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Emperor's Children ...... Land Raider/ Name the Legion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks good.


You'll probably kill me but I reckon if you want the EC symbol on the front you should get rid of the Aquila on the nose r it could look a bit over done

Alas the Aquila is there to stay, but I've left the front relatively clear. Annoyingly the stripes obscure my nice transitions!! Oh well....


I've made a start on the riders, as the bikes are pretty much done!


For those interested this is how I build up the layers of colour!




Pretty standard marines, but I've made the Sgt look a bit fancier!!


Now, I built the pink with about 4 thin layers of the pink/magenta mix




Then I shade with thin inks in recesses.




This is the pink done, bar the extreme shade/outlining!


Should have the unit all done this week!!

Forgive the noob question, but how exactly do you do the first three steps in the process?


You undercoat black and then..? I ask 'cause I currently undercoat black and then laboriously drybrush everything with Ceramite White to get a much messier version of what you have in the monochrome pics before beginning the application of fifty shades of purple.

Forgive the noob question, but how exactly do you do the first three steps in the process?


You undercoat black and then..? I ask 'cause I currently undercoat black and then laboriously drybrush everything with Ceramite White to get a much messier version of what you have in the monochrome pics before beginning the application of fifty shades of purple.

It's all airbrush - you could probably get away with a cheap Chinese eBay one and buy a can of compressed air if you want to dip your toe into that field. Alternatively a few light dusting of grey then white primer using a rattle can will have a similar effect, if not less control. It'll be a pain drybrushing!!


Glad you guys approve of the pink!


I'll have them finished shortly but got distracted by something.... more details on my blog!!




Something big and purple this way comes

As I mentioned last time, the Death Guard doors had to go.... unfortunately it was a bit of an effort pushing them out and getting this pimpin' door from the Command Land Raider to fit!!


Thankfully a dremel can fix a multitude of sins!


This is but the start of the embellishment……



Well, so begins the base magenta layers and dark purple shading. This has been around 5 coats of the magenta mix to get the colour right. Then to ensure insane brightness i've added an off white/yellow to the extreme highlights.






The tail section has been chipped and then reglazed with very thin layers of high pigment ink over the pre-highlight, I'll have to re-detail the chip layer somewhat, but it does give a nice scratched paint effect.



More progress on the big bird! The joy of a gazillion thin coats of pink....








Happy with the base layer - now time to bling it up!!

Great progress, the different tones in the pink work really well to create the effects of orbital re-entry scorching the craft.

Thanks! I was just wary of it looking a little much like a big pink blob without! Plus I've got that same pink fade going on with the rest of my vehicles!!


The latest effects are in progress -- Heresy is all about the pin stripes!!



The way the purple fades into pink is most impressive. Your painting skills are enviable.


Thanks! It does require a lot of very thin coats and back n forth, but I like the overall effect. I really think you have to go a little OTT with the EC


Michael Durant, we won't forget you.


Excellent and speedy work my friend!!!

Progress has slowed unfortunately thanks to work commitments! Night shifts really mess me up!


Here's the latest instalment....


Thought I'd go for a marbled effect on the front






Quite happy with how this is looking, shall darken it a bit with some Tamiya smoke!

I demand a tutorial for thoae true scale marines!

I'll see what I can do....


Here's the marble effect more or less done. I'll re-define the veins and reduce the gloss coat!








Am rather pleased with how it's all looking!!

I'm hesitant to criticize a technically impressive paintjob - and I kind of feel like a random Florentine approaching Da Vinci and asking if he's sure be wants to do that - but I honestly don't think it works.


It looks like it crashlanded on a bunker and then somehow kept going.


Subjective and everything.

I'm hesitant to criticize a technically impressive paintjob but I honestly don't think it works.


It looks like it crashlanded on a bunker and then somehow kept going.

I'm, kind of in agreement. If the marble was, say, white or pink marble instead of the blue-grey it is, then it would look like it fits on the model. As-is, the marble looks a bit too much like the GW standard "unpainted metal" you see on terrain.


Like, that'd be awesome for terrain, but it doesn't fit the Thunderhawk.


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