to preserving the unity of the Crusade.


However, when the work of Vizenko brought the simmering conflicts over gene-augmentation to the surface, the Scions were forced to take a side. After the Triumph, Pionus began to put out feelers to other Legions, fearing that if their work continued, they would utterly estrange the Astartes from the people they were meant to serve and endanger his own dreams for elevating the whole of Mankind. He also privately attempted to warn Kozja, but his cautions were ignored.


When the trial was called, Pionus felt forced to take the stand against his brother's Legion. He managed to salvage something of the compromise he had hoped for on gene-augmentation, but at a cost. To those on the other side, his actions smacked of hypocrisy, alienating The Drowned, Warbringers and a large portion of the Eagle Warriors and harming already sour relations with the Berserkers of Uran.


In the aftermath of their hollow victory, the Scions dispersed again into several fleets and proceeded as before. They served with distinction on several collaborative campaigns, included one celebrated war with the Lightning Bearers against the slaver-lords of the Ngyverug. They were closest of all, however, to the Iron Bears and Halcyon Wardens, and when Icarion turned against the Emperor, he knew that Pionus would never side with him. The Scions were marked for death.


[Made some fixes. One question, where do the Scions find time to defeat the Qarith, do a campaign with the Iron Bears, and then come back for the Triumph. Am I forgetting something?]

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There were a couple of years between the victory and the Triumph itself. I should've made that clearer, and might add something about how The Drowned and Jackals handled any subsequent mopping-up operations.


Didn't know we had a pause. Carry on then.

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sim, what's the verdict on the idea to have a generic Day of Revelation scenario?


I was under the impression that FW included generic setting scenarios alongside more specific ones, like Angron's charge. So, I thought it was a given, was I wrong? I confess, I've not read through the HH campaign/scenario rules in months.


Also, I've uploaded the entire Scions' history section to Grifft. Next up is Legion Organization.

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There were a couple of years between the victory and the Triumph itself. I should've made that clearer, and might add something about how The Drowned and Jackals handled any subsequent mopping-up operations.

Didn't know we had a pause. Carry on then.

I'll edit it and let you know when it's done.


My reasoning is that this isn't like Ullanor where the Ork Empire has fallen apart immediately. All those Mechanicus detachments have to be gathered up from across a wide area to get Qarith Prime ready for the Triumph.

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I've not read the HH rulebooks in a while so I assumed the only scenarios going into ours would be those that were part of the campaigns


Did a quick look. Take Blood Feud, for example, it's vanilla enough to allow any battle between Loyalist and Traitor. I'm guessing a more in-depth study will reveal a few missions vague enough that they can be adapted into the more generic battles of the Day of Revelation that you're thinking of. 

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sim, what's the verdict on the idea to have a generic Day of Revelation scenario?


I was under the impression that FW included generic setting scenarios alongside more specific ones, like Angron's charge. So, I thought it was a given, was I wrong? I confess, I've not read through the HH campaign/scenario rules in months.


Also, I've uploaded the entire Scions' history section to Grifft. Next up is Legion Organization.


If you need it to be longer, I can try to add to it otherwise:


Legion Command Structure:


Pionus, ever the pragmatic man, saw no reason to change much of the Stygian Phantoms Legion Structure and organization. The changes that he were put in place during the transition period from Stygian Phantoms to Scions Hospitalier alongside the training and recruitment drive of the Ionian population and the most important of those were the formation of the Deka, the restructuring of the Legion into ten Brotherhoods (Chapters) and instating Theater Commanders who operated at the battalion level.


The First and most obvious of these changes, the restructuring of the Legion into ten Brotherhoods. The main reason behind this was he wanted his legion to be easily and cleanly divisible into ten equal and self-sufficient parts. In turn, each would be led by one member of the Deka who ultimately answered to him. However, this meant that each Captain of the Deka now had the burden of assuming command over tens of thousands of marines. In an effort to facilitate the delegation of duties and responsibilities, he put in place the next change: Theater Commanders.


Theater Commander was not a permanently assigned position within the Legion. Instead, these were temporary promotions carried out by vote amongst all the gathered captains of a given Combat Theater with overall command of the operation being given to the one deemed the most experienced in dealing with any given foe they would face regardless of the Captain in question's overall seniority within the Legion. This would give rise to a prominent command role for specialists who would otherwise not see such levels of command given to them as well as test the mettle of Junior Officers as their Seniors groomed them.


The last is Pionus' formation of the Deka. A council primarily formed by the ten Captains in charge of the Brotherhoods but also included a Triumvirate of the most senior Forge Lords present within the Legion as well as Inna Santor and the Legions Chief Apothecary who served as her and Pionus' personal aid. The main idea behind this was to facilitate the communication between the various arms of the Legion while also facilitating the task of leading a Legion.


It is notable, however, that within the overall command structure of the Legion, the presence of any Librarian Organization. While their presence within the Legion has been observed, no mention has been made as to why they lack clear representation within the Legion. It is theorized that they stood apart from standard Legion Organization much like the Phantom and Depthstrider cohorts.


Legion Hierarchy:


The Primarch, Pionus Santor


The Deka:

Captains of the 1st to 10th Brotherhood

Forge Lord Triumvirate

Masters of the Apothecarion


Brotherhood (1-10)

(15000 to 17000 Marines)


Senior Captains


Theater Commanders


Battalion (1-17)

(1000 Marines)


Line Captains


Company (2-4)

(100-500 Marines)





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Legiones Astartes:  Godslayers


Psychic Suppressants:  Adamantine Will

To The Last:  Once a Godslayers army has lost half or more than the number of units contained in it, all friendly models with the Legiones Astartes (Godslayers) special rule gain Feel No Pain (6+) and may subtract one from the dice roll when making Morale, Pinning or Fear checks.  Additionally, Godslayers may never voluntarily Go to Ground or fail a morale check due to the Our Weapons Are Useless rule.


(and then separately)

Legion Specific Restriction: Lanterns of Humanity:  A Godslayers army may not include Legion Destroyer Squads, Moritat Consuls, or any models equipped with Phosphex weaponry or rad grenades.



Simison, as you can see I've gone over the Godslayers rules.  A couple of changes - the condition for To The Last's good part activating was changed because it didn't really make sense to have the Warlord triggering it.  Additionally it means that a Godslayers army won't always be led by a cheapest-possible, unaccompanied Delegatus unceremoniously tossed into combat with a deathstar unit as soon as possible to activate the buffs.  I've also toned down a couple of other things - do you think I've gone too far/not far enough with the debuffing or does the rule still work?  If the new ideas meet approval I'll probably change Koschei's rules to bring Sire more in line with the new stuff.

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