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Big Bad Squig

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Just a note that I'm going to clear up this thread soon


Legion Symbol:




Exemplary Model:


Numeration: VIIIth Legion

Primogenitor: Koschei Kharkovic

Cognomen Prior: Godslayers. This name was not changed by the Primarch upon his discovery, with him instead moulding himself to fit with the established traditions of the legion.

Observed Strategic Tendencies: Diplomacy usually attempted. Psychic suppression, massed orbital and artillery bombardments, siege and attrition warfare, sledgehammer tactics, targeting of enemy command structure, massed armoured assaults.

Noteworthy Domains: Zbruch and the surrounding Gladius system (despite few planets being inhabitable) operate as the legion’s home, with Zbruch’s moon, Eden, functioning as a primary training ground and armoury. Hidden bunkers, strategically important items and prison complexes are located in the catacombs beneath Hive Primus and Hive Tertius on Zbruch, along with the ‘Caves of the Dead’, the legion’s enormous dreadnaught vault.





Alexander Kharkovic – 230 pts
He Who Lived
WS: 6 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 3 I: 5 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+

Unit Composition:
· 1 (Unique)

Unit Type:
· Jump Infantry (Character)

· Artificer Armour
· Kryl’ya
· Archaeotech Pistol
· Thunder Hammer

Special Rules:
· Eternal Warrior
· Master of the Legion
· Legiones Astartes (Godslayers)
· Primarchkin
· Otherworldly Protection
· Pariah (Secundus)

Alexander Kharkovic automatically possesses the following abilities:
· Psychic Void:

8]o Upgraded to 12” range

· Indomitable Will:

8]o Upgraded to 6” range

Kryl’ya: Confers the jump unit type, and the Jink and Thunderous Impact special rules.
Thunderous Impact: The Unwieldy special rule conferred by Alexander’s Thunder Hammer is ignored during the first turn of a combat into which Alexander charged, using his jump pack.

Primarchkin: Alexander passes Look Out, Sir! rolls on a 2+. In addition, should Alexander be slain, and Koschei Kharkovic is present on the battlefield, Koschei gains the Rage and Hatred special rules.

Otherworldly Protection: Alexander has a 4+ invulnerable save

Now, time to answer some inevitable questions:

Q: Why so many special rules? What happened to 'no special snowflakes'? (to mangle the words of Hesh)
A: This is the primarch's nephew, and as such, will be awarded special equipment and rules befitting one of his importance. That, and he is unwittingly under Nurgle's protection.

Q: Why does he not appear in the canonverse?
A: In the canonverse, Alexander is crushed by a falling building. In the BotLverse, Alexander is in the building as it collapses, but remains completely untouched by the rubble.

Q: That doesn't make sense.
A: Alexander is, as has already been stated, under Nurgle's protection; in rules terms this manifests itself as a 4+ invulnerable save. Later on in the Insurection, Alexander's life will be the bargaining chip that will ensure Koschei's loyalty (after the legion has been ravaged by the zombie plague. Thus, if Alexander is killed, Nurgle loses his leverage over Koschei.

Squig out.

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Directly from my other thread... because, originality!



Karl Volkov – 220 pts

First Captain of the Eighth

WS: 7   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 4   I: 5   A: 4   Ld: 10   Sv: 2+


Unit Composition:

·         1 (Unique)


Unit Type:

·         Infantry (Character)



·         Cataphractii Terminator Armour

·         Volkite charger

·         Lucifer Glaive


Special Rules:

·         Independent Character

·         Legiones Astartes (Godslayers)

·         Eternal Warrior

·         Master of the Legion

·         Feel No Pain

·         Fearless

·         Furious charge


Warlord Trait:

·         Bloody Handed


Lucifer Glaive:  RNG: -   S: +1   AP: 3   Melee, Murderous Strike, Piercing Blow, Deflagrate

So direct that you forgot to change "Second" to "Eighth" (though I admit that we have all done such oversights)


Shhhhh... you suspect nothing...




Goliath Terminator Squad – 200 pts

Goliath Terminators were first born from a need to combat larger xenoforms encountered on the fringes of the Segmentum Pacificus during the early years of the Great Crusade.  Using enormous, two-handed power glaives called Rippers, Goliaths make up the majority of Karl Volkov’s First Company and are the legion’s fighting elite.  Although they excel in all forms of combat, Goliaths are trained foremost in the art of the beastslayer, being able to bring down even the largest of monsters with a well-placed jab or slice. 


Goliath Terminator                WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 2+

Goliath Terminator Sergeant  WS: 5   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 3   Ld: 10   Sv: 2+


Unit Composition:

·               4 Goliath Terminators

·               1 Goliath Terminator Sergeant

Unit Type:

·               Goliath Terminator – Infantry

·               Goliath Terminator Sergeant – Infantry (Character)


·               Cataphractii Terminator Armour

·               Combi-bolter

·               Ripper Glaive


Dedicated Transport:

·               A Goliath Terminator squad numbering five models may take a Land Raider Phobos as a Dedicated Transport or a Spartan if ten models or fewer. Note that if an army contains a character that has one of the Rites of War special rules (see page 189), other Dedicated Transport options may be available for the squad.


Special Rules:

·               Legiones Astartes (Godslayers)

·               Stubborn

·               Monster Hunter



·               The Goliath Terminator Squad may take:

·         Up to seven additional Goliath Terminators ………………………… 35 pts per model

·               Any model may exchange their combi-bolter for a volkite charger … 5 pts per model

·               Any model may exchange their Ripper glaive for one of the following:

·         Power fist …………………………………………………………………………….. 5 pts

·         Chainfist ………………………………………………………………………………. 10 pts


Ripper Glaive:  RNG: -   Str: +1   AP: 3      Melee, Two-handed, Rending (5+)








Fluff entries to follow, along with a Brotherhood of Pariah's unit.

Still need help with points for these.



Suppressor Squad  – 210 pts

The Soul-Eater Curse exists within all Godslayers, from lowly initiates to captains and chaplains.  Although it is latent in most, in those chosen it will blossom throughout the marine’s life.  While, when fully matured, they may be promoted to high ranks, when younger these pariahs will be assigned to Suppressor Squads, to prove themselves.  While one suppressor marine on his own would be no more than an irritation to a psyker, in large clusters, bolters raging and chainblades revving, these squads are able to project a veil of darkness across the battlefield that only the sharpest minds can penetrate.


Suppressor Marine         WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 1   Ld: 8   Sv: 3+

Suppressor Witchbane  WS: 4   BS: 4   S: 4   T: 4   W: 1   I: 4   A: 2   Ld: 9   Sv: 3+


Unit Composition:

·          9 Suppressor Marines

·         1 Suppressor Witchbane

Unit Type:

·         Suppressor Marine – Infantry

·         Suppressor Witchbane – Infantry (Character)


·         Power Armour

·         Bolter

·         Bolt Pistol


Special Rules:

·         Legiones Astartes (Godslayers)

·         Twisted Brotherhood

·         Fury of the Legion



Suppressor Squads automatically possess the following abilities:

·         Psychic Void:

o   Upgraded to 12” range



·         The Suppressor Squad may take:

o   Up to fifteen additional Suppressor Marines ……………… 12 pts per model

·         The Suppressor squad may buy up to 25 points of upgrades from Pariah Abilities

·         All models in the unit may take a combat blade … 2 pts per model

·         The Suppressor Witchbane may exchange their bolter for one of the following:

o   Combi-weapon ………………………….................................. 10 pts

o   Power weapon …………………………………………………………. 10 pts

o   Power fist ……………………………………………………............... 15 pts

o   Lightning claw …………………………………………………………… 15 pts

o   Plasma pistol …………………………………………………………….. 15 pts

o   Heavy chainsword ……………………………………………………… 5 pts

·         The Suppressor Witchbane may take melta bombs ………………… 5 pts

·         The Suppressor Witchbane may upgrade to Artificer Armour … 10 pts

If you are just going to start off at just 5 strong I think they need to drop in points, probably down to around 120. You could probably leave them between 190-210 if you started at 10 strong. I also think you should remove the Fury of the Legion too as it is a very Tactical Squad trait, though I can't really come up with a stronger reason than that. Also I suggest that you should make the combat blade upgrade a unit wide one that costs 2/model, that way you can't have say only 12 of your 20 marine unit with combat blades.



Should have written 9 Marines and 1 Sergeant (hence the points - tactical squad (150) + 2 points per model (170) + 15 points for Twisted Brotherhood (195) + 20 points for Pariah upgrades - 5 points because I wanted an even number :cool.: (210)) ...

That's what I get for using pen and paper.  Silly squig...


I put Fury of the Legion as I wanted them to function exactly like a tactical squad, but I could remove it if necessary.

I think it will depend at least a little on what force organisation slot they go into as well. If they're troops then I'd take it away as they would otherwise just be Tactical++. If they go into the elites then I could see them keeping it and representing specialist tactical squads who aren't any more experienced and have basically the same training.

Also if they start at 10, then drop the extra marines to +10 more, rather than 15.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

All done!












I've decided to go a little tribal with the design of the godslayers (at least those hailing from Terra).  Thanks for looking!

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

The beginnings of what I guess you could call an origin story...



                The dimly lit corridors of the Krylataya Pobeda, normally awash with Imperial Army officers, ship technicians and half-conscious remembrancers, were quiet.  The Primarch strode forward, his eyes locked on the metallic flooring extending in front of him, locked in thought.  These past months had been exhausting for the Primarch, although he dared not show it for fear of influencing his sons.  In truth, Koschei mused, he felt alone.  The admission shocked the Primarch.  He had not felt alone for many, many years.

                He shook his head, trying to forget the idea.  He was not alone.  Not here, of all places, surrounded by his Legion and on his ship.  And yet, the thought remained, scratching at a dark part of Koschei’s mind.  He supposed he should share these feelings with his visitor.  Koschei was sure he would find them intriguing, in his own way.

                The bowels of the ship creaked and rumbled in response.  The Primarch slowed, smiled to himself.  His fingers ran across a scratched wall, the paintwork chipped half away by decades of touch.  A minute breath of dust accompanied his hand as he drew it away again.  He tracked the movement of the particles of paint for a moment as they drifted slowly downward, then shook his head once again, and continued on his path.

                His visitor, according to the Krylataya Pobeda’s captain, had arrived at around an hour ago.  Little word had been given of his arrival, but Koschei welcomed the reunion.  He knew not yet what the cause of the sudden meeting was, but was sure it was important.  Besides, the Primarch had himself some business which he wanted to discuss. 

                Lost in his own thoughts, Koschei nearly passed the entrance to his chambers.

                “Sire,” came the voice of the astartes standing next to the door, a blade held quietly at his side.

“Captain Smyth,” Koschei replied, nodding.  “I presume he has already made himself comfortable.”

                “That he has, Koschei,” Smyth said through a slight smile.  Koschei nodded once more, pressing at the keypad on the wall and ducking through the doorway to his chamber.  His guest sat opposite him on the Primarch’s bed.

                “Oh,” the Primarch chuckled.  “I have not seen you for too long.

“Koschei,” came the greeting.  “Quite the view you have.”



                The view was perfect.  The young boy gazed upwards for a moment longer, before looking to his left.

                “Where was the Old World?” he asked.

                “The Old World?” his father replied, jabbing a long finger at the stars.  “The Old World was somewhere over there.  Next to the Bull.  Many miles away.”

                “How old is it?” the boy asked again, lying down on the dirty soil.

                “How old?” his father said, lying down next to the boy and sighing.  “You ask a lot of questions.  I don’t really know.  I doubt many people here do.  All I know is that, once, before, we lived there, and now we don’t.  We used to live in many places, you know.  Not just the Old World, but hundreds of other worlds too.  But, something happened.  Something terrible.”

                “And so we live here now?”

                “We do.”

                “On Zbruch?”


                The boy’s father got to his feet.  “Come on.  We should go back to the hut before your mother starts to worry.  Besides, it’s starting to get cold.  You’ll freeze.”

                “I won’t freeze, father.”

                “Don’t be silly,” the father said, laughing.  “Come back inside, Koschei.  We’ll come out again tomorrow, I promise.”

                “Really?” Koschei asked, climbing to his feet.

                “Really.  Promises are not to be lightly broken.”

                Koschei smiled at that, before turning back to return to the house.



                The return journey was arduous.  Pursued by hordes of babbling soldiers, the discipline of the Zbruchan guard had been broken entirely, replaced by a mixture childish excitement and fear.  A mass of questions.  How to react?  Who to consult?  Where to flee?  And first and foremost, who were these men that could best the mighty Koschei Kharkovic in personal combat?  He fought to keep a snarl from his face, knowing the reaction it would trigger.  Instead, he continued his march, slowly striding free from the swarm of concerned followers.  In the distance, the frantic beat of horses’ hooves against cobble was distinctly audible as mounted messengers rushed to present the news to the various scattered townships.

                “Koschei,” came a shout.  Koschei turned.  “Koschei, we need to call a council meeting.”

                It was Karl Volkov.  Koschei nodded in agreement with the Regent.

                “How long did they give you?” Volkov asked, straining to keep up with the giant.

                “One week,” Kharkovic responded quietly.

                “One week?” balked the other man.  “One week to make a decision that will change the world?”

                “There is no decision.  I can either agree and change the world, or disagree and end it.  All that remains is to inform the people.”  Volkov was shocked by the statement’s bluntness, opened his mouth to protest.  No words came to him.  Koschei was right, he realised.  The people of Zbruch had no choice.  He felt his mood drop.

                “Besides,” the giant almost whispered, as if afraid of Volkov’s response.  “I’m curious.”

                “Curious?” Volkov asked, genuinely confused.  “How are you feeling anything other than terror?”

                Koschei smiled in response.  “All my life, I’ve heard stories of the places-that-were, long lost empires far beyond the stars.  And then, one day, scores of men descend upon our world in ships that sail the sky, and offer those places to me.  To us.”

                He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

                “We’re going to leave home, Karl,” he said, smirking and resting an enormous hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “Are you not excited?”

                Karl Volkov’s face split into a rare grin.

                “We’re going to leave home.”


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So I found a pair of spare mk iv legs and was a little bored, so I decided to try my hand at some more corrupted Godslayers:














So, now for some explanation/rambling:  I decided to make these guys noticeably daemonic given the fluff behind the nurgle Godslayers, so I added some features of possession such as the daemonic face growing from the shoulder pad, a tentacle, and the mandatory green fire.  I also couldn't resist the idea of brave astartes carving messages into their armour with their final breaths, telling their comrades the location of safe zones, etc.  It was also nice and morbid, which fits the legion quite well.  And yes, their armour is very weathered, and very bloody, because painting with a sponge is fun :tongue.:


Thanks for looking guys!

Sweet Godzombies Squig, I really love the little details like the face emerging from the pauldron or the "kill me" scratched onto the other marine's armour. I also like the black pauldrons you added and the darker shade of orange you used, orange is a really difficult colour to get right but you did it and they work well together. :)
  • 3 weeks later...


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