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Over hauling my guard


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Excuse the rambling nature... Typed in spurts during breaks at work... And my guard is a bit of a rabble at the moment...


So I have a scattering of guard. Not to happy with the randomness of the models. Bought a 20 man box of catechan back before plastic Cadian's came about. Then 20 plastic Cadian's when they were released in a battle force with 3 heavy weapon teams and a single Leman Russ (no turret options). And enough necromunda metal models that look like very warn out veteran Cadian/catechan hybrids ...


Also a 10 man kasrkin, and col Schaefer plus a couple metal Cadian special weapons and 3 metal Armageddon troopers...


So yeah, very random...


I can make 2 Platoons and a ccs with what I have. If I get the right models for the special weapons I'll be happy with this for a 500 point slogger list



So when I expand i am thinking of being able to field 2 forces. These are mostly for fun fluff games not waac


Either a 500 point foot sloggers or 500pt mechanised. Enough parts left over to play a good 750-1000 point mix with some armor.



Playing with battle scribe I've figured you can do a decent mech.


Ccs with 3 grenade launchers in chimera

Veterans with 3 melta guns in chimera

Veterans with 3 plasma guns in chimera... Spare points for upgrades.


So i would need some special weapons and 3 chimeras...

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Grenade launchers are a bit wasted on BS4, but should make the CCS less of an obvious target. You can easily mix models in a Guard army, depends on how you want to do it. It's easiest to do it by unit, so you could have a combined force of Cadians and Catachan for example but that does need a correct number of models to form squads which is sounds like you might have?

Grenade launchers are a bit wasted on BS4, but should make the CCS less of an obvious target. You can easily mix models in a Guard army, depends on how you want to do it. It's easiest to do it by unit, so you could have a combined force of Cadians and Catachan for example but that does need a correct number of models to form squads which is sounds like you might have?

Yes and no... Depends on what I want for unit composition... My intention is to phase out the catechan and steel legion eventually only 23 models of them combined...


And yeah the ccs is meant to stay just back of the veterans to provide orders, not be a priority target... Melta means getting real close, and plasma means potentially gets hot and still ideally sub 12"... Grenade launchers are just as good at 24" as at any closer range, plus cheaper points wise and a tad more flexible. And if you think of them as buying krak grenades for the squad its worth a few points to fire 2 feet instead of assault...

Yeah, I quite like grenade launchers for being cheap and flexible. Spamming some kraks at range has done surprisingly well if you can find the right targets. What about having your Catachans and Steel Legion as your Vet squads to the Cadian Platoons?? It'd be a shame to stop using them and would be easy to add to your background if you wanted :)

Yeah, I quite like grenade launchers for being cheap and flexible. Spamming some kraks at range has done surprisingly well if you can find the right targets. What about having your Catachans and Steel Legion as your Vet squads to the Cadian Platoons?? It'd be a shame to stop using them and would be easy to add to your background if you wanted :)

That's my "in the mean time" solution. But I want a more unified force appearance eventually...

I have a Leman Russ. I'll probably pick up 2 Cadian defense forces and an armored fist.


That will bring me to 3 chimera, 3 Leman Russ, 2 command squads and plenty of bodies and heavy weapon teams to build 1k lists with options...

With the models you've got and two defence forces it'll almost be like you bought three of them! (hah, I did that.. @link below).
​The boxes give you a bit of everything. Personally I've got 9 heavy weapon teams, 40 guardsmen and 10 command I haven't even touched - though I need to force myself into building more troops soon... Just after I get them some more metal boxes to ride in. Men shouldn't have to walk to their deaths when they can ride in style. 

With the models you've got and two defence forces it'll almost be like you bought three of them! (hah, I did that.. @link below).

​The boxes give you a bit of everything. Personally I've got 9 heavy weapon teams, 40 guardsmen and 10 command I haven't even touched - though I need to force myself into building more troops soon... Just after I get them some more metal boxes to ride in. Men shouldn't have to walk to their deaths when they can ride in style.

That's exactly right.


I'll have 3 command squads, 9hw teams, 3 chimeras, 3 Leman Russ and over 60 guardsmen...


Like I said, I want to field 500-750 point lists of sloggers or mech. And be able to pull off 750+ point combined arms.

With '3 defence forces' I reckon you're into 1k+ land already :)

Oh I'm sure I am... Lol.



I'm sure y'all have experienced this but if you only own enough to play a match your army gets predictable. Hence all the talk of 500 point forces... That and I have a small group of casual gamers who are only interested in 40k at a small scale for the time being...

Mhm that's the trick isn't it, warhammer being quite an expensive miniature hobby to get rolling, though they're all the same in the end, sucking your wallet dry.
Doesn't matter if it's yachting or basejumping either.

​For me 40k really shines at 1500+ points, and anything less than 1k is like jerking off with a cheesegrater. You get off but it's not a good time.
And getting to that point takes quite an investment. I'm in the tough spot at the moment where I've got around a thousand points of guard, but to make them 'work properly' and get the points up I reckon I need to throw at least 400 bucks at it (aussie funny money) - and that's on top of what I've already got.

​That's why I've started looking at some other game systems to get friends hooked on delicious plastic goodness... like a gateway drug devil.gif

40k is designed for 1500 more or less, its the sweet spot. Enough points to play with but limited so you can't load up on the toys. Larger games can be fun but the more you increase the greater the skew becomes. Building a good list is part of the skill, there is little ability in having so many points you can load up on all the good stuff :P


Two or three of the box sets is a great core to any army really, gives you plenty to work with and a base to build upon :)

Life can rudely interrupt the hobby this is sadly true. These days we like to arrange gaming days where we devote it to getting in lots of games and eating some take out and generally relaxing and having a good time. Snatching a game after work feels like too much of a rush so this is working quite well as long as you organise in advance :)

So I partially worked up a 500 point "god slayer" mechanized list...


Ccs, 3 melta, vox, chimera

vet, 3 melta, 1 lascannon, vox, chimera

vet, 3 melta, vox, chimera




This because somebody is getting a knight magnetized up and wants to join the 500 point club... We agreed that against him list tailoring will not only be acceptable but required to avoid a massacre...


Should be fun!

It will all come down to terrain... If I can get close enough without taking a beating he won't make it!


And I think with the right load out you can get a knight to 500 points (def can in battle scribe but that's just me researching what kind of abuse I'll see). In the open he can slag a unit a turn more if they can split fire, but I don't know anything about knights... do they get split fire?

Well then... I will lose 2 units a turn. Only have 6 counting transports and contents separately...


Best bet would be to hide out of los, then serve our into below 6 inch range from multiple sides... If I approach with anything less than all the chimeras and from enough directions to Pen him in I'll be in big trouble...

Your multi-lasers won't do much, so speed forwards as fast as you can make use of cover and pop smoke. Try to approach from different angles as much as possible so he can't hedge any bets with blast templates but be aware he has some good mobility of his own. No room for :cussfooting about get stuck in!

Your multi-lasers won't do much, so speed forwards as fast as you can make use of cover and pop smoke. Try to approach from different angles as much as possible so he can't hedge any bets with blast templates but be aware he has some good mobility of his own. No room for :cussfooting about get stuck in!


exactly. Hide out of los, then hammer in close and grab him by the belt buckle...


I'll have to see if autocannons are permissible and convert some alternative turrets, the opportunity for glances against forward armor and pens against side and rear can't be passed up...


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