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Emperor's Children ...... Land Raider/ Name the Legion

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've actually been tinkering away a fair bit, lots of half finished stuff, then tinkering with already finished stuff, a terrible habit which is not conducive to getting an army done!! I shall have two Apothecaries done shortly, a redo of Van Galen and my latest character, Oleander Koh




Still a little more to do, but here he is at the moment!


Just as well I've a few medics, as Man down....




Saul took a tumble, his pointy finger is snapped, so the hand is requiring replacement, so I think i'll re-do the pose slightly, as I wasn't overly happy with it!! Just as well I've all these medics on the go.....

Alas, poor Saul will have to wait, I've slightly tinkered with his pose, not entirely sure with it at the moment. I may need to hack at a few more bits and pieces to get him to fit back together!!


Oleander is pretty much done, just need to take down the gloss varnish, but i'll pin wash him and get him based.


I've been dabbling with my purple recipe of late, and have come up with this... its actually significantly brighter and pinker than my existing efforts, so I love it. Just need to get my photo game on!




This will represent a Veteran Assault marine, modelled on IHF Seraph Strike Squad. I am seriously considering using Eidolon's helmet for the first 9 of the these dude, luckily the Sgt can have a bare head; its going to cost.....

I've been plodding away with the veterans! Actually really looking forward to doing some simple tacticals again!!


Anyway I should be able to get the squad up to 4, the other dudes will need to remain headless whilst I source more Eidolons helmets!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Alas, no time for Assault marines, not much time for anything really! Although I've now got 5 Eidolon helmets!!


However i did get sucked into to Lil Legends paint a Rhino, so I'm about 2/3rd of the way through the process!


Really thought I'd push the pink - does mean I'm going to have to re-pink my existing vehicles... damn it!!








I've got a marble effect going on with the door, doesn't quite show up on pics too well. Weathering and chipping next - always heart breaking scuffing up 3rd Legion stuff....

Well, I've currently had an impromptu trip back to the UK, so took the bits of Saul back to repair in my down time, so here he is after his repair! Took him to the place it all started, GW Dudley - not that its the actual original store, but hey ho!! I am crying at the cost differences between here and Oz!





  • 4 months later...

The trip back home, a new job and other real life shenanigans put a bit of a hold on my Third Legion antics! Well that and I've been suffering a slight Nurgle affliction which caused a slight dalliance with 40k era Death Guard, albeit that I converted them into late Heresy 30k, as show in my other thread! Now I've painted up my Dark Imperium set and got most of the new models in someway shape or form, so I can take a break from filth and grime and return to where it's at! The Glorious Third of course!!


This thing has been mocking me, sitting unfinished on my shelf for months! So with the new year and all.....




I blame Augustus for this, I kept reading his FireRaptor posts and got miffed he'd probably build it in a day, paint it in another! Haha!




Time to get on the pursuit of perfection once more....

I've made some decent progress on the Storm Eagle! I think it's looking rather snazzy!






I braced myself last night and did base layers and washes of the cockpit controls, something I'd been avoiding for months!! I'm hoping the tinted glass screen won't obscure the detail!

  • 2 weeks later...

Grrrr... all you people and your big projects and your progress and your glorious paint jobs. *shakes fist* Stop making me want to paint stuff I shouldn't be painting dammit!

Haha! True, you should be making Third Legion style armour trim! Or your own Storm Eagle kit..... the kit is a real pain up the ass, but it looks lovely! Can't wait to have it and my Assault Squad done!


Anyways, here are a few updates! Pretty much done the basic metals and golds, just more washes and glazes to add tone now! Then I'll do the underside my standard grey! Then it's weathering - which always pains me with Emperors Children.....










Need to get this done before Augustus' pips me with his Storm Eagle!!

A fantastic rendition of the III legion. Nice to see a army with such vivid colours in it. I must say your Chaplain inspired from the card art was a hightlight for me. Great work. Keep it up.



I'm glad you like Charmosian! Alas he died a little too easily! But I really did love the old skool card art. I do hope to get most of EC characters from the books done in one way shape of form!


On to the latest bit of progress! The Eagle is pretty much done, I'll just do some pin washing, final highlights on the gold before deciding on how much weathering i can bear to inflict on this beauty!!




I went a little crazy on the old undercarriage! Love a good tranfer!!




Such a satisfying bit of kit when it's all together!

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as the pilot and underbelly of the Eagle proved hugely popular,  I thought it time for something a little different!


I've seen a few Primaris 'conversions' knocking around, some are just straight up head swops, others are just in Legion colours. I saw the nerd rage boil over and shelved the idea, as I decided the new Death Guard models were big enough to tickle my fancy, Anyway, with my return to the EC I've been thinking about doing something with my Primaris DI left overs. Whilst it head swaps can work to a degrees, I'm too much of a stickler to the background to not do it to a certain standard myself, and make it at least semi 'historically' accurate.(yes, I blame you Fenbain!)


The great thing is that regular heads, backpacks, arms and shoulder pads all work on the Primaris fine without looking out of place, but it is the torso and legs that are the issue - the torso just doesn't look MKIV at all, and it is too long to swap out for a standard marine one. I considered green stuffing and using cables to better emulate it.


Then I realised the etched brass could nicely hide most of differences, so thats a big win for making nice easy Emperor's Children MKIV's out of Primaris models!


It was the legs, specifically the knee pads that bothered me. I was planning to attempt to sculpt some, but that involved effort and I always had other things to get on with. Then, I was walking by the plasti-card section on the local hobby store, and I had my eureka moment....



Really like the bigger scale, really does allow for some nice blends and fades.... and the pads don't look too shabby at all, even if I do say so myself!

Made a start on the basic armour shade, may add a few edge highlights and deepen the shading but thus far I'm pretty happy


I'm still pondering the helmet colouring for the Sgt. Probably a white one, which will be a real bugger to paint! Oh well, should have painted that first then masked it off!!


On to other exciting news.... I've mentioned in my blog that I like the idea of jetbike knights of old, a notion favoured by Fulgrim himself! So I managed to acquire a few bargain bikes that I've stripped down and rejuvenated---- I'll probably run these as skyslayers, as I've other ideas for skyhunters and a command squad....





With the excitement of the new Custodes jetbikes, it'd be incredibly remiss not to recreate some of the classic Heresy art of pink marines on eagle encrusted jetbikes!


Sadly, nothing is ever easy and it will take a fair bit of work to get marines to fit... something I neglected to consider before painting it up in all haste.....





I of course brought a load of scimitar pattern before the news of these beauties happened, but I'll now use these as heavy support, size matters after all.... 3 out of 5 pretty much done. I'll do the other 2 and start on transfers and light weathering.



Lovely! The purple is almost garish, fits well with the third legion.
Really liking what you've done with the primaris kit so far. If the torso is bothering you and since you already have a sheet of plasticard, why not try and expand the regular mk IV like something akin to this? http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/331356-heresy-era-legio-xiv-mortarions-finest/page-4?do=findComment&comment=4900307
Anyway, looking forward to see what you come up with next.

Lovely! The purple is almost garish, fits well with the third legion.

Really liking what you've done with the primaris kit so far. If the torso is bothering you...,,


Anyway, looking forward to see what you come up with next.

Cheers dude! The purples not far off full on Heretical! Maybe one day I'll go full chaosy on some dudes!!


As for the torso, I'm happy with it, but mainly cos the etched brass hides it all!! I'm impressed with your torso solution though!!


In other news....Initial ideas regarding this dry fit of decals? I sort of believe the EC should have an almost Codex level of vehicle markings but don't to overload it.


I'm torn on where to put the legion symbol - front or back!


And the yellow number? I was thinking this as vehicle number....









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