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Its been far too long since my last post. I'm here to remedy this. I played my first proper game of 8th last night and gave my Sons of Dolor a run out.

Played a 1000 pts game with a mate from work, basically to reacquaint ourselves with the rules.

I more or less brought all the models I had for 1000pts, so it was by no means competitive or balanced!

My List:

Vanguard Detachment (+1CP)
Libby (Force Axe)

Death Company x5 (pw sword)
Death Company x5 (thunder hammer, pw fist)
Terminators (H Flamer)
Sternguard Vets (pw fist)
Furiso Dread (Blood Claws)

Razorback (lascannons)

Opponent (IG)

Company Commander
Lord Commisar

3x Infantry Squads (autocannon x2, h bolter)
Scions (melta x2, plasma)
Command Squad (Missile Launcher, spiner)
Vets (x3 plasma)

Fast Attack

LRBT (Lascannon, H Bolter)

Chimera (heavy Flamer, mulitlaser)
Taurox Prime (gatling cannon)

First Turn

Set Up


First Turn

I went first, Not much to talk about. Everything advanced or arrived from deep strike. The IG set up so I couldn't get in behind them, so arrived into the teeth of their guns. DC on left flank took the bait and charged the ratlings in the trees holding an objective. Naturally the ratlings got eviserated, but the DC were also in the teeth of the IG guns. Termies removed half a IG squad then failed a their charge. Razorback pinged a couple of wounds of the LRBT. IG turn has really poor. They opened up with everthing at the Termies and DC, only a sinlge Termie fell. The LRBT pinged 5 wounds off the Razor back.

End of Turn 1


Turn 2

Charge Time. The Razorback dropped off my Libby and Sternguard. The ran to cover and the libby fluffed casting shield of sanguinious and unleash rage, great work. DC on left flank charged Inf Squad,9 IG fell, they broke the Commy shot the last one for good measure! Sternguard shooting was brutal, after the dice had settled a IG Inf squad had disappeared. The second DC charged the company commander, he actual survived though with 2 wound left. Furiso charged the LRBT, did nothing (story of the game for the dread here). Only three wounds I rolled a 1 and 2's to wound (also turns out we played that wrong 2's should of wounded as S can now go above 10). Termies decimated the remains of another Inf squad, charged a chimera and crippled it (3 wound left).

IG turn. Everything fell back that was in combat except the left flank Inf squad. The transports dropped off the Vets and Scions, then everything opened up on the Termies and Sternguard. Both squads disappeared. The lord commy charged the DC, got reduced to 1 wound for this efforts (he saved 2 pw fist saves!).

End of my Turn 2 looked like this


Turn 3

I didn't have much left at this point! The Libby finally got the aether going, smiting a single scion, casting shield of sanguinios on himself. He followed this by charigng the scions and gutting 3 of them. The left DC pulped the Lord Commy with a thunder hammer then consolidated towards an objective. The second DC charged the Vet squad (1 fell to overwatch), After the end of combat only 3 of the squad remained. The furiso still failed to kill the LRBT! It still had 6 wounds left at this point after 4 rounds of combat! The IG charged and shot were they could. The Company commander charged the DC, did nothing and got reduced to 1 wound, a 5+ inv saved him. The left DC fell to a H Bolter. The scions attcked the libby were innefective and lost abnother three to his force axe.

End of Turn 3


We called it at this point as it was getting late. To was a draw 7 VP each. Looking at the end game set up, If a fourth turn happened I think I had a good chance of tabling the IG.

In general to was good fun. The rules were easy to follow and it really helped the game flow.

I enjoyed playing with my BA succesor, I really think I was lucky, if the IG first turn shooting had been effective I doubt many bodies would of reached combat. But once the DC did they were brutal. The termies although didn't nuke much, were a massive distraction and soaked up a massive amount of shots.

Any comments are of course welcome, thanks for reading.

Edited by our_baz

I really like the idea of the stigmata wounds, a very interesting concept and very fitting for a Blood Angels successor.  Makes me wish I'd thought of it first!


Have you explored the idea any further background-wise?  My first thought was it might have been some of the most devout Blood Angels who helped form the chapter - those who were most fervent in their faith in Sanguinious who were most affected by the psychic backlash.  Could make for an interesting background crossover, if you took elements from the likes of the Black Templars, or even the Chaos legions?

  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the idea of the stigmata wounds, a very interesting concept and very fitting for a Blood Angels successor.  Makes me wish I'd thought of it first!


Have you explored the idea any further background-wise?  My first thought was it might have been some of the most devout Blood Angels who helped form the chapter - those who were most fervent in their faith in Sanguinious who were most affected by the psychic backlash.  Could make for an interesting background crossover, if you took elements from the likes of the Black Templars, or even the Chaos legions?

@Fuegann. No i haven't explored the stigmata concept any further to be honest. Although idea that the chapter were birthed from a devout portion of the BA legion a "Cult of Sanguinious" if you will is a very nice concept. A further thought could be that the Chapter see the stigmata as a blessing from their primarch. That they are blessed to do their fathers work etc etc. Blue sky thinking here. I think you might of opened a pandora's box of ideas here. Thanks!:thumbsup:

  • 3 weeks later...

Painting Update. Well after nearly two years of trying I've finally completed a squad! Completed what I hope to be the first of many TDA squads for this project. I've changed the painting method a couple of times during the painting of this squad to speed up the method, so you might see small variation in how the Termies look. Aiming to churn out some more completions for this project over the next 3 months. Thanks for looking Baz


  • 4 weeks later...

Small update of my RTS vow. Sanguinary Priest Rhaegel is close to being complete, metallic highlights and more white highlighting need doing. To make him a little more distinct from the rest of my guys I've inverted his armour colours from the rest of the Chapter. Always interested to hear the thoughts of the forum. Thanks for looking Baz


  • 1 year later...

I've returned from the warp. I've made a return to my Son's of Dolor, rather than hobby butterfly around I've decided to paint 500 pts worth of all my projects one at a time, that way I can make some progress through the backlog (well feel like I am). I've made a start on more termies for my first company and started assembling a Vanguard Vet Squad. Further updates will be incoming. Thanks for looking Baz.



@Majkhel Thats a good point I haven't uploaded my Jump Pack Cpt. Thanks, doing a first company project has been something I've wanted to do for a long time.

Edited by our_baz
  • 2 weeks later...


Progress to report got three of my Termies finished, I've attempted to free hand some stigmata onto the helmetless guys around the corners of the eyes, think it looks ok. I've started on my 1st Company Cpt Daeron w/jump pack. I decided to go down the golden armour route, BA and successors need a bit of bling. Finally continuing to kits bash some vanguard vets current progress 2 of 5 done.

Thanks for looking C&C welcome.




@Xenith. Yeah the plan is to stick to 1st Company. So I'm mostly going to be collecting/kitbashing  termies/sternguard/vanguard, I'm going to splash in 1 squad of Sang Guard and 1-2 squads of Death Company. Although I have picked up and assembled some aggressors, my logic was they're an elite choice so vets? With the Vigilus release and the Indomidus vets formation was to pick up 20 Intersessors and run them as vets, as I do use these on the table top, but just need more CP and this would seem a good way of doing that without moving too far away from my design idea. 

Problem is I need to keep the current aesthetic, helemts plumes will be ok, I'm just not sure if the third party loin cloths and capes will look too small on primaris?

Although I have picked up and assembled some aggressors, my logic was they're an elite choice so vets?


You can justify that in your own fluff like that, yeah. I made Reivers into Veterans for my own chapter as well because they'll be my stand-in Sanguinary Guard until GW gives us real Primaris Sanguinary Guard (if that ever happens). Officially Aggressors are Ranged Support though. ^^

Skimming through this thread I've noticed I've not uploaded all of my completed units. Strangely the first unit I completed, my sternguard are absent. Time to rectify this.


Thanks for looking.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I've been too long in the warp. I've finally got down to completing some units for my BA successor project. If I'm honest, I dont really enjoy painting the bone colour scheme, they only seem to look to me once the red is laid down, ho hum. Next 2 cabs of the rank are a sternguard / 5-man tact squad and a Contemptor Dread. Hopefully updates will be more frequest than 18 months.

Tartaros TDA Squad


Chaplain in TDA


Captain w/Jump Pack


Cheers for looking C&C welcome.

I do like my TDA models. This project is to represent the 1st company of my BA successor. Ive already picked up some aggressors, i wanted to originally keep to TDA/PA vets as much as possible. But with the changes to army building in 9th i may pick up some intercessors and bling them up to vets. Not on the indomidus hype train, only thing that interests me is the blade guards in terms of my design for the project.

If I'm honest, I dont really enjoy painting the bone colour scheme, they only seem to look to me once the red is laid down, ho hum.


It's never too late to change schemes. I get that though. Even painting red I think my BA look terrible until I get that first shade down. 



If I'm honest, I dont really enjoy painting the bone colour scheme, they only seem to look to me once the red is laid down, ho hum.

It's never too late to change schemes. I get that though. Even painting red I think my BA look terrible until I get that first shade down.

@Xenith. Much like you i don't like how they look until the almost final highlight is done. But when done im quite proud of the final look. It's also a gratification thing too, with my other SM armies (Sallie snd DW) there is an also instant gratification i get when painting them really early in the process. With my Sons of Dolor, i don't get that gratification until after the bone colour is done, it's a bit of a grind til that point. Wonder if that's a common feeling?

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