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The Heresy of Col.Hertford, Reaver ready for war


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This Plog is to motivate me to build and paint numerous models I have in my collection. Firstly, why now? Well for me the hobby started when I got copies of ‘Space Marine’, ‘Codex Titanicus’ and a couple of sets of ‘Battle Titans’ 25+ years ago. How I loved the setting and narrative, brother against brother (and purging the filthy Xeno). The second edition rules built on this, even if the fluff moved to 40K and the titan creation rules dumbed it down a bit. I hated the third edition rules. All the time I played Epic, I wished for Horus Heresy in 32mm.


A few years ago, the Librarians at Forge World heard my suffering and released the Horus Heresy books and models. Admittedly I think it lost something on the reboot, but I still said “yes please”, flung too much money at my computer screen, and bought a large selection of infantry.


Then kids and work then got in the way, so they have lived in my loft for the last couple of years. With the release of the Warlord Titan my interest is back and I have embarked on this, a very ambitious project, to build several legion forces and supporting arms of Imperial and Traitor forces.


The list below is all the models I have at my disposal for the project so far:


House Makabius

Traitor Knight household indentured to the Death Guard, consist of:

- Knight Acheron




- Knight lancer

- Knight Paladin

- Knight Paladin

- Knight Errant

- Knight Crusader

- Knight Prophyrion


Legion I – Space Wolves






This will be made from a mix of mkiii and mkIV plastic infantry. If and when mkII come out, these will be added then.


- Russ

- Preator

- Legion Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 19 Tactical Marines)

- Legion Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 19 Tactical Marines)

- Breacher Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 7 Breachers with bolters, 2 Breachers with melta guns)

- Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 9 marines with melta guns)

- Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-plasma, 9 marines with plasma guns)

- Contemptor talon (1 Contemptor with Melta and fist, 2 Contemptors with assault cannon and fist)

- Cataphractii Terminator Squad (1 Sergeant with Power sword and combi-bolter, 9 marines weapon fits to be decided)

- Legion Heavy Support Squad (1 Sergeant with missile launcher, 4 Marines with missile launchers)

- Three drop pods.


Legion XIV - Death Guard


These are my main legion. This is a mainly resin force and has first dibs on the best toys that Forge World and Games Workshop release. While my favourite, these will be worked on in parallel to the other forces as I want to get them right. The Marines are mostly MKIII, with MKII and a few MKIVs included. I will get a resin Death Guard Contemptor in due course.


· Preator

· Chaplian

· Legion Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 19 Tactical Marines)

· Legion Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 19 Tactical Marines)

· Breacher Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 7 Breachers with bolters, 2 Breachers with melta guns)

· Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 9 marines with melta guns)

· Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-flamer, 9 marines with flamers)

· Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-plasma, 9 marines with volkite Chargers)

· Legion Heavy Support Squad (1 Sergeant with missile launcher, 4 Marines with missile launchers)

· Legion Heavy Support Squad (1 Sergeant with auto-cannon, 9 Marines with auto-cannons)

· Cataphractii Terminator Squad (1 Sergeant with Power sword and combi-bolter, 9 marines weapon fits to be decided)

· Contemptor talon (1 Contemptor with Melta and fist, 1 Contemptor with assault cannon and fist)

· Rapier battery (3 Rapier platforms with laser destroyers)

· Leviathan talon (1 Leviathan with dual claws, 1 Leviathan with claw and drill)

· Vindicator

· Typhon

· Avenger


Legion XX – Alpha Legion




This is just for kicks. I love the blue/green colour scheme for this legion. This will be mainly plastics with a few bits of resin thrown in. I’m not planning to give these terminators as yet. I will get a resin Alpha Legion Contemptor in due course but at the moment I can’t see this ever approaching the size of my other legion forces, but you never know until paint hits.


· Legion Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 19 Tactical Marines)

· Legion Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 19 Tactical Marines)

- 10 Marine Breacher Squad with Phobos Pattern Landraider.

· Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-melta, 4 marines with melta guns)

· Legion Tactical Support Squad (1 Sergeant with Combi-plasma, 4 marines with plasma guns)

- 10 marine Legion Tactical Support Squad with Volkites

- Contemptor talon (1 Contemptor with assault Cannon)

- Legion Heavy Support Squad (1 Sergeant with missile launcher, 4 Marines with missile launchers)

- Legion Heavy Support Squad with 5 marines with volkite culverins

- Legion Heavy Support Squad with 5 marines with Autocannons


Legio Tempestus


Members of the Triad Ferrum of Mars. They are one of the three original Titan Legions.


· Reaver Titan with Power fist, triple barrelled laser destructor, and apocalypse launcher




· Warlord Titan with two bellicose volcano cannons and two triple barrelled laser destructors.




Legio Gryphonicus


My original Titan legion consisting of a single Lucius Pattern Warhound. This will not be expanded for the foreseeable future.




Legio Mortis


Warlord Titan


Adeptus Mechanicus




Infantry support for Legio Tempestus which will be clad in the red livery of Mars.


- 2 x 10 man Skitarii Vanguard squad

- 1 x 10 man Skitarii rangers squad

- 2 x dune crawlers

- Tech preist

- Castellan Maniple (2 robots and a tech priest handler)


- Magos Dominus

- 3 x Castellax battle automata

- 3 x Thallax

- 10 tech Thralls with Las-locks

- Krios

- Triaros

- Ordinatus Ulator


House Terryn


My first four stock knights are being painted as house Terryn.

· Knight Paladin

· Knight Errant

· Knight (variable load out)

· Knight (variable load out)


Note: This thread will be mainly about the Heresy, but I will shoe horn in my other imperial forces (40K Space Marines and Imperial Guard) from time to time.

First up is my Reaver Class Battle Titan.


Certificate number: 1855

Titan Name: 'Bellator ferrea' (Warrior of Iron)

Class: Reaver Class Battle Titan

Pattern: Mars Pattern

Primary Armament: Reaver Titan laser blaster (right arm), Power fist (left arm), and Reaver carapace apocalypse missile launcher.

Titan Legio: Legio Tempestus


The Titan is currently under construction. Unlike the previous Warhound which is from the Legio Gryphonicus (Which may appear in another post) this Reaver, and my soon to follow Warlord will be from Legio Tempestus. The reasoning is that:

1. They were one of the three oldest Titan legions, the Triad Ferrum Morgulus.

2. They fought on both sides of the Heresy

3. The background is good

4. They still exist in 40k, and finally,

5. They just look damn good in blue urban camo and black and white checks


Here's the work so far:


And a close up of the shoulder with the Forge World Number.


And the other shoulder...


And some support troops...


Update time, I've been building some plastic marines from the Betrayal at Calth set. These are ear marked for the first legion. So far this is what I have built:



A 20 marine Legion Tactical Squad



A 5 marine Legion heavy support Demi squad



The first 4 marines in a legion tactical support squad with melta



The first 4 marines in a legion tactical support squad with plasma


And finally, the two dreads I have reposed.




My next job is finish the last two tactical support marines, the on to basing the painting.

I've finished my test model for the Alpha Legion, the Dark Angel model is still being worked on. I have to say the new Forge World transfers are absolutely fantastic. The carrier film is nice and thin and it only needed one micro sol application to adhere to the shoulder and remove the air bubbles. Here's the pictures:










Thanks for stopping by!

I used the guidance in Lady Atia's thread. It needed three or four coats of blue, then just put a few blotches of green in different places.




I enjoyed painting this model and I'm seriously thinking I will just start these while I work out how to paint the Dark Angels. Lack is a right pain...

  • 3 weeks later...

Update time!


Been building a few bits and bobs. Today's post is an update on my Reaver.


Finished the Pistons, toes and started the apocalypse launcher. I also repaired the power fist after a major case of dropping.


He's the pictures




C&C welcome!

  • 4 weeks later...

Update time!


With the weekender coming up, I really wanted to get a small force together. I think it will be a couple of House Makabuis Knights and a small force of Death Guard. I'm still finalising the list. I'll be posting pictures of the models I'm working on later this week, but suffice to say it's going to be a bit of a stretch to finish.


Over Christmas I got a bit of work done on my Reaver 'Bellator ferrea' (Warrior of Iron). I've had some problems with the heads resin, which has held me up. I just couldn't get it clean so I got an ultrasonic bath. If this don't work, I'll be contacting FW. This is where I'm up too.





Also, how do I change the post title? Do I need to ask a mod?

Also, how do I change the post title? Do I need to ask a mod?


Edit the first post (use the full editor) and you should have the option to change the title of the thread and the tags as well as the usual editing options.

@ Oils, many thanks for the assistance.


@ Saul Invictus, yeah the Titan scheme is good, reminds me of my miss spent youth playing Adeptus Titanicus. I'm glad FW are improving the original Titan Legio Colour schemes, while still remaining faithful to the original intent. I hope I can get the models built and painted and I have made a lot of progress (largely due to my computer dying), so we will see :)


Will hope to update tonight.

Today's post is about my Forgeworld Cerastus Knight Acheron. He will be the Scenchel of a House Makabuis force to support my Death Guard, but more on these in a future post. I've assembled the legs, and hips. The leg plates are dry fitted to check the pose hasn't caused issues.


The poor B@C dread is in a bad way I'm afraid, unfortunately the two large cuts in the torso are mostly hidden by the foot, but the missing arm is evidence of the unequal battle that occurred here.


What do people think about the dread weapon, should this be added to the base as well?


So far I'm loving the model and will definately get another or two. I want to get the body, arms and Pistons built tomorrow and Saturday for under coating Sunday, when the good weather is said to arrive.











Sorry about the picture quality, taken on my iPad.


Thanks for stopping by.


The long hobby war contiunes!

The long painting and modelling war of my new knight force, I have a partially painted House Terryn force, has continued over the last couple of days. Then yesterday, FW set the cat amongst the pidgeons, by releasing there FAQ. All types of plastic Knights are HH legal, therefore with the four Knights I have (in pieces), I can field the major component of a HH army. I will still build a few DG models to support as an allied detachment, but Knights are quicker.... Kind of....


The second Titan is underway, this time a trusty knight paladin. The build is finished and the paint has started. I've currently gone lighter on the shoulder colours than FW Castigator. I'm likely to add a carapace weapon system (magnetised) to the knight, but this can happen later.






The Knight Anchron is progressing also. (Note: the body is tacked to the hips and the armour is dry fitted).






The leg pistons are underway. The ankles are done.




as is one hip joint.




The last hip joint, due to the pose, needs a longer piston shaft. A bit of brass or plasticard rod will need to found to facilitate this. I've also cleaned much of the model. When I build my lancer, I will try to be more methodical, as I find myself doing a bit here and there. Need to get more focused!


Hope you have enjoyed the post. Next time, more paint!


The long hobby war contiunes...

@Macloren, cheers for the comment and suggestion in you thread. I took it on board but more on that later.


@lets you down, Legio Tempestus are great aren't they. hopefully they will have the transfers on show at the weekender. Also, I want to see picture when you start it!


I'm getting there with the Acheron build.




The greater part of it is done now, just top hatch, pistons, and fuel tank/ hose to build. I've even got a bit of paint onto ought img waiting for some tamiya smelly flat aluminium for the chassis. The pose I've gone for is surveying the battle field for the next kill.




I fixed the hip piston with the plastic tube of a cotton bud. I had to shave the piston a bit, but it won't show on the finished model.


Finally I've started building knight #3 who will end up as a knight errant. I've reposed it based of Bolter & Chainswords Macloren who has done a couple of fantastic Knight conversions.




As always, comments and suggestions welcome.


The long hobby war contiunes...

@ Depthcharge12, glad too provide the entertainment!


The Knights painting has started in earnest. The metal is Tamiya Flat Aluminium applied with an airbrush.






This is the base FW used for their Cerastus Knight Castigator and I really like the colour. I will be washing the chassis several times in a 1:1:1:1 mix of lahmian medium, seraphim sepia, nuln oil and water. The gold trim is a pain, so I have ordered some retributor armour to see if I can reduce the number of coats required. It's been five coats so far on the Acherons carapace, and its translucent in places still.


I had a brain fart while sorting out the armoured fuel lines, and got the two ends mixed up. I happily started shaving down the end that should attach to the gun! This will set the build back while I fix it, but I can add it later I suppose.




This week I hope to get all the armour plates painted for all four Knights. The transfer set is out next week and my set is on order. So next weekend, I want to get these applied.


Finally, Look what arrived Friday!




The long hobby war contiunes...

A quick update tonight. I'm working hard on the Knights and... Argh, I've run out of black paint!

The last two nights have seen progress on the armour plates of my Questorius Knights. I decided batch painting was the way to go.




Looking at the heads of the three known Knights from House Makabius, two in volume four Tempest and the Castigator on the FW site, they all seem to have a grey/black brow and a white/cream chin. I've followed this on all four Knights (including the Acheron). The knee caps in the official pictures show the left knee is white/cream and the right is grey/black. For variety (in that I can't count too three it seems), I've painted one with two white/cream knees.


I'm still waiting for the gold paint, but I can gloss varnish areas to get ready for transfers this week. Hopefully the transfers will arrive Friday or Saturday.


Let me know what to think?


The long painting war continues...

Another quick post tonight. This evening, me and my loyal hounds, journeyed to sorting office to pick up my box of paint. As soon as I got home, I got the brushes out and hit the Acheron. Here's what I finished with tonight. Still have a lot of train on the chain fist, but getting most of the trim has started making the model pop. The gold isn't as light as I had hoped, but I think it works well. What do you think?




The vanquished dreadnaught is starting to get colour too. Blue colours, who could that be?




Argh, forgot to drill the exhausts.... I need to fix it....


And if you wonder what I did last night? ....




The long hobby war contiunes...


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