Relict Posted November 24, 2015 Share Posted November 24, 2015 "Monuments are dust, tales merely words, soon forgotten, but blood - blood is forever." - The Primarch Angron The Primarch Angron Master of the World Eaters, The Red Angel, Slaughterer of Nations, The Undefeated Angron, most bloody-handed and savage of the Primarchs, was the master of the World Eaters Legion. In his youth cast upon a world of brutal oppression he was enslaved and surgically mutilated to become a gladiator in the games of death, where he became the undefeated lord of the red sands, a killer without peer. After leading a doomed slave revolt the Emperor saved him from dying with his rebellion and placed him at the head of his Legion, but he never forgave the Emperor for the death of his followers, nor was any love lost between him and his fellow Primarchs. When Horus began his rebellion, Angron was quick to join in his treachery, but his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within him. Khârn The Bloody Captain of the World Eaters 8th Assault Company, The Twice Un-Slain, The Ender Although a skilled warrior and duelist, Khârn was but a line captain at the time of Angron's rediscovery by the Imperium, yet soon rose to become his Primarch's equerry and one of the few individuals whose counsel he ever heeded. While the crude cybernetic implants, known as the Butcher's Nails, drove Angron ever further into bloodlust and rebellion, it was Khârn who acted as the voice of reason, often managing to bring his master back from the brink of insanity and curbing the worst of his bloody excesses. But Khârn was by no means immune to the cancerous rage which afflicted his Legion, and it was upon the ravaged surface of Isstvan III as the World Eaters turned on their brothers that he first surrendered himself fully to the bloodshed and slaughter. At the height of the battle, Khârn fell during a confrontation with Garviel Loken of the Sons of Horus, impaled upon the ram of a Land Raider and left for dead by his own comrades, but somehow he survived. His eventual return to the front line was seen by many of the World Eaters as nothing short of miraculous and further enhanced his legend within his Legion, and seemed to many a sure sign that he still had some dark destiny yet to achieve in the bloody days to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted November 24, 2015 Author Share Posted November 24, 2015 Centurion-Captain Voss Captain of the World Eaters 77th Company, The Iron Devourer The de facto commander of the entire III Echelon, Centurion-Captain Voss was as powerful as he was mysterious. As a young lieutenant, Voss had spent a decade seconded to the IV Legion, where he gained an appreciation for armored warfare. Upon attaining command of the 77th Battle Company, Voss shaped his tactics in accordance with those of his IV Legion hosts. Although he honored Angron as his gene-sire, Voss remained indifferent to the mindless fury that the coming of the Primarch brought to the XII Legion - to Voss, warfare was a calculated affair that needed to be prosecuted with merciless efficiency. Personally refusing the Butcher's Nails implants, Voss instilled such draconian discipline in his men that battlefield disorder was kept to a minimum. At the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Voss led the entirety of the III Echelon - some 2,800 Legionaries with a sizable armored contingent - to Isstvan III. There, Voss revealed his true allegiance, following Angron to the ruins of the Choral City as part of the World Eaters second wave to slaughter those he had once called brothers. It was a mystery as to how Voss - a dedicated warrior who remained true to the ideals of the old War Hounds with few friends among his fellow officers - escaped the purge of suspected loyalists in the first place. Rumors spoke of the Warrior Lodges that permeated the ranks of the Isstvan III Legions in the decades prior to the Horus Heresy. Perhaps Voss, ever a taciturn soul who shunned the company of all except a select few, succumbed to the whispers of darkness within the confines of one such foul confraternity. Ancient Helvast Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought of the World Eaters 77th Battle Company, The Storm Bringer One of the oldest extant Dreadnoughts in the whole of the XII Legion, Helvast had been a Terran Legionary inducted shortly before Angron was found. As a World Eater under the Legion's new master, Helvast racked up an impressive count of victories before falling under the axe of an Ork warboss. Following his interment within the sarcophagus of a mighty Contemptor Dreadnought, Helvast acted as an advisor to the officers of his beloved 77th Battle Company. His mind unburdened by the Butcher's Nails, the Dreadnought was a calming influence to the mindless rages of the younger Legionaries. It is unknown why such a respected and dedicated warrior would turn from the Emperor's service, but turn he did. When the Traitors took to the field on Isstvan V, Helvast was among them, his twin power claws reaping a fearsome toll among the Raven Guard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted November 24, 2015 Author Share Posted November 24, 2015 Command Squad Terminator Squad Apothecarion Section Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted November 24, 2015 Author Share Posted November 24, 2015 Scimitar Jetbike Squadron Uragan Considered the elite of the various outrider and reconnaissance units attached to the III Echelon, Scimitar jetbike squadrons such as this one were typically deployed in a rapid assault role, their speed and agility meaning that they could bring their powerful armaments to bear quickly and efficiently. Each Legionary of the Squadron Uragan was a veteran - as the twinned iconographies of the World Eaters and War Hounds would attest. Squadron Uragan was deployed into the wastelands beyond the Urgall Depression in the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre, the whine of their engines quickly becoming dreaded by the scattered Loyalist survivors of the three shattered Legions as the squadron mercilessly hunted them down one by one. During the Shadow Crusade, the III Echelon's de facto commander, Centurion-Captain Voss, used such squadrons to hamper Loyalist armored formations, performing lightning hit-and-run attacks along the enemy's vulnerable flanks. Javelin Speeder Retiarius Sicaran Battle Tank Murmillo Encountered in the ruined city of Appia on the devastated world of Ulixes during the Shadow Crusade, Sicarans such as this example were used by the World Eaters to spearhead their assault on the Ultramarines. Favored for their potent combination of speed, firepower, and armor, the III Echelon under the command of Centurion-Captain Voss committed over one hundred vehicles to the surface, alongside two to three times that number of Predators. While the lesser tanks suffered significant attrition despite the use of infantry screens, Sicaran losses were minimal. The size of this deployment indicates that at least some of the units were, in fact, former Loyalist vehicles captured or salvaged in the Isstvan System. This particular vehicle was known to have accounted for at least seven Loyalist vehicles of various classes by the time this pict-capture was recorded, as indicated by the kill-marks painted on its left flank. Later committed to other battles of the Shadow Crusade, Murmillo was confirmed to have been destroyed during the Purge of Nuceria, incinerated by a Reaver-class Titan of the stalwart Legio Oberon. Sicaran Battle Tank Thrax Spartan Assault Tank In Wrath Clad Depicted here as it appeared at the outbreak of the inter-Legion hostilities, this vehicle is one of five examples of its type assigned to the 77th Battle Company. The In Wrath Clad served as the personal transport of Centurion-Captain Voss throughout both the late Great Crusade and early Horus Heresy eras, the rumble of its mighty treads having been heard in both the Isstvan System and Ultramar itself. Already heavily armored and powerfully armed, the In Wrath Clad had been further upgraded with advanced auspex and vox systems to serve as a command vehicle. Furthermore, its speed allowed it to keep up with the formations of rapidly advancing Sicaran and Predator tanks that Voss was known to favor. In addition to standard World Eater iconography, the In Wrath Clad also displayed the image of the collar hound on its starboard hatch - a proud reminder of the XII Legion of old, unsurprising given the fact that the bulk of the Legionaries serving in the III Echelon's armored units, as well as the Centurion-Captain himself, were once War Hounds. The In Wrath Clad would outlive its master, enduring the fires of the Horus Heresy up until the Traitors' assault on the Sol System itself. Its burnt-out, shattered hulk was identified in the aftermath of the Siege of Terra. An ignominious end for a once-noble machine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted November 24, 2015 Author Share Posted November 24, 2015 "Humanity's nature is war, an undeniable fact to any student of history, but to what end? Merely survival perhaps? Such many will claim, but this accounts for so little of all we have accomplished by way of wonders and terrors both. I contest that war is no more than a natural clearing of the earth; a purge which we instinctively known is needed so that greater things can be built, greater heights achieved, and greater dreams made real for generations to come. Man will kill without hesitation to survive, yes, but man will die in glory unrivaled for the future yet unborn." - From the Book of Nine Cryptographs, Unknown Author, M7 Legionary Decimus Avitus 1st Century, 204th Company, 10th Chapter, XIII Legion Ultramarines Pict-Capture: [REDACTED] Commonly known as Decimus the Younger within the 204th Company, in deference to the esteemed commander of the 4th Century, Legionary Decimus Avitus was nevertheless a formidable warrior. A native of Calth, Legionary Avitus had not set foot on any of the Five Hundred Worlds since his induction into the 10th Chapter, his duties having taken him to the xenos-infested galactic northeast in the final years of the Great Crusade. With only nineteen years of service, his elevation into the ranks of the 1st, or Primus, Century was remarkable - an honor earned with his unyielding courage in the face of even the foulest of alien horrors. Tragically, Legionary Avitus would never see Ultramar again. The 204th Company, like many other independent Legiones Astartes commands during the Horus Heresy, simply vanished in the shadows cast by the Ruinstorm. Where and against what foe they had fallen are not known - no survivors or identifiable remains were ever recovered. In 017.M31, Legionary Avitus, along with the 1,232 other Legionaries on the company roster, was listed as killed in action and removed from the XIII Legion's order of battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted November 25, 2015 Share Posted November 25, 2015 Awesome! Great to see another Shadow Crusade project ^,^ The 500 Worlds must burn!!! For the Ruinstorm! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allart01 Posted November 25, 2015 Share Posted November 25, 2015 I dig your World Eaters, but you already know that. Can't wait to see your Ultras. I'm following this topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantioch Posted November 25, 2015 Share Posted November 25, 2015 Looking great man, the blue on that ultra is glorious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted December 21, 2015 Author Share Posted December 21, 2015 Legionary Claudius Strabo 1st Century, 204th Company, 10th Chapter, XIII Legion Ultramarines Pict-Capture: [REDACTED] The son of a prosperous Macraggian merchant family, Legionary Claudius Strabo would have been a man of wealth and taste had fate not decreed differently. His first combat action saw him and his unit pitted against the nightmarish war-constructs of the Hestian Combine, a race of abominable intelligences that had long since destroyed their makers. In the battles of that hard-fought campaign, Legionary Strabo demonstrated a stubborn tenacity that few others could match, earning himself scars and accolades alike. Legionary Strabo was equipped with a suit of Cataphractii Tactical Dreadnought Armor. While its systems were not as advanced as the later Tartaros or Indomitus types, the Cataphractii's heavy plating proved invaluable to the line-breaker units throughout the XIII Legion. Legionary Strabo's armor was further embellished with trims wrought from precious and semi-precious metals, resulting in a regal appearance befitting of his status as a warrior of the 1st Century. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted December 30, 2015 Author Share Posted December 30, 2015 Veteran Sergeant Quintus Nazarius & Veteran Legionary Gnaeus Lentulus 1st Century, 204th Company, 10th Chapter, XIII Legion Ultramarines Pict-Capture: [REDACTED] Terran Legionaries both, Veteran Sergeant Quintus Nazarius and Veteran Legionary Gnaeus Lentulus represented the last vestiges of the War-born of old in the ranks of the 1st Century. The two were often described as inseparable, their particular specialties complementing one another perfectly in battle. Veteran Sergeant Nazarius ranked as one of the finest swordsmen in the whole of the Ultramarines - his skills with the gladius so impeccable that they had once earned him the praise of Roboute Guilliman himself. In sharp contrast, Veteran Legionary Lentulus preferred to rely upon his expert marksmanship with the Phobos-pattern combi-melta and the unstoppable might of his power fist, a combination he wielded with deadly purpose at his Terran brother's side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted February 7, 2016 Author Share Posted February 7, 2016 Terminator Squad Pydna 1st Century, 204th Company, 10th Chapter, XIII Legion Ultramarines Pict-Capture: [REDACTED] As part of a long-standing tradition dating back to the 204th Company's founding, the elite 1st Century was divided into two distinctive bodies - Terminator squads and veteran tactical squads. Squad Pydna, named in honor of the costliest victory in company history, stood first among equals. Each Legionary was equipped with a suit of late-production Cataphractii Tactical Dreadnought Armor outfitted with the most advanced systems that the Mechanicum could provide. With advanced weapons training and full access to the company armory, Squad Pydna could configure itself to face any foe imaginable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted February 16, 2016 Author Share Posted February 16, 2016 Veteran Tactical Squad Zama 1st Century, 204th Company, 10th Chapter, XIII Legion Ultramarines [Pict-Capture: REDACTED] The three veteran Legionaries depicted here were fully equipped with late-production Mark IV "Maximus" armor. Records indicate that the 204th Company was fully rearmed and resupplied following their recall from the frontiers of the Eastern Fringe. In preparation for [REDACTED], the 204th Company received not only the finest weapons and armor from the Legion depots on Armatura (some of which were diverted from shipments originally earmarked for replenishing other expeditionary fleets) but also enough munitions and supplies to equip several line companies of equal size. The veteran Legionaries are shown wearing the gold-trimmed Ultima - an honor bestowed upon all who had earned entry into the 1st Century. Other markings indicate that the three had previously served in line tactical formations. In addition to the standard issue Tigrus-pattern boltguns and Ikanos-pattern bolt pistols, the veteran Legionaries also each carried a gladius - a weapon that came to symbolize the Ultramarines as much as the roaring chainaxe did the World Eaters or the sinister manreaper did the Death Guard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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