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Emperor's Children ...... Land Raider/ Name the Legion

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I say go for the UM head, it's different than what you usually see for Emperor's Children, but it has the right look I think.

Awesome stuff! I think the UM head looks great, looking forward to seeing the rest of the command squad!

I have to say I am definitely leaning to the UM head, but I think I might use a different head for each of the 3 models I've got to do for the basic squad, I will probably use a Phoenician pattern for the standard bearer and maybe a Dark Angel head for the other



I really like these, I will definitely paint the EC corpses on my IH bases in this scheme.


Pink is much more Flamboyant :wink:


Haha, please do and feel free to post a pic up here when you do!! I'll of course return the favour -- well I would, but these guys are still meant to represent loyalists!!


Here is a few WIP pics of Ancient Kurama - almost done, just a few little bits and details to add, before trying to take better quality pics!







As I've gone for LasCannons, I've decided to have him representing a veteran Sun Killer, hence the icon on the leg....

  • 4 weeks later...

Ancient Kurama is pretty much done – despite my best efforts at self sabotage!! I’ve actually re-done the head and kneepads since the pic, I wasn’t happy with the eyes or the silver! I’ve been back and forth re-glazing the pink as it wasn’t pink enough! I mean, if you are going to paint marines pink, it does need to be obscene!!


I’d got to the point where I was about to call him done only to find out the magnetization of him caused a major headache, once the missile launcher was added it had a tendency to over balance. I have however reticifed the ball joint at the waist of the beast, I am just attempting to hollow out bits at the back and counterbalance the front with ball bearings.


So, once that’s taken care of, I’ll add some scorch marks to the las cannons, re touch the gold rivets and add the cables!! Fingers crossed it gets done!! Here he is as it stood on Saturday post surgery on the magnets!!



I had a little accident with my Tartaros Sgt, breaking his pointy finger off! So I've replaced his whole arm, re-done the shoulder pads and re-glazed several layers of the pink to bring it up again. I've decided to use a bare head this time, to make him look extra fabulous!

Behold Sergeant Fabian Valerii, because he's worth it.....





  • 3 weeks later...

Glad you all like the flowing locks of Fabian, luckily he doesn't do combat drugs as they lead to hair loss, just as Fabius!!:wink:



The hobby butterflying continues!


I've actually got a fair few things on my desk, sort of done but not quite! The Deredeo is virtually done, I just couldn't get motivated to paint the power cables and the final few details, it wasn't helped by the fact missile pod caused the magnetised joints to overbalance, I have managed to resolve a lot of the issues by drilling out the missile pods but that little se back kind of killed the enjoyment of that!

I'm still working on the Vanguard Veteran style assault squad and a few other 'specialist' units such as Jetbike and Bike Command Squads, Sun Killers and Breachers!! I've also revised my Veterans, which are so flash they could double as a Command Squad!! I originally built these guys when furious charge was an option, hence this guy being tooled up for a duel!






Still a little more to do, with the golds and whites, before adding decals. What's the thoughts on the lilac plume?! I'm not sure, but the Mrs suggested it, so I gave it a go!!


Also rebasing my 25mm to 32mm, so thats a whole lot of fun, not.....




Here is a kind of despoiler, but in reality he's just one of the reinforcements to my 10man Tac squad, got 4 more MKIVs on the go to bolster my existing 10man squad, with the aim of getting it to 20!!




Fantastic Deredeo, great job! :thumbsup:



Thanks! I'll hopefully get my act together and finish the damn thing soon!


Although, this isn't going to help matters....


This chap here is almost finished, but thought I'd show him off anyway, so took him to the local GW! Really just needs some bolters, as Command Squad bikers can't upgrade.










I actually wanted to make some jet bikes, so bought the Ravenwing Command box to get various bits and thought it'd be fun to build a biker! I do think the EC lend themselves to fast attack oriented force, and bikers are a poor man's jet bike!! I'd argue the jet bikes are more fluffy but the Ravenwing bikes were just begging to be painted pink! I really do like the result, and as a consequence will build myself a Command Squad just because!! No ideas how i'll bling up the eventual Praetor, but he could well be a pre-heresy Doomrider!!

Well, I've finished off 5 new Tactical Marines to add to existing squad, nothing too exciting but basic troops are always needed! I think I'll hold off on more MK IV's until I can either some 'assault' arms or variant legs, as the classic bent knee pose looks a little too samey for my liking!


Now, whilst I am bemoaning the mono-pose, I have to say I am liking the variety of poses on my veterans, but the painting is a lot of extra work!

Finally finished off my first veteran, his original version was built over a year ago, but i've stripped it and started again!! Excuse the pics, it was late and my lighting isn't really helping do the paint job justice, its actually a lot pinker.....



I've been dabbling with the notion of Vanguard Veterans for the EC, in game terms they will just be kitted out Assault Squad, other members of the squad have combat shields, I might even add one to this guy in due course, but I wanted to at least get one finished! I have tinkered with earlier adaptations following discussions with Iron Hands Fantatic, who has done an awesome job developing unique legion troops, so thought it only fitting to bring some of his ideas to life!


Seraph Strike Squad


Formed from among the ranks of the IIIrd Legion’s Tactical Veterans, Seraph Strike units are an elite cadre of reserve troops found amongst most Emperor’s Children detachments of Battalion size and above. Over the course of an engagement, Seraph units will be continuously re-deployed to combat myriad targets, utilising high mobility and considerable firepower to counter any conceivable threat, prioritising versatility to ensure victory by any means.

Usually deployed as a superior reserve force to engage unprecedented hazards which threaten to stall the Legion’s advance, the Seraph are a lance against any opponents which lie outside of their commanders’ plans. Amongst the rank-and-file of the Legion, the Seraph have a well-deserved reputation for seizing victory from the jaws of defeat, although this is a standing paid for many times over in the bloodiest sacrifice.

Seraph: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 8 Sv: 3+
Seraph Paradigm: WS: 5 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 9 Sv: 3+

Unit Composition:
* 4 Seraph
* 1 Seraph Paradigm

Unit Type:
* Seraph: Jump Infantry
* Seraph Paradigm: Jump Infantry (Character)

* Power armour
* Volkite charger
* Bolt pistol
* Chainsword or combat blade
* Frag and krak grenades
* Jump Pack
* Sonic shrieker

Special Rules:
* Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children)
* Hit and Run
* No Matter the Odds

* The Seraph Strike Squad may take:
- Up to 15 additional Seraph
* The entire squad may take melta bombs
* For every four models in the squad, one Seraph may exchange their volkite charger for one of the following:
- Flamer
- Melta gun
- Plasma gun
- Volkite caliver with suspensor web
- Missile launcher with suspensor web (frag & krak missiles)
* Alternatively, instead of exchanging their volkite charger, for every four models in the squad, one Seraph may exchange their chainsword / combat blade for one of the following:
- Single lightning claw
- Thunder hammer
* The Seraph Paradigm may exchange their bolt pistol for one of the following:
- Plasma pistol
- Inferno pistol
* The Seraph Paradigm may exchange their chainsword / combat blade for one of the following:
- Charnabal sabre
- Single lightning claw
- Phoenix power spear
- Thunder hammer

No Matter the Odds:
This unit, and any Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) units within 12” automatically regroup, and ignore any negative modifiers to their Leadership value.

Great updates man! Loving the additions :smile.:


Nice use of the Ravening bike.


Beautiful looking bike! The ravenwing bits fit in really well and you've done a brilliant paint job, looking forward to seeing more!


Thanks guys! Really appreciate comments and feedback, helps keep the motivation going!


I am working on a couple of bikers and also some jet bikes! So keep and eye on developments!!

Right, another update. I find I've been waiting until stuff is finished before posting, which isn't really a requirement of a WIP thread! So here goes!


Now I had the idea of doing a command squad of these bad boys, as nothing says EC more than an eagle headed bike. I was hoping that the new custodes bikes would look like a Bullock pattern, alas not! So I need to figure out the engines, as Sameal's legs include the engines and I don't want all the riders in robes. My current though is casting a cut down deimos exhaust and using that, otherwise it'll be even more expensive......




Now I got one of these with the intention of maybe kit bashing it into a Bullock, not really possible, so I've built it as standard and I have to say I quite like it!!




I used the pilot for the Bullock, so I had to improvise a new pair of legs and well, I am liking this!




I think I might use the Scimitars to represent Skyslayer heavy support, so I might make the pilots more beefy looking, so might go Mk2/3 with the riders. Will probably give them Phoenican helmets, unless anyones got better ideas!!



I am really liking MKII with Phoenician heads! I think I will stick to MKIV with the normal heads and have most of my older MKs with Phoenician pattern helmets, to imply they are more veteran!




I had a few issues with this maniac! I decided the pink wasn't pink enough so I've re-highlighted the edges, so I shall now tidy up the rest of the overspray and finally get this guy done and dusted!!

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been slogging away with tacticals and the vets that I last batch painted for the 20 Hobbyist tale, I would ideally have liked to have had 5 'Sternguard' but I am looking to acquire an old fine cast model to be the Sgt! So i've snuck in the Seraph marine to take centre stage for the time being! I am really happy to have used the Calth missile launcher, takes me back to the good old days of the Rouge Trader beakies!! I quite like the special weapon guy, he is magnetised at the arms, so i can alternate things if the mood takes.















Really need to make an effort to get these guys up to 10, then the army is starting to look substantial!! 

You continue to amaze me with that pink/purple. It's like candy for the eyes.


Well, if you are going to go pink, you have to go full pink! ;)


Well, here is the latest offerings, nothing too special, but everyone needs more tactical marines!! I'll be aiming for a complete squad of 20 Mk IVs and at least 10 MKII's!






  • 3 weeks later...

As a little break from the tactical marines I thought I'd start some Terminator concepts, the prospect of squads of 5 is a welcome break from 20 tacs! I also really enjoyed painting my Tartaros squad, so like the idea of an elite Terminator force.


I've always liked the classic art of the Cataphractii from the Heresy card game, and whilst I love the models I'm kind of sad there's no horse hair plume! So, I decided to make some blinged up concepts. Uber bling for a command squad and just slightly less bling for another squad!


Command Squad



Quite happy with this, want to give these guys crazy exotic weapons, given the EC penchant to use quality weapons of defeated foes!


Veteran Terminator squad




I'm pondering heads at the moment, I'm kind of hoping the gorgon heads work, as they are kind of 'snouty' an look a little like the old school slaanesh marine heads. Some modified 1k Son heads might also work, or Blood Angel ones. Any ideas?!


Still lots to do, just haven't had chance to paint for a while!!

Looking good man. Like I said before I think you need a slightly more ornate looking helm for the first guy.


I think Blood angels or Thousand Sons work well with little/no mods. Also, have you considered Suzerain? They're pretty pimp!

The Terminators are looking fantastic so far! :thumbsup:


Thanks man! Still plenty to do, a bit of green stuffing and final head choices to come.

Beautiful work! :thumbsup:

Thanks, glad that you like them! 

Looking good man. Like I said before I think you need a slightly more ornate looking helm for the first guy.


I think Blood angels or Thousand Sons work well with little/no mods. Also, have you considered Suzerain? They're pretty pimp!

 I've plans for Suzerain, but i am liking the idea of BA and TS; shall have to have a look at what I can use head wise!


I recently read Primogenitor and liked the idea of Fabius' band of merry men in the collective, so I've been working on creating an Apothecarion as I think nothing says Emperor's Children like Apothecaries (ok, and deviant practices!) It was actually a means to use up some Kakophoni bodies, as my force is nominally loyalist, with a few suspect element, such as my Von Kalda, based on a helmeted Kakophoni model. If Augs can do fun things with Libbys, then the game is on with medics!!



My aim is to have at least 10 Apothecaries/Primus Medicaes, just because I can... I've got 1 done, so here are the next 4!!

The first is an excuse to use a really corrupted model, hence me doing so many, I can have good guys and bad guys!! I am debating on giving him a churigen like backpack.




Not entirely sure on the sword, might swap it for a pistol, depending on my bits box!




This is essentially a re-do of my mini diorama, i decided the old pink wasn't as vibrant as my current marines, so it needed re-doing. I've also got a bit better with my whites.




Couldn't very well have a biker command squad without a Primus Medicae now could I now?. Really not liking the how the Ravenwing arm doesn't have anything in the hand of the Narthecium arm so I'll convert the MK2 arms to fit this dude, unless i source other arms in the mean time!




Inspired by Kizzdougs, I decided to combine the fanciest bits I can find make this guy! Used some Sanguinary Priest bits, will no doubt add tubes and other medical looking stuff


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