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Some strange drawings done by me in the past

Glacial Sentinel

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Please let me know, if this is the wrong place to post this. I will delete or move it immediately then. I will try to put it all in links, so I won`t take away any storage from your site. This will be something like a test to me to see, where the line is. And I excluded all the adult or offensive pics here, believe me.

Also, I wrote a few lines under each pic, so you might have an idea what was going on in my mind when I did them. happy.png

Don`t worry, there will be no Xenos or such. Everything will be powerarmour- or Mech-related. And I know, I`m everything BUT an "artist" or a "professional" painter. I just do this for fun and enjoy the results. Besides: Most of it is not too serious, but you`ll see... blink.png

Currently I`m looking for some new inspirations for future pics, so if you have something in mind, then feel free to suggest and share your thoughts with me. Want an custom avatar with an cool concept (please nothing like "I want an Blue marine and that`s it"). Give me some context, and we`ll see if I can feel your vision.

And there are tons of more pics done by me on my harddrive, like more drawings, fresh memes, photoshop stuff and comic strips. But I have to make some of them "non-adult" first, if you know what I mean... msn-wink.gif

Critics welcome!




Yeah, I was into that graffiti stuff a long time ago and thought:"Why not do a 40k style and an Astartes in that classic b-boy way?"

BTW: His chapter is called "Aerosol Angels"...happy.png




I had this thought for aeons, and always guessed it fits the essense of Tzeentch...





Don`t tell me you didn`t smile when you looked at the last 2... msn-wink.gif





Two profile pics I did for some friends of mine.






My ideas of 40k vehicles. A Duesenberg-speeder, the Angry Marines own Knight "Odium Sanctus", and a custom "punch-predator". And you thought you saw it all, right?


Well, I guess, I better stop here. If this thread should gain 10 replies or more and that replies are not all about I should stop to paint immediately or something bad might happen to me, than I will upload some more of this.

I hope you enjoyed some of it and don`t feel too offended by my lack of seriousness here and there.biggrin.png

Thanks for watching!smile.png

PS: If the unthinkable should happen, and somebody likes a piece here and wants to get it in an even higher resolution, then please pm me and I will upload it on a image hoster as big as possible and send you the link then!

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I am amazed at Angry Marines pictures that didn't include strong swearing. Good to see that there isn't any on display, mind you. msn-wink.gif

That´s one part of the "making some pics non-adult first" thing I mentioned. I guess I`ll have to blur some parts of some of my pics in the future to avoid punishment. But that`s cool. i guess, the pics won`t suffer from such things too much. I wasn`t even sure if the quote on the tank would already be too strong. If so, then please let me know and I shall edit it, no problem.

And I think next time i should usse a smaller size, like 600x600 or 800x800 to make it more enjoyable on smaller screens.

Glad you like it! smile.png

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While the sentiment of "In ya ass" is somewhat questionable, the use of the word 'ass' (if I'm not mistaken) is allowed. Seeing as the statement is not directly aimed at anyone, I think it flies.

Thanks, that`s cool. Though I promise to stretch that matter of swearing and offensive language not any further.

BTW: "In ya ass" was just the short form for "Intercontinental Yelling Angry Marine Assault-launcher" I wasn`t aware of it being some rude statement until you pointed on it...seriously, I swear. I mean swear like making an oath, not swear like talking like a sailor. *starts to sweat a little*unsure.png

Sorry ,I couldn`t resist...happy.png I like this place...smile.png

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Oh oh oh....now you have 10 posts and must show us more pics. So sad

Hmmm..... But 3 of those replies are from me. That`s a little cheaty to me. Anyway, tomorrow I will post some more. not that much and a little smaller. So it fits better for small screens I guess and I don`t want to spam this site with my pics too much. I`m still looking around, but there`s sooo much to discover that it`s overwhelming.

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So, here are some more. I will add some more now and then in the future.


Today: "Despair all ye nations, deny not that we`re sick..."

Right. Nurgle time.





My idea of a nurglish Knight. Called him "Pestbringer".









Plague Marine profile pic. Definitely no standard pattern helmet.









Just a small close combat weapon, except this one shouldn`t even slightly scratch you if you like your health.









Death Guard daemon prince.

No, seriously, as you may guessed it, this is the classic Kingpin portrait. When I saw it sometime ago, I instantly thought of Nurgle and had to convert it in a nurglish way, but free from the standard cliches like the guts hanging out or something. It should stay as recognizable as the Kingpin as possible.






Thanks for watching!


See you next time!

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I liked the Land Speeder, just the thing for an Inquisitor to be seen in!


BTW: Have you seen the Inquisition Batmobiles a few days ago?

I learned that links to commercial sites or such things are not very appreciated here, so i did some screenshots. And though they both bear the sign of the inquisition, i guess they`re not official GW models.msn-wink.gif



Air Dread earned a smile. It looked like this. smile.png

Thx! That means, my work here is done and I reached my goal! happy.png

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Hilarious pics, I particularly liked the Angry Marines stuff tongue.png

Btw, can you tell us the name of the company that made those inquisitorial batmobiles? They are really cool!

Thx bud!

I will upload some Angry Marines pics later this evening.

I`m not sure if it`s allowed to post a link to that store, but I will send you a pm in a few minutes. I hope that won`t be a violation or something. In the end, it`s not my shop, nor do I know anyone there.

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Someone said "Angry Marines"? Here are a few more. There are more, believe me.


You need to be strong now brothers...








A parody of the classic 80s Nike "Bo knows commercial" for those who remember...












Angry Marine Neophyte. Also, as long as they are small, they are perfect grenades. Just pull the pacifier out of his mouth to make him go ballistic, then throw him behind enemy lines and next you know is the war is over. Also, the whole sector might get devastated too, but I guess there are always casualties in war, right?













AM Company banner.

Also: related to the "I am the hammer. I am...." quote that everybody knows I guess...












Brother Kinski. Yes, this are the eyes of Klaus Kinski. Because: Kinski.
























Never saw an Angry Terminator. So I did this guy called "Bugchaser"...







End of Episode 3 I guess. Stay tuned. We havn`t even begun yet.

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