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Is a Chapter Tactic really adapted to Blood Angels ?

Frater Antodeniel

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Hello everyone,


Though we already, for most of us, discuss of this matters in a way or another, a new element recently appear, that bring clearance to the Blood Angels Strategic Tendencies.


Here are the 30k Blood Angels informations :


Strategic Tendencies :

- High Intensity Warfare

- Strategic Decapitation Strikes

- Planetary Interdiction Campaign

- Multi-vector and Sub-orbital attack


Knowing that the 40k Blood Angels (1st, 2nd and 3thr fondations mostly) retained most of their Legion Tendencies.....how could we traduct this into 40k rules ?....




Actually, we all know that one of the Blood Angels Codex main problem, is the unbalanced "chapter tactic" compared to any other astartes chapters. (Especially, the White Scars....)


So, in the end there is two way to solve this as i'm seeing the present situation :


First : Blood Angels Chapter Doctrine (Same presentation than made in the SM Codex) with :

 - Furious Charge and +1 Perma initiative

 - Skilled Rider for Flyers and Skimmers


Second : A Blood Angels Chapter Doctrine, unit by unit, the same way the Furious Charge is include in the 7th Ed, in the units datasheets, with rules variation from a unit to another, like this :

 - Tactics and Scouts: Furious Charge + Fleet

 - Elite (Sane units^^) : Furious Charge + 1 initiative

 - Elite (Insane units^^) : Furious Charge + Rage (So unchanged^^)

 - Fast Attack (Assault Squad) : Furious Charge + Move Trough Cover

 - Support (Devastators) : Furious Charge + Counter Attack

 - Skimmers : Skilled Rider

 - Flyers : Skilled Rider


(And for the Detachment Benefits, the Flesh Tearers one, +1 attack on charge for a +10roll, that, i think is adapted to all Blood Angels chapter in the end.)



So, what's your point of view ? How about your vision of High Intensity Warfare ? =)

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Almost every piece of fluff in the 5th edition codex should be viewed with a very skeptical eye. Ward Codices all do their damnest to convince you how whatever their given subject is the bee's knees. Look at 5th edition Space Marines (clearly meant as Ultra centric). 5th edition Gray Knights, horrid SoB mutilation aside, was the same way. As was the Necrons. As was us Blood Angels.


Look over the book. We have the most Land Raiders (cough cough buy some THEY DEEP STRIKE OMG cough cough). We are 'more psychically gifted' (cough cough buy this new LIBRARIAN DREADNOUGHT IT CAN EVEN FLY). Blood Angels are the most skilled artisans (cough cough look at dat NIPPLE ARMOR so good for conversions!!). Did we mention their SUPER SECRET FLYER that only they (and soon to be Gray Knights..) have! Ward said over Land Speeders were amazing. He even said Blood Angel Bikers were third only to the White Scars and Ravenwing. Where in the hell did that even come from? It goes on and on...


This is a long post so I'll get to the point. Some good things came from the 5th edition codex. Sanguinary Guard. Sanguinor. The Sanguinary Priest/ Chaplain duality. Some awesome kits and even some cool bits of fluff. But its good to remember that Ward wrote fluff sell GWs flavor of the month. Filter the 5th edition through the lens of 3rd edition fluff, and what was chosen to remain in the 7th edition codex.

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To be fair, I like the nipple armor (which has been around since second edition with the Blood Angel Captain). And the Storm Raven (from what I remember), was always supposed to be for everyone, not just for the BA. We were just the first 'dex to have it.


But yeah, when it comes to 'dexs, I basically put priority in what seventh says above fifth. 


I just don't ever remember us having the most skilled skimmer pilots.

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Well, even if we keep part of the 5th Ed fluff aside, Blood Angels still remains the "Aerial" Legion.


By logic, our strongest point are supposed to be everything that can fly => Jump Pack units, Land Speeders, Flyers.



Look over the book. We have the most Land Raiders (cough cough buy some THEY DEEP STRIKE OMG cough cough). We are 'more psychically gifted' (cough cough buy this new LIBRARIAN DREADNOUGHT IT CAN EVEN FLY). Blood Angels are the most skilled artisans (cough cough look at dat NIPPLE ARMOR so good for conversions!!). Did we mention their SUPER SECRET FLYER that only they (and soon to be Gray Knights..) have! Ward said over Land Speeders were amazing. He even said Blood Angel Bikers were third only to the White Scars and Ravenwing. Where in the hell did that even come from? It goes on and on...


1 - I have always been sceptical about the fact the Blood Angels possessed a lot of Land Raider, it doesn't really fit their post-HH Terra battle....

2 - More Psychically gifted, the global fluff and Sanguinius Powers tend to prove this point. But, to know if it means that our psyker are more powerfull or if the Blood of Sanguinius (During the Insanguination process) help to unlock/master more easily the young psyker, is a thing that still need to be answered.

3 - Their armour are the personnal taste of the legion^^.

4 - Land Speeder part can be seen as logical, given the Legion/Chapter Strategical Tendencies.

5 - We give the Stormraven, but we still didn't got the Stormtalon...not a fair trade ;s

6 - I think that this part about the Blood Angels bikers only exist to justify the presence of bikes within the Blood Angels miniature range. Why keep bikes when you can fly ?^^, i think that GW is a little too shy to suppress the bikes from even a single spaces marines range. (Or if Blood Angels have bikes, it should be costy Anti-grav ones...)


But you forgot what is the Biggest mistake within the BA fluff, the "imagined conflict" with the mechanicum about the Predator Baal....no seriously, can anyone with the minimum fluff knowledge accept such a non sense ? The Baal Predator STC was found during the Great Crusade, so it must have been shared with the mechanicum. And what to thing about the DA speeders STC found in M36 ? not shared ? the Mechanicum took it well ?....This whole part of fluff about the Blood Angels having problem with the mechanicum is a fluff/historical nonsense.

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